Please do not throw rocks at the opposing fans. It’s rude.
It's interesting and funny to me how many of you sometimes run your minds along the same wavelength as me. The last comic I wrote in "Little Ravens Writing Desk" as an Alice in Wonderland joke, and a couple readers ran it off into the Baltimore Ravens. Hadn't intended that, but I DID intend for Marta and Steve to get football tickets and engage in a little sports-team trash talk in the strip after it. I love that you all went right to football chatter ahead of me. :D
XD Well. I was expecting a computer geek. But that’s kind of adorable,he’s kiddin’ right?
Oh yeah, those are two relationships that are gonna last.
Painted rocks are not cool. Someone put work into those. Only use chunks of concrete found outside the stadium. Bears fans aren’t worth more effort.
Ahahah the Surreal engine, I like that. I prefer Unitification myself
Argh, Unitification! I actually wanted to use a reference to Unity (currently trying to self-teach it to myself very slowly through tutorials), but couldn’t think of a analogue phrasing.
I got into Unreal briefly, and liked the reference
I figure I will put more time into it later, because it was pretty cool once I started getting the hang of it. And creating 3d items in Blender is what made me get Blender in the first place, and now it’s what I use to make all my YouTube videos (took me forever to learn it had a video editor included).
But yeah, Unreal’s cool and when I have more time to devote to it, I intend to get some gamemaking done. The primary project I *hope* to accomplish is a Markiplier fan game, but it’s a fairly large idea and I need to do some smaller bits first or the big project’s never going to happen.
Did you know that Blender has a game engine in it as well?
Blender basically has EVERYTHING in it. You don’t really need other programs on your computer.
…I had surgery this morning and am still woozy, which may explain where my brain went at your comment. Basically, I received a Vitamix as an early Christmas present, and I went ‘…huh, programmable blenders? Well, that’s not the ODDEST thing ever, I guess, but wh- OH.’
Amused me so I’m hoping it’ll amuse others without the need for sedatives.
…have you listened to Welcome to Night Vale yet?
Because your comment reminded me of the “Blend-o-Meter”
I have, though I’m really behind, don’t think I came across the Blend-o-meter. (My child was born in September, so my listening time has been … somewhat diminished!)
If I ever get around to the breastfeeding stage of life, totally gonna be listening to Night Vale while doing so
I do listen to podcasts in the car still sometimes! But baby prefers Car Talk. He screams more when it’s Night Vale. So I listen to Car Talk and to The Week in Virology. Baby has strange tastes (not unlike his mother, I guess!).
It’s all about Game Baker Studio.
Or Multimedia Smoothie.
Game Maker’s neat, despite the changes when YoYo took over. It’s an easy way to get a prototype up fast, even if you don’t know much about how it all works. Even RPG Maker requires a bit of work before your game really does anything fun — Game Maker can have a ball bouncing around the screen and caroming off obstacles within minutes.
Never was a fan of football myself. I tried out because my mom’s ex wanted me to play, but I didn’t enjoy it so I walked.
That is so unclear, did you mean “Lions” as in Detroit? Or as it should be, Penn State LIONS? We need to know intent, yer ‘onner. Prosecution rests.
Its the detroit lions, if you look at the logo its relatively clear its the detroit football team logo even if its a bit blurry. But hey thats the art style
Definitely Detroit.
Am I the only one that pronounces foreign place names like they would be in the source language? It’s a fun way to get under the skin of someone from Detwoi or Tehas.
Or if you want to be really silly, Санкт-Петербу́рг, Florida.
A French friend of mine lost it at Kansas and Arkansas. We showed him the “America, EXPLAIN! I have a confusion!” Vine about it and he agreed with her. Also…
“No, no, Roux, it’s OmaHA.”
“But WHY.”
“I don’t know.”
“Because I thought ‘cornfield’ was English for ‘champ de blé.'”
I’m gonna have to remember that one. (I’m just over the bay in Place-To-Gather-Sticks.)
I’ve called Detroit Detwoi on occasion. Being from Charlotte, MI (which is pronounced Shar-Lot here, btw), I get odd looks and questions of “wuh?” when I do.
Oh, and by the way…
Go Lions!! Glad Marta and Steve are Lions fans. =^.^=
I was about to say “throw a rat or an octopus instead” but then I remembered that’s for hockey
I thought it was a reference to Edgar Allan Poe when I saw the name of the writing desk.
I wouldn’t know one from the other. Should have used the Matador logo…they are the best in every sport they participate in.
Do people actually use the term “lover” in real life with other people around? I always have seen it in movies used for intimate scenes, and had never heard it used in real life.
I call my husband “Darling” and “Love” in public. I think it really just depends on your comfort level.
Darling and love, yea. Lover refers to someone you are having sex with though. So it’s a bit more explicit but it fits Martha’s established character imo.
Depends on the sub-culture you’re dealing with. Some groups are much more open to using terms of endearment publicly; others are much more reticent.
Once I got the hang of having nephews, I started calling them “hon” (as in “honey”), which feels right even though I don’t recall which of my relatives, if any, addressed me in that fashion. The way we assert relationships verbally can be weird.
Oh yeah of course, pet names, etc. I’m completely familiar with. I just was curious about this specific one and other peoples experiences since i’d never heard it used in casual conversation with other people around.
While I’ve never heard “lover” used in my vicinity without a level of self-awareness/irony about it, I figure it’s within the range of possibilities for subcultures I haven’t been exposed to.
Also, I mean, my exposure to people in relationships where “lover” might be used is limited to, what, a few dozen couples? Not a huge sample size.
The console pun was not lost on me either. Console, video games, I see what you did there.