Don’t forget, there is also a Saturday Sketch Day this week featuring the Sword and Sorcery discussion on the last strip’s commentary.
And I received more fan art the other day too! From Nova Dragon:
Thank you!
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
heheh grandpa seems reasonably worried with all things considered.
From a friend, eh? Ten bucks says that when we finally reveal who gave it to her, NOBODY is going to recall that it was foreshadowed here.
On a side note, DAMN but if that isn’t a really good drawing! Nova Dragon, my hat off to you for such a nice piece of art! Might have to hit you up for some drawings myself.
Might be from her family?
I was thinking that too; more specifically, I was thinking of her mother.
I am jealous of selkie fanart lol.
Thanks. If you were totally serious about getting art from me, I’m open for requests at my deviantart account:
I love drawing stuff for other people!
If you actually bet against somebody, Lazruth, you now owe them ten bucks.
My heart officially broke at that last panel with Selkie in it. :'( SO freaking sad.
Cute fanart though :).
I refuse to make a Gollem “precious” reference.
Just wanted to point out I restrained myself.
And thus made the reference anyway.
On a different note, the braiding is bound to be cute, and a little family bonding never hurts.
Also, just a guess, but I think the hairclip might be from Selkie’s mother.
I was thinking along the same lines, that the hairclip is something her bio mom gave her as a baby.
I have to say, I like her grandparents.
Nice fan art. Did anyone else notice that for a moment, while talking about the hairclip, Selkie temporarily lost her speech impediment? “It… its was a gift”. I wonder if it is relevant that she started the sentence with it, perhaps her speech problem is a bit of an act. Or maybe I’m overreacting.
No. I think it was more of a stutter type deal. You don’t say all of the word when you stutter.
Regardless, her pattern has been pretty steady so far, so if she is using regular speech patterns, it might be a result of the influence the adults’ speech patterns are making on her.
Okay. Mind has officially been blown. Mine anyway.
If the impediment was brought on by some kind of psychological trauma, the clip could send her back to before the trauma – actually, my guess is that losing the one who gave her the clip WAS the trauma.
Yeah, that’s sort of what I was thinking, but you said it far better than I could have, thank you.
I think it was delayed speaking ala the “…” and the writer unsure how to do “a” with an “s” and not have it turn into “as”.
I had been thinking the constant use of the “s” sound was more like an accent and a result of her not speaking English as her primary language before the orphanage. Or perhaps due to the way her species’ vocalizations work (biologically speaking – so to speak).
I’m actually more curious about Todd’s dad uttering “Scien”. Is that Todd’s original name? The plot thickens!
No, I think that was just him beginning to say the words “Scientifically speaking…” then breaking off once it fully dawns on him.
No such luck. Look at Todd’s last line: “Scientifically speaking”. :p
Damn, a few seconds too slow.
Great writing, as always. Todd’s parents are becoming more and more interesting, and now we get a whiff of Selkie’s past.
A story’s characters are all the more convincing when they have baggage from their past, as most of us do in our world. Even live-for-the-moment types are influenced by what went before.
Wow, my cute threshold has been blown, truly one of the cutest ways I’ve seen her in the last panel (^.^)
@Jade Giffin, I think he was about to say scientifficly but stopped himself to get his point across, I do it often
New reader here, and I have to say reading Selkie is like watching a slice of life from my childhood. My family does foster care for children will complex medical needs, so the folder with a cobbled together medical history brought back lots of memories. Also, the shoe ark was so true. When I was growing up my feet did not grow at the same rate, at one time my left foot was four sizes smaller then my right. My favorite scene so far though, has to be the fish eyes. I live in Alaska, and sometimes we would have foster children who had grown up in native villages. Often their families would send us things like limpets, seal oil, or whale blubber, some of witch you are not aloud to harvest unless your native. I remember one little three year old girl who would stand by the oven, hoping up and down in excitement, and beg to eat the fish eyes.
Nordstroms does not buy shoos in pairs, they buy them individually. This means they can sell you two differently sized shoes, of the same make and model, and no one will be able to tell you have differently sized feet.
Selkie is going to be adorable in braids. Hope she likes them too …
Oh this is wonderful!
I’m a new reader but I have already read the whole series through twice.
I wonder, have you heard of the Danish medieval ballad of “Agnete and the Merman”? The merman in that song could very well be a relative of Selkie, beautiful (the eye of the beholder) and with brown and green hair.
The funny thing is that, at least with modern eyes, the merman is good and gentle and Agnete is a bitch.
She goes voluntary with him under the sea, live with him eight years and give him seven sons. Then she hear the churchbells ashore and long for her mother and kin. The merman let her go but she must promise not to let her hair down outside the church, not to sit with her mother in the pew and not to kneel before the altar.
Of course she forget all three promises and the merman comes for her.
He plead with her to think of her children and remember the littlest one in the crib but she answer that she’ll never remember and the song end with “Agnete stood at the shore; and so heartily she laughed”.
I found a picture of a statue of the Merman and his seven sons which stand on the bottom of a channel in Copenhagen.
Poul Anderson wrote a book, “The Mermans Children”, inspired by the song.
I like to think that Selkie is of that race, though with hemocyanin based blood, interbreeding would be unlikely, I think.
Ooooh, I’ve never heard this story before, but I like it! Kind of reminds me of Beauty and the Beast a little. And there is something captivating about that underwater statue, to be sure. Thanks for sharing.
As a resident of Greater Detroit, let me congratulate Marta on keeping her job. Competence is no guarantee these past couple of years.
Rough times all over. Hope your own job situation is well.
My guess – since the selkie legend says that whoever has her “seal skin” controls her and keeps her from turning back to seal form, maybe the hair clip has the same kind of function…our little one’s “soul jar”, kinda sorta.