Posts Tagged Amanda
638 results.
Just grab some forks to act as lances and run right at each other, it'll be fine.
Marta is very diligent in taking census polls of her subjects. Nobody ever rates her less than a 10. Well, they don’t do that more than once anyway.
Marta has a strong opinion on the consent-related aspects of being picked up and carried around. If it's a Yes, have fun with it. If No, prepare to lose some blood.
Bacon is love, bacon is life.
Thought I'd move back to digital inking, because I'd like to try working some stuff I've been looking up out. Also, my pens dried up and the place I get them from is closed on Sundays. >_>
All dripping sauce all over the floor.
Oh uuhhhhh christ I put half the characters in green shirts and the kitchen is a green background RIP my life.
Internet is out and won’t be fixed until tomorriw. Was drawing strip planning to use phone to upload, only to remember to late that I can’t email it to myself and iPhones can’t drag-drop onto them directly. So… sorry, gotta[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I used to have a sweet tooth before I gave up soda, now I lean more towards full-flavored zesty-spicy things,.
I like undercooked pancakes and bananas so black they're almost zombified.
Too much "grape juice"
Due to a moment of what I can only call utter madness on my part, I chose to free-hand Panel 4's inks without penciling it first. O_o