This library scene went through two versions before I arrived at this final sequence of events. Version 1 was more physically aggressive. Truck tried to jump Selkie, she ran away. She climbed the bookshelves and taunted him by running from shelftop to shelftop, using misdirection and trickery to confuse and bewilder him as to her location. I think it would have made for a fun sequence, but it would have gotten Selkie in a hell of a lot of trouble to be jumping across bookshelves like Batman. Version 2, Truck wanted to sit and talk with her instead of wanting to pick a fight with her. Conversation entailed Truck demanding Selkie apologize for kicking him, with threats to keep hurting her friends if she didn't. The whole thing was just a bit more sinister and methodical than I felt was fitting for Tommy and it didn't really fit with any of his pre-established behaviors. Plus the whole concept of "assaulter demanding his target apologize for defending herself" was just a bit too creepy to go through with and not really something that feels right for the character's age range to be doing.
Spoken like a true spoiled brat.
Crap, did me and Nyssa distract you with League?
No not at all. I had actually dozed off at my desk like three times before you pinged me. Just didn’t feel like staying awake to finish by midnight.
Lazy day, basically. It’s so close to done though I’ll probably have it finished in an hour or two (just woke up).
Not to lean too heavily on people’s tolerance and goodwill but… yeah. Lazy Thursday yesterday.
As awesome as this is, I notice the principal didn’t…say…a…word. He let the aide and the teacher do all the talking, including the “go to the principal’s office”. He’s still a wimp. Heck, I don’t want to call him a hobbit, that’s an insult to Frodo, Bilbo, Merry, Sam and Pippin. Call him Gollum.
I kind of agree, but at the same time, staying silent is a good strategy in this.
There’s plenty of authority present, and enough voices. By observing, he gets to see more than he would by speaking. It’s really quite affective.
Actually, he is a hobbit, but he’s one of those proto-hobbits who messed around with boats. Now that I think about it, he’s a lot like Deagol: he just wants a peaceful life, but he has such power that others are willing to kill him for it.
Truck, you poor poor little deluded child. Every person like you eventually meets someone that won’t take your crap. Selkie is nice about it. One of these times you’re going to meet a fellow student that looks harmless, is quiet, and all around seems like easy prey. You’re going to start bullying him and he’ll give you one warning. When you ignore it, you’ll wake up covered in your own blood and missing an assortment of teeth. Stupid get’s what stupid gets.
I love, love, love Selkie’s eyes in the bottom panel.
Got to wonder is Selkie has something like an iPhone and is recording his tantrum. Might make an interesting presentation to listen to at the PTA meeting, especially with the other parents being angry about their kids being disciplined while he isn’t.
Dance, puppets, dance!
Tommy a “Pacifier” fan?
If you’re recording the conflict for later use as evidence, then for god’s sake don’t say stuff like “dance and squirm as my plan unfolds, soon the spider pounces on the fly” *out loud*.
That’s what cutting it is for. Any halfway decent computer has a program that will do it. They can take out her opening greeting, too.
Did you get the fanart link I posted yesterday? 😀
And I really hope Tommy gets what’s coming to him. How cool would it be see his ego deflate if his dad got arrested for something completely unrelated XD
DOH! I’ll add it in to the post, sorry!
I for one loved your fan art.
That is some fantastic fanart. I love it!
Yay for Nightmare Selkie!
Panel 3 confirms what I called: Professor Trunchbull teaches the kid they and they alone are the law. (Not too literally: Police must be avoided at all times when you want to be sucsessful in life)
damn, no edit.
But they’ll probably belittle the cop that pulls them over for speeding all the way to court 🙂
Excellent (and she’s getting more devious too~)
I’m glad you decided to go with the version you did. 😀
(hail hydra)
I am honestly more scared of Selkie’s face in that last panel than I am of her goofy grin in the previous strip.
Kids. Kids, stop being supervillains. Stop it this instant, kids.
I mean, seriously, you’re all AWFUL at it.
Unfortunately, supervillainy is so rarely a trait perfected in childhood.
We’re gonna have to go through a lot of failed attempts before they get any good at it.
We call our goddaughters The Princess, the Grand Vizier and the Khan. The Princess is sweet and girly. The Vizier is too smart and has this way of saying things and assuming they will happen. The Khan has the seeds of real charisma and is very physical (also adorable in fur hat, fur boots and diaper with loincloth).
Between the three of them they already make one good supervillain
That pink probably-a-phone thing is there again. If it is supposed to be recording video though, the positioning of it just behind Selkie’s right means that her head will probably be in the way of Truck, who was standing to her left. I guess audio-only is the best we can hope.
As repulsive as I find Truck, can anyone really blame him for how he’s acting? After all, look what happened before … he assaulted Selkie and got off, Selkie kicked him and got suspended. That only reinforces his belief that he can do what he wants.
Personally, I’m not going to feel good about this one until Truck is actually punished (and the punishment sticks). I can still see Prinicpal Spineless finding a way to bow to the Trunchbulls and letting Truck off again.
Dave has an excellent knack for introducing a character that we want to hate, and then later presenting new information that gives us second thoughts. Earlier, I predicted this might be the case for Principal Ashton, and now I think his recent hallway exposition indicates that we’re headed that direction — he wasn’t happy with caving in to the Trunchbulls, but he seemed to have no alternative. I think he’ll be very pleased with the existence of the recording that we’re assuming Selkie has made.
Addendum to the last comment: I agree with the others … excellent job on Selkie’s expression in the last panel!
Try it again, in an English accent…
The things you think of when re-reading the comic.
Wonder how long it took to get the stink out of her new clothes? And her slippers – don’t think they could go in the washing machine.
Hey, today is her birthday. 😀
Happy Birthday Selkie.
Last frame, citizenship papers, date of birth.
Oh snap. I forgot my own anniversary. XD
Happy four years you guys!
Oh Nos!! We forgots her Birthdays!? D:
Happy Hatching Day Selkie!
Happy birthday, Selkie.
I so hope the little s.o.b and his family get it in the end big time
I can see this kid brutalizing people then yelling for them to apologize to him. (We can blame the father for empowering a bully.) Really filming his actions then submitting them to a judge then the father would put that right out the door. Then his father would have to believe that his little boy is approaching terrorist. Then he can be put on the right path to a decent person. Not a hellion.
Such terrors cannot be allowed to grow and incubate into tomorrow’s governor or general.
Good thing Dad has seen it with his own eyes. The boy might be saved yet.
Selkie needs to read that “evil overlord” list.
My theory is that these things don’t happen by accsedent, the school is actually a secret training ground for politicians.