Posts Tagged Amanda
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Amanda likes having her cake, eating it too, then reminding everyone she ate the entire cake for herself.
Panel 2 is going on my Favorite Things list.
She doesn't "skip" a beat.
“Your daughter is plotting to savage an octopus as of this past Friday. In hindsight, I should have told you then.” – – – – – Wanted to let everyone know, I have attained an Artist Alley spot at this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I probably should have just copy-pasted the last page's Big Ringing Bell, but naaaaaah.
Bit of a narrative slip on this one, don't think I gave the kids enough time to properly eat. Woops.
I'm technically a black belt in Tae Kwon Do but so long out of practice and so out-of-shape I probably couldn't even get a Hap Ki Do pulled off on an errant bunny.
If Amanda was an Argonian right now, she'd be Dances-With-Abandon.
Quick business post: After much consideration, I’ve decided to restructure the Selkie/Sue and Kathryn Patreon campaign into a Free-Will Donation format, which means merging all the content into a simple Patrons Only tier. More info can be found on the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In my head canon, Andi just had no idea how to set up a room for an eight-year old so she's winging it with a shopping trip.
In an early draft, Amanda deliberately refused to bring Keisha along since it was her biological mom reclaiming her and not an adoption. I feel like Amanda is closer to Keisha than anyone else and wouldn't deliberately reject or deny her, but she'd still much rather not share her new life if given a choice.