Todd’s not really connecting the dots yet. Wait for it…
Also, try saying “plants make me puke purple” seven times fast.
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I posted a bonus sketch this past Saturday. It went up a bit late due to an artist error, so you may have missed it if you checked in on Saturday and saw only last Thursdays regular strip. If you did, skip back a page to see some Anatomy Detail goodness.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Hehehehee! He’s a vegetarian. She’s a carnivore (literally). This will make an interesting dynamic.
Veeeery curious about all her allergies and dietary needs. Between this page and the anatomy drawings, I’m wondering if her people are some sort of human/shark hybrids.
I was a vegetarian for over 5 years. Had to give it up after living with my husband for a while (raised on and loved meat and potatoes). It got to be too much a pain to cook two different meals. We compromise by having poultry (don’t do red meat) and veggies (only a handful he likes—working our way to a broader selection but at least done with iceberg lettuce).
May I make a suggestion? I don’t like vegetables, but I LOVE them with balsamic. Give it a shot!
Sounds like her digestive system has issues with veggies… evolved to process proteins and fats, perhaps has issues with fiber and too many carbs?
Hope he’s okay with buying meat, or at least fish (which I’m sure she’d love!) now
Wise of him to go spend some time getting to know her file more intimately!
Also, itty bitty typo, fifth pane — “What else are you allergic too?” should be “to”, not “too”
I’m a little curious as to what kind of digestive process she performs to somehow turn various shades of green material into purple mush…
With humans, it generally comes out the same color it went in as, just all mixed together like a badly shaken galon of paint.
Awesome, Dave:) Sorry I am still having trouble setting up a fan art page but yours will be the first one in there!
It’s no problem. ^^
youtube.comjust realized where she looked a little familiar.
Bwa ha ha ha, I love it.
Fish people CAN”T EAT LAND FOOD, TODD! My experiance talls me they JUST CAN’T. Can she eat sea weed, I wonder? Or only fish-things?
She can digest cheeses, but it is not as vital a component of her diet as it is for us (most of her calcium needs are met by fish bones). Cheese is mostly just for flavor or as a snack/treat/novelty.
But I was trying to figure out- could she eat seaweed, it being ocean based, or no, it being plant based?
Funny thing you should mentin that…sea weed is actually algae, and alga are NOT plants. They’re protists. Pretty sure there is some structural differences, though there are also different KINDS of alga…
Selkie seems to get mad easily, but she also seems to get over it pretty quickly as well. I hope this doen’t cause undo friction with her new Dad.
This isn’t terribly surprising. Selkie is very different from the people around her in a way she finds hard to really understand, and is both self-conscious of it and easily frustrated since she really doesn’t “get” any other way of being, despite having the awareness that it’s there and feeling like she “should” be that other way. I see a lot of this with my daughter (who’s mildly autistic and who Selkie reminds me of to an unnerving degree – I keep imagining her voice as a sort of “raspy” variant of my Joey monster’s :3)
When he said she could help herself to “anything” he better hope she passes on the alcohol, because knowing Selkie, she may just take a bite/sip of everything!
I was thinking something similar. “Help yourself to anything you want” + “I’m going to do something else while you’re at it” to a child is a potential recipe for disaster
So Todd should take Selkie out for sushi! She’d love that I bet!
Oops! Forgot about the kelp wrap on sushi. Well, just teh raw fish then. Yeah. Wouldn’t want our girl to pukes purples all over the sushi restaraunt!
Sashimi – often served at sushi bars, and is mostly just the raw fish — no rice or seaweed or anything else that would upset her digestive system
Now that I think about it, isn’t there a form of vegetarianism that allows for seafood? Maybe that’d be the ‘happy medium’ needed here.
Why would there need to be a happy medium? He can eat what he wants while providing her needs. He doesn’t have to eat her food, she doesn’t have to eat his.
Just thinking of the food budget, and the nuisance of cooking separate meals all the time. *shrug*
Pescetarian. Really though, most of my veggie friends who have to introduce meat into their diet for whatever reason (spouse, medical, etc) find something they are comfortable with. Usually ends up being fish or poultry.
Of course the one pescetarian I knew eventually turned to the dark side after I gave her a side of smoked pork ribs.
Hi Dave, I clicked through to your comic from another site and I really love it
I love the real emotions and real life situations, and Selkie is just so unbeleivably cute! Looking forward to the next update (I have you bookmarked on my calendar).
Well if she is a Selkie, she is probably half seal. I guess it doesn’t look like that though. Maybe dolphin?
Actually, the previous update had lots of us speculating she’s not in the same clade. It’s all covered over there.
…Why are we dissecting her? Aren’t we her fans?
If I remember correctly, obligate carnivores (outside the infant stage) can’t digest lactose. Only omnivores (humans, bears, raccoons, rats, etc) can.
Mondays and Thursdays don’t come quickly enough, I love this webcomic and wish it came out more often! <3
i highly agree with Selkiefan. this comics makes me looking forward to mondays and thursday more then ever. i love selkie she’s so dang adorable.
She’s not gonna eat something that looks good but isn’t is she? D: bad way to start things off.
Plants make me puke purple!
Plants make me poop purple!
Let’s hope the cheese isn’t one of those fancy kinds that has herbs in it. Or at least that the low concentration of plant matter won’t make Selkie sick. That would bode badly for their first day as a family.
Since someone else inferred that Selkie’s blood is blue, does purple vomit (especially when the food wasn’t purple at all) mean it contains blood?
Purple bile. Her digestive system makes an attempt to process the vegetables before rejecting them.
I’m so happy at Todd immediately listening to her, even if he did take a couple of replies to clue in completely.