Squishy Face is best face. Rapid Nod (I’m assuming that’s what we’re seeing in panel 3, and not Selkie’s head eating itself?) is a bit… disconcerting. Big Anime Excitement Eyes might be better. My unasked-for two cents.
Careful what you wish for there, Selkie. Snow White only had her stepmother coming after her directly. If your former kingdom is basically now an enemy kingdom, that secret needs to stay secret.
Thanks for the concern, but getting some rest is why I don’t even have the line art done yet. Although it turns out 1 mucinex and 2 acetaminophen does freaking WONDERS. XD
*offers virtual honey-lemon cough drops, a box of aloe-vera infused soft kleenex for your chapped nose, and a large pot of homemade chicken with rice soup. Also an exciting brand new drawing pen to try out, of a brand you’ve never tried before which, in order to stay realistic, turns out to be only third rate.*
One of the reasons I’ve been really excited about this comic is that I know how drawing this frequently can rapidly and drastically improve one’s artistic abilities (Early QC anyone?) And I feel like this strip in particular is very smooth and well-done and shows a lot of evolution in terms of facial expressions, fluidity and dynamic body movement… Keep up the excellent work Dave!
rapid non better. sorry for no reply’s been sick and my pc/laptops all died on me………I think they all wanted to pull a group suicide so I wont get to see this comic…….
Well, in line art, I’d have to say Squishy Face beats Rapid Nod Face, if only because of the limits of the medium. Without colouring to tie the faces together, and with motion lines instead of a blur effect, it looks a little like a rapid nod and mostly like she’s wearing one of those hats that look like a big animal is eating the wearer’s head.
I love the exuberant jumping around. It’s such a fun panel. You could probably take out the dialogue and make a poster of it.
Squishy Face is best face. Rapid Nod (I’m assuming that’s what we’re seeing in panel 3, and not Selkie’s head eating itself?) is a bit… disconcerting. Big Anime Excitement Eyes might be better. My unasked-for two cents.
Loving this update even with it not covered. You can just see how excited she is and get caught up in it with her.
Ugh… covered = colored.
She looks like she’s eating her own head. I’m frightened.
Yeaaah… Maybe it will look better colored, but for now it’s rather creepy.
Careful what you wish for there, Selkie. Snow White only had her stepmother coming after her directly. If your former kingdom is basically now an enemy kingdom, that secret needs to stay secret.
Dave, if you think you’re coming down with something, don’t push yourself. Get some rest.
Thanks for the concern, but getting some rest is why I don’t even have the line art done yet. Although it turns out 1 mucinex and 2 acetaminophen does freaking WONDERS. XD
I personally would rather you miss a deadline than get overly sick and miss several. I’m greedy that way.
Selkie is tapping the fourth wall, there, in the last panel
my comment is now irrelevant as you’ve beaten me to the punch
I love it! It’s more of an easter egg than a 4th wall break, since only fans who follow the comments will catch it.
A nod to the fans is always a +1 in my book. ^_^
Now I want to learn mermaid karate. I wonder what cool moves they can pull off with their tails.
And leaning on the fourth wall is always fun. It worked for Shakespeare and it can work for you too!
Teach her mermaid karates and assassins beware!
Here are a sample of the moves!
He has no tail. That does not count.
Although those are some slick moves.
To be fair, neither does Selkie……right?
Wouldn’t she technically be princess via last-man-standing rules for her clan?
If she is in fact the last member of her clan.
*offers virtual honey-lemon cough drops, a box of aloe-vera infused soft kleenex for your chapped nose, and a large pot of homemade chicken with rice soup. Also an exciting brand new drawing pen to try out, of a brand you’ve never tried before which, in order to stay realistic, turns out to be only third rate.*
I think you’re coming down with what I’ve got.
The lemon would make her puke. The aloe-vera would probably cause problems with her sinuses, and the rice would make her puke.
Good thing it’s just virtual.
Never mind. I was thinking you were virtually offering it to Selkie. I’m still locked into “Selkie is sick”, not “Dave is sick”.
Time flew as quick as a line across the bottom of the page…
OMG BOUNCING SELKIE. XD I just love how frickin excited she is.
One of the reasons I’ve been really excited about this comic is that I know how drawing this frequently can rapidly and drastically improve one’s artistic abilities (Early QC anyone?) And I feel like this strip in particular is very smooth and well-done and shows a lot of evolution in terms of facial expressions, fluidity and dynamic body movement… Keep up the excellent work Dave!
Really, Dave, how DARE you get sick on us? I refuse to allow it!
Just kidding. Feel better soon!
Tsk tsk, Kate. Don’t scold the cartoonist.
And yes, I’m scolding you, but that’s different.
rapid non better. sorry for no reply’s been sick and my pc/laptops all died on me………I think they all wanted to pull a group suicide so I wont get to see this comic…….
Was that a One Piece reference over there?
Dat 4th wall crack
Well, in line art, I’d have to say Squishy Face beats Rapid Nod Face, if only because of the limits of the medium. Without colouring to tie the faces together, and with motion lines instead of a blur effect, it looks a little like a rapid nod and mostly like she’s wearing one of those hats that look like a big animal is eating the wearer’s head.
I love the exuberant jumping around. It’s such a fun panel. You could probably take out the dialogue and make a poster of it.
She’s Princess Leia… AFTER Alderon blew up.