638 results.
by Dave
on June 1, 2015
at 12:01 am
She makes a good first impression.
Pohl strikes me as the type whose smartphone is filled with small casual games that he's played once or twice then forgotten about.
by Dave
on May 29, 2015
at 12:03 am
Fwoosh. Also, just feel like sharing the music I inked this strip to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMl8CraRBk0
Scripted sound effects for Panel 6, but I think it's more effective without.
by Dave
on May 27, 2015
at 12:06 am
I don't think I drew Selkie bouncing gleefully enough in Panel 5.
by Dave
on May 1, 2015
at 12:10 am
Toytime: like Teatime, but without the Assassin's Guild.
by Dave
on April 27, 2015
at 12:11 am
Toys and winning would be a good combination.
Amanda likes having her cake, eating it too, then reminding everyone she ate the entire cake for herself.
by Dave
on April 24, 2015
at 12:12 am
Wookit the wittle stupid car
Panel 2 is going on my Favorite Things list.
by Dave
on April 22, 2015
at 12:15 am
Panel 7 is a flashback to Strip #164, if you were curious.
She doesn't "skip" a beat.
by Dave
on April 20, 2015
at 12:17 am
“Your daughter is plotting to savage an octopus as of this past Friday. In hindsight, I should have told you then.” – – – – – Wanted to let everyone know, I have attained an Artist Alley spot at this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I probably should have just copy-pasted the last page's Big Ringing Bell, but naaaaaah.
by Dave
on April 13, 2015
at 12:01 am
Needs to polish up her dueling.
Bit of a narrative slip on this one, don't think I gave the kids enough time to properly eat. Woops.