So now she’s really getting a view of what’s possible.
Might make her start practicing and get past the block. Or might add to the tragedy when she can’t, even though she should be able to….
Wonder if the lack of power feels like an itch you can’t scratch, or… there was a Harry Potter fanfic where a character without powers (possibly Snape?) described it as being a concert pianist whose hands had been sewn into big, bulky gloves.
selkie officially has a new hero…..and (sadly) a new goal. i mean, what are the odds that after this, she will *not* want to learn how to do the ‘glowing saving people thingy’? only to learn that nope, will never happen?
….i really hope they do the smart thing and don´t tell her the truth, but more something along the lines of ‘you´re still too young’
I think (ever tried googling barracuda? all you get are Plymouth cars) they have some form of supercharger (yeah, that didn’t help either) that dumps adrenaline directly into their system for speed. I seem to remember snakes have this too.
Maybe Sarnothi have similar glands? Might explain some things.
Okay but holding your breath is a TERRIBLE idea when scuba diving!!! If you lose your hose while diving or you spring a leak like Todd has, you’re supposed to breathe out a very small stream of bubbles (so your lungs don’t literally collapse! or explode! from you ascending or descending by accident with trapped air inside!) until you get your air back, either by finding your own hose again or getting a breathe-along from a friend. If you get a breathe-along, your friend will also not be holding their breath while they give you their hose to breathe from! Because holding your breath while scuba diving is an even bigger no-no than coming up too quickly! NEVER hold your breath while diving with compressed air!
If you maintain depth, I suppose that would be okay. But it is frighteningly easy to go up or down a few feet without noticing, and I imagine that’s even worse if you’re freaking out. A few feet is all it takes to cause injury. So, unless you’re kneeling on the lake bed with your BCD totally deflated…I wouldn’t bet on being able to maintain depth. That’s a heck of a gamble.
Hmm, I’ll be honest I just sort of figured, “hold your breath briefly while you get a backup plan set up (secondary mask, yank the hose off, etc). Not a good idea, huh?
Holding your breath, why maintaining your depth, wouldn’t be a problem. The air is not going to expand.
Holding your breath while ascending, however, will kill you. In about ten feet the amount of air in your lungs will have tripled, and if you’re not expelling it by breathing out, just like an overinflated balloon, your lungs will pop.
you should see some of the MESSY ways to die w regards to Pressure. Read some of the after accident accounts of Dry suit divers when the valve maintaining suit pressure fails.
Spaghetti and meat and bone chunks are the NICE descriptors.
It’d be way too cliche and predictable for that to happen. Plus, her powers aren’t really there anymore and it would be poor writing for her to just DBZ it up and overcome her trial without it even being a trial.
You know someone out there wants to see it. We’re getting a sarnothi remake of that scene from waterworld, be it official or from somebody deciding it’d be hilarious fan art after reading your comment
Ooh, except for the venomous saliva, that’ll make it extra weird (oh well, someone’s making it weird)
Scar rapidly swimming (whooshing) over to Todd, Scar removing the helmet so they can get the air hose free (unless Scar has a better plan that he’ll explain while doing it in the next page)
Have to be at least 4 horror movies that have an image like panel 4 just before someone dies. Hard to get pasted the instilled thoughts of “How much is this going to hurt?!”. I do think this will be cool though.
Uh, I just realized that if Todd tries to breathe through the hose directly it’s probably gonna be *bad* given his regulator is attached to the helmet.
So now she’s really getting a view of what’s possible.
Might make her start practicing and get past the block. Or might add to the tragedy when she can’t, even though she should be able to….
Wonder if the lack of power feels like an itch you can’t scratch, or… there was a Harry Potter fanfic where a character without powers (possibly Snape?) described it as being a concert pianist whose hands had been sewn into big, bulky gloves.
…Also, now I’m gonna spend all night trying to recall which fanfic I’m thinking of where Snape lost his powers….
Don’t know if anyone else here reads Girl Genius, but I’m getting a very Spark-y vibe from Scar at the moment…
Oh yeah! And now you mention it, there’s always been an element of that “Soon I will conquer the world, Ask me how!” vibe from Selkie herself.
All will tremble in fear of the Doctor Terrorhammer!
Now that you mention it; youre right. Do you think his middle or last name might be Heterodyne?
I hadn’t thought of it in those terms, but now that you mention it…
Wow, visiting the relatives takes on broad and deep new vistas of danger when you’re family’s multi-species.
selkie officially has a new hero…..and (sadly) a new goal. i mean, what are the odds that after this, she will *not* want to learn how to do the ‘glowing saving people thingy’? only to learn that nope, will never happen?
….i really hope they do the smart thing and don´t tell her the truth, but more something along the lines of ‘you´re still too young’
Was that an energy blast or him moving at superspeed?
Zoom zoom.
And now the Selkie Swoosh makes more sense – it’s just a preview of her when she’s grown up
Yeah, the graphics make that very ambiguous. I didn’t even think about a person swimming by until you said it.
I’m thinking like a barracuda?
I think (ever tried googling barracuda? all you get are Plymouth cars) they have some form of supercharger (yeah, that didn’t help either) that dumps adrenaline directly into their system for speed. I seem to remember snakes have this too.
Maybe Sarnothi have similar glands? Might explain some things.
I’m afraid this is a cliffhanger for me until Friday’s update, for I do not what Mr. Scar just did.
Okay but holding your breath is a TERRIBLE idea when scuba diving!!! If you lose your hose while diving or you spring a leak like Todd has, you’re supposed to breathe out a very small stream of bubbles (so your lungs don’t literally collapse! or explode! from you ascending or descending by accident with trapped air inside!) until you get your air back, either by finding your own hose again or getting a breathe-along from a friend. If you get a breathe-along, your friend will also not be holding their breath while they give you their hose to breathe from! Because holding your breath while scuba diving is an even bigger no-no than coming up too quickly! NEVER hold your breath while diving with compressed air!
IF you are ascending or descending. If you have more air right there, and so aren’t changing pressure during the swap, it shouldn’t be so bad, yeah?
If you maintain depth, I suppose that would be okay. But it is frighteningly easy to go up or down a few feet without noticing, and I imagine that’s even worse if you’re freaking out. A few feet is all it takes to cause injury. So, unless you’re kneeling on the lake bed with your BCD totally deflated…I wouldn’t bet on being able to maintain depth. That’s a heck of a gamble.
Hmm, I’ll be honest I just sort of figured, “hold your breath briefly while you get a backup plan set up (secondary mask, yank the hose off, etc). Not a good idea, huh?
Holding your breath, why maintaining your depth, wouldn’t be a problem. The air is not going to expand.
Holding your breath while ascending, however, will kill you. In about ten feet the amount of air in your lungs will have tripled, and if you’re not expelling it by breathing out, just like an overinflated balloon, your lungs will pop.
I flinched reading that last line. O_o
you should see some of the MESSY ways to die w regards to Pressure. Read some of the after accident accounts of Dry suit divers when the valve maintaining suit pressure fails.
Spaghetti and meat and bone chunks are the NICE descriptors.
Yup, check out the Mythbuster episode where they test that EXACT scenario.
not the *amount*
the *volume*
(also, what are the odds of an eel being able to crack open a helmet like that?)
Sarnoti els have a jaw strength best measured by Pounds Lateral On Tonnage.
I mean be honest when was the last time you saw a JUVENILE eel bigger than you?
To be fair, this one’s reasonable. Moray eels have jaws that rival a crocodile for crushing power.
As well as a second set of jaws inside their mouth to rip away flesh while the damn monster-fish holds tight.
Coupled with the already extant water pressure, even a small amount of damage is all you’d need to break the helmet.
It’s Todd surviving the helmet breach that kills the SoD, not the eel’s strength.
The wild things you learn reading web comics online.
The bit about eel jaws is wicked cool.
Yep. And if you descend too far, your lungs will collapse. Holding breath while scuba diving is a great way to die horribly.
I was hoping the fear of her father dying would somehow trigger her echo powers too
oh well.
It’d be way too cliche and predictable for that to happen. Plus, her powers aren’t really there anymore and it would be poor writing for her to just DBZ it up and overcome her trial without it even being a trial.
I don’t normally read the comments, so I have NO IDEA what an Echo is! Some backstory is needed.
Echos are the sarnothi like Pohl who can manipulate Resonance (the green light, and source of the majority of sarnoth’s black-and-green tech.)
So is Pohl a master Echo or just a lesser manipulator of Resonance?
I’ve got a bad feeling – (Brain: ZIP IT)
…as long as he doesn’t do the “mouth to mouth” air thing, I’ll be excited for friday’s awesome page
You know someone out there wants to see it. We’re getting a sarnothi remake of that scene from waterworld, be it official or from somebody deciding it’d be hilarious fan art after reading your comment
Ooh, except for the venomous saliva, that’ll make it extra weird (oh well, someone’s making it weird)
That scene always confused me. The mariner has gills. How is he exhaling air underwater?
Eh, it was a fun scene anyway.
Because he is magic fish-man, and he will do as he pleases (and/or: a wizard did it)
Dave, what’s the scouter say about his power level?!
For some reason, I am now imagining Scar laughing like All Might from My Hero Academia.
And now I will never unhear it.
Curse/Bless you.
Please don’t tell me everything is wonderful now.
Also, totally forgot to mention this in my other comment, but Scar is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.
Scar to the rescue! We hope!
…Is it bad I hear Jumba Jookiba’s voice for Scar now?
I gotta be honest – I have no idea what’s happening during panels 2 & 3.
Scar rapidly swimming (whooshing) over to Todd, Scar removing the helmet so they can get the air hose free (unless Scar has a better plan that he’ll explain while doing it in the next page)
Third echo? Pohl, Scar and who am I missing?
selkie’s mom should be one of them as well.
Would she count as one of “their” echos, though? Since she is persona non grata, so to speak?
Have to be at least 4 horror movies that have an image like panel 4 just before someone dies. Hard to get pasted the instilled thoughts of “How much is this going to hurt?!”. I do think this will be cool though.
Uh, I just realized that if Todd tries to breathe through the hose directly it’s probably gonna be *bad* given his regulator is attached to the helmet.
Kinda look like a *really big balloon*
I Just realized that Scar’s stitched-together eye socket is also glowing.
That’s kinda creepy, ne?