Wound cleaned, bleeding stopped. Prosthetics discussed…
Snafucon was a blast! It’s my second time attending, and I’m already looking forward to number three.
Wanna say thank you again to Jade Griffin and Trevor Black of Shards (http://www.56shards.com/) for hosting me and letting me spend time with their wonderful family. Also wish to say thank you to all the con-goers who stopped by the table to say hello (with special mention to Renadt and CupcakeDoll, who I also met on the previous visit), and I want to bid welcome to all the new Snafucon readers who are most likely archive-binging Selkie right now.
Panel 5 was one of my earliest pieces of Pohl dialogue, conceptually.
Pohl, Todd is having a very stressful day and this may not be the best time to make more jokes…
My thoughts exactly XD
Good thing Todd doesn’t get at vote!
Phol is HILLARIOUS! ^_^
yeah i don’t think I’d want him comforting me after that, with those jokes xD but it’s funny when someone else has to handle it.
I love Avery ‘s completely downcast face here. Like we know he had to push really hard for this visit to happen per his kid, and it’s completely FUBAR.
Yeah, I feel saddest for Avery here; everyone else either can or must get over it, but he was just trying do his job and help a kid at the same time.
Avery looks like he’s thinking that maybe jumping a few extra hoops would have been better, so that Todd would have had a bit more information ans wouldn’t be this freaked out. Nothing halts progress more than fear of the unknown.
Oh….so is selkie’s eye glow so reduced compared to the others because she is just starting out as an echo, or a symptom of how reduced her powers are thanks the the bow’s impact?
Little of column A, little from column B, methinks.
“It’s okay. I’m the same person you’ve always known.”
That Doesn’t Make Me Feel Better, Pohl. >:(
Us transgender folk try to use this same line with similar results.
Flames coming out of your eyes?
If only!
Although if I could there’d probably be witch hunts with my name at the top of the list lol.
Nah, the whole “that doesn’t make me feel better” comment has been said to me with slightly different wordage.
…poor Todd.
Poor Avery.
Poor Selkie, seeing her father react in fear to something of hers, something of her mother’s.
Even poor Pohl, though he can take it I think.
I don’t remember now, was Todd not told about at least sone of this when Selkie snooped on Sai Fen’s waterbending and then later when the hologram went off at his place?
Clues are just comic background radiation, just noise, unless you know you are to be looking for something, and have some knowledge of what kind of thing you are looking for. Todd is, sadly, not only sans serif but is very sans clue, here.
Not to nitpick, but Pohl’s eye marks are not filled in in the third panel.
I’m *kinda* glad that there’s something that actually needs to be fixed… because I came down here to say that the spacing of the words in “Now, Todd–” is distracting due to the white space (well, black space) along the bottom of the first bubble. I’d suggest splitting the last line and sticking one (or possibly two) words on the fourth line to make it feel more complete.
I’m kinda sad that Pohl couldn’t use his “glowy green stuff” to reattach the hand successfully. That made me sad. Pants 1, eel wranglers 0.
Unlike a “power-saw incident” (which would leave the bloody appendage on the floor), generally if a large carnivorous animal bites a chunk off, it eats it.
Hard to reattach the hand if it’s in Pant’s stomach.
Yeah, in a dog’s mouth is very different than the 3-second “I dropped it” rule.
Doublely so for a wet critter like Pants.
Now I’m singing (Dean Martin voice):
Wheeennnn, yoooou’re,
Feeling quite bland,
Then an eel bites your hand,
….That’s a Morayyyy….
you made me snerk. you get a prize.
Hahahaha, gotta say I love Pohl’s jokes :p That last panel made me snicker, and I don’t do snickering when I wake up. Kudos, Dave!
OK, I know that Superman and others have always had “eye-beams”, too, but… Wouldn’t it be a serious evolutionary mistake to put a light receptacle, and an emitter of any sort, in the same organ? How can Pohl see anything, when the brightest thing in the room is his own eyeballs?
In this case, maybe it’s some other kind of ‘light’ looking thing – aka it looks like light from the outside, but doesn’t actually work the same way and is not visible at all from the ‘inside’.
That’s ridiculous physics-wise, but I mean it’s magic, so
“I knew I should have brought the bunny ears. The green fire-eyes are not as scary when I’m wearing bunny ears.”
Registered just to say – your comment is BRILLIANT!
Yay, bunny ears!
Oh Mad Tinkerer, you silly. Pohl is always wearing bunny ears.
LOL that is a perfect line for him. And I can see him throwing that in Avery’s face next time Avery complains to Pohl about the bunny ears. “You remember in the submarine? What if I had had the ears then, hmm?”
I do sorta wonder just what his ‘bit funny’ voice sounds like.
I imagine deeper and, well, more echoey.
im thinking Goa’uld or Tokra style reverb
I feel that something from the Almost Alice album would be appropriate here…
For a doctor, Pohl has an elastic definition of ‘fine’.
When you have access to magiscience prosthetics, missing limbs tend to not be your biggest concern. He also was probably informed the kid lost a hand by dicking around with the eels and was careless. So as sad as it is…
Is there a chance that some of the Green Glow will rub off on Todd permanently, maybe even leave a mark?