Posts Tagged Amanda
644 results.
So many teeth
They're not Weasleys, Kenneth. -_-
"Oms noms noms! Mmm, Face!"
I have a fantastic fan art to share today! Blue Coyote sent me a drawing of Andi and Amanda doing a hairstyle-swap. Thank you Blue Coyote!
Makes me wonder how Selkie and Sandy would feel about the chewing-oriented artwork series "Gnaw".
Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t Can’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Actually drew this one the night before update day because I was drawing the Art Exhibit strips when I realized I'd forgotten to draw this scene. Woops. :x
Long or short, up or down, Amanda's hair betrays her heart.
I can hear some of you clapping from here.
I put Amanda's earrings back in because I figured she'd grab them quick before going out for the pizza. *shrug*
It’s probably for the best Andi was up front about the blood aspect. Don’t forget, for Selkie readers in St. Louis, I am going to be at the Art St. Louis gallery tomorrow evening for the reception of a show[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If she has her way, Amanda's just going to scrunch-eye through this whole day.
I added the "Rude" speech bubble at the last minute to cover up some text on the sign behind Andi. it read too me like it was "meant" to be dialogue, and that wasn't intentional.