Questions raised.
Folks, thank you for your patience with the Resource Limit Reached troubles the past couple days. My host did a server-swap to move Selkie to a less troubled server, so hopefully the issue will be resolved. It’s definitely much more stable now than it was a few days ago! 😀
Thanks to the crew at ZeHosting for the diligence and hard work.
I don't know when I decided Selkie is a sleep-drooler, but... yeah, totes a sleep-drooler.
Damn it Todd, how do you not realize what that news report is really about?
I’m expecting him to put two + two together in Friday’s comic.
Sorry, I meant to reply to Andrew.
I’m guessing he just assumed that but didn’t say anything.
Isn’t Selkie’s saliva caustic? Could be unpleasant having her drool on your leg…
I was just going to comment about that. Poor Todd :/
I’d assume it’s more likely an irritant than an acid, so drooling down her face and ending up with a little bit on his pant leg (also depending on the fabric) he should be just fine, or only display minor symptoms. Nowhere near as bas as when he got direct contact from her kisses.
Since they’ve been living together for a while, maybe he’s developing a resistance to it? If Indian snake charmers can deliberately expose themselves and their children to small amounts of venom to become immune to bites, maybe the same can happen with Selkie’s saliva? If it’s topical it seems like touching her closing on a regular basis would possibly do the trick.
Typo alert: “useage” should be “usage”.
Is it merely a coincidence that the resonance display forms the Breath symbol from Homestuck?
Is it merely a coincidence that you are apparently a fan of Selkie, Gunnerkrigg Court, AND Homestuck? I see you comment on every single page. You are an awesome person.
It’s a coincidence, yeah. I’ve never been able to get into Homestuck.
And Todd: she is your daughter.
She also might be an illegal immigrant (since I think Plo Quar brought her to the humans without going through the MIBs), and she is a member of a nigh-extinct (and possibly persecuted) clan, but she is your daughter.
I think the “what are you” was directed at the *bow*, not at Selkie.
She’s not illegal. She is a naturalized American.
Poor Todd. First she snotted on his shirt and now she slobbers on his pants. Kid’s hard on the wardrobe.
I think he’s asking “What are you?” to the bow—not Selkie.
I suspect asking Selkie (albeit knowing he can’t hear him) since she’s clearly important, otherwise, why all the security? Someone might be out to get her, and as a good parent, he wants to know who and why
Once it was “swamp gas”/”weather baloons”/”the planet Venus”, now it´s “illegal fireworks usage”… and when the sarnothi begin showing up in person au masse, it´ll be “Cthulhu mythos cosplay event”, I assume?
nah, take a close look at the TV screen in panel one, it’s showing a green pattern on the black sky background, just like a firework display going off, similar to the ones various localities show off on the Fourth of July here in the USA. thus it is plausible deniability for “the Authorities” to claim they are illegal fireworks rather than say what they REALLY are…
now i guess the question is… What are they, REALLY?? is is a coded transmission to hit teams, giving them updated location info on a new target (Selkie), one that they had not had info on previously? or is it a rallying signal for all the exiled Sarnothi to let them know that the state of affairs in their city-state is over one way or the other? Since they are no longer allowed to FISH there due to the “Protect Our Trout Act”, is it a bunch of northern Red-Necks out on the lake shooting off fireworks, legal or illegal as the case may be, because they’re bored?? … Only The Shadow Knows… (well, him and Dave of course, but you get my drift..)
Not complaining, but I’ll report this error that happened to me on each page this morning: (I work in IT, so it’s important for me to get exact error messages. Hope this helps!)
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 17563648) (tried to allocate 3072 bytes) in /home/selkieco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfScanEngine.php on line 312
Thank you, I’ve sent it forward.
This, this is what I’ve been waiting for. Why was Selkie abandoned but given one last mysterious connection to wherever she came from? (Sarnoth, apparently, but we still don’t really know the where and why.) Finally we’re getting to the point of asking the big questions. Todd is asking exactly the riight questions here. What I don’t know is, what are the answers going to turn out to be?
Of course she’s a sleep drooler. She’s probably dreaming about Fishies!!!!
Safe from fishers ,maybe.
Sleep-drooler Selkie may be but Crooks appears to be a teleporting cat! Where’d he go?
Where any cat goes when he doesn’t feel like sticking around.
By any chance, would these green “pyrotechnics” above the lake have happened during the same time Selkie’s bow was broadcasting? Or is this a semi-regular occurrence unrelated to today’s specific events? Hmm…
What’s the white thingie over Selkie’s head in panel 1? Looks kinda like a wolf in sheep’s clothing toy.
Oh, and how could they tell the usage of illegal fireworks raised? Did the official sales statistic skyrocket?
That’s Crook, the family cat.
Thanks for bearing with me. Have read Jade Griffin’s comment only after sending my comment. (I should reload the pages before sending a comment)
Tod: “What are you?”
(Selkie’s Mom’s face bursts out of the bow) “I’M BATMAN!”
Tod: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHdammit I pulled a ‘Georgie’…”