So, today is the 2nd anniversary of the first update of Selkie. Happy 2 years everyone! I can’t wait for more.
I have a few art extras to share today. First is a bonus sketch by me. In following with the anniversary sketch I drew last year, here is a 2 year old Selkie… eating a turtle cake made of bacon chicken and sausage.
Thanks to ChellRaeSelkie for giving me the meat turtle idea.
Also have some fan arts to share! DS Higsby sent this anniversary drawing:
And Cynthia made some cute Selkie drawings on Deviantart:
Thank you both! Here’s to many more years!
More text bubble experiments, this time back to ovals but with thicker outlines. I think this may be a good mix.
Oh no. Oh no Selkie they’re not making fun of you at all. You’re the sweetest girl ever, we promise.
Uh oh.
This is what happens when you lie to a kid, now even if you confess about the marks on your cheeks and how that’s what you were referring too. You still lied in the first place.
“Selkie, you had so much on your plate that day with the shirt incident, I didn´t want you to feel guilty about the rashes, too.”
Could work
That just broke my heart…
*facepalm* i might not be a parent, but…if you are gonna discus delicate matters, dont do it when the kid might be around to listen.
Oh gods, having a kid is like walking on glass eggshells with hobnailed boots.
Poor Selkie. This is a difficult visit – first the vegetarian/meateater discussion, and now this.
The sketch is cute, though, and the fan art is nice, too.
BTW, does anyone else see Cynthia´s second drawing and hear Selkie add “…and I´s a grumpy one, I is?”
Whoo boy. Quick Todd, think of something!
WEEEEELLP I did my part yay on 2 years! -evil looks- NOW MAKE MORE!!!
jk jk
It’s like when a soap opera cuts to a commercial…. (whose line is it anyway)
Oh, Skid!!!
Noooooooooooooooo, shessadthatsnotgoodohgodhugherandfeedherallthefishes
Todd: Aw craps. No, sweetie…you caught the end of that, I meant that literally. I got this rash from you kissing me.
Selkie: I…I…gaves you the rashs? I…can’ts…touchs you?
Todd: Oh god I’m making it worse. Dad! Help!
Well now that it’s finally out there maybe they can openly try to find out what Todd is exactly allergic to and take steps (allergy medication) so that Selkie won’t be hurt knowing her kisses hurt her father.
On another note, have you noticed how shockingly sparse the furnishings are in that house?
I guess I’m just not very imaginative on interior decorating. XD Although I concede the point that I could probably stand to work a bookshelf in there or something.
It isn’t easy decorating when you have the rest of the comic in mind. I know, Dave:)
That should be boss’ boss’ BOSS’ boss. Possessive, not plural.
“boss’s boss’s BOSS’S boss”
I know you didn’t mean the plural, you just forgot the catastrophe.
I really hope this doesn’t turn into sit-com “you didn’t hear all of it” stuff… you’re an awesome writer, so I don’t think it will, but it has that vibe and it’d make me sad…
Still, nice to see it explained and fixed and stuff. had that rash awhile, so it’ll be good to see what’s done about it.
That’s not just sit-com stuff. I had a step-child. Had her, maybe two months. She had a really bad habit of interrupting people. So one night at dinner I’m talking to my new wife and the child jumps in and I turned to her and said, “I am so damn sick of you interrupting”, except that I broke into a coughing fit between the words “you” and “interrupting”, so what she AND HER MOTHER heard was “I am so damn sick of you” cough cough cough cough.
Kinda puts a strain on the family relationship, that does.
AIIIGHHH!!! Now I have to wait until MONDAY to find out what comes next!! *sob*
Actually this development is a good thing. More knowledge is always a good thing. Drink deep of the Pyrian Spring. If Selkie doesn’t find out now how would it be better for her to find out later? I am relieved that Todd is aware of where his rash comes from. Oh, and most of all… Love the eyes on Todd’s brother when he sees Selkie but Todd doesn’t!
Bosses is plural, just so you know. Not possesive. Also, get Todd some benadryl cream. Clear the rash right up if it’s an allergic reaction.
Now, now… Everything doesn’t need to become a herd of drama llamas. Todd has done very well, so far, in assuaging Selkie’s insecurities, and I think that’s exactly what this is.
Selkie walked in heard her name being used in the same sentence as “irritating” and jumped too conclusions. Heaven knows she’s had enough legitimate practice in jumping to those particular conclusions.
Todd simply needs to explain what he was talking about and that he wasn’t making fun of her at all. As far as the “lying” goes, I don’t think he ever lied. The only time we’ve seen Selkie even notice the rash, she told him not to scratch the “poison ivy.” One could claim a lie of omission, but no responsible parent in the world would ever say, “Oh no, honey, that’s not poison ivy. Thats the pussy sore I got where you kissed me. You’re poisonous.”
Of course, if Selkie runs off, deciding not to stay and wait for an explanation? then we can have a llama rodeo.
Ahhhh! No. Do not play that angst game! PLEASE! It will be a lot more fun if Selkie and her father hug this out and she knows there is no problem. Plus I can imagine the mischievious fun Selkie might have with certain bullies and jerks..
(licks someone’s fork).
“Sandra! Did you have a collagen injection or something? Your lips look like little balloons!”
“AH thont knows, baat mah taangue ith weeely swwoollens thooo!”
(Selkie snickers…)
(Todd channels Dave Seville: SEEELLLLLLLLKIE!!!)
Please, if there is going to be drama don’t make it harder for Todd and Selkie, she needs to know he is her rock.
Not a good idea with the licking of the fork. If their lips and tongue swell up, what’s to stop their throat from doing the same?
Little pitchers with big ears and quiet, cat feet… I’ve had a similar moment with my own nephew. Not as major, but a reminder that if he’s in the same house, he might easily overhear a careless word or two.
Because Selkie’s so different, this kind of thing is going to come up again and again. Todd can certainly handle it; the orphanage staff would not have agreed to the adoption if they doubted that.
Hey, it’s Selkie’s birthday today!
Happy birthday, Selkie!
I think a calm, simple explanation of sometimes-words-have-two-meanings will work. Selkie is still a bit insecure with her new family (who can blame her, after what she went through at the orphanage with potential adopters), but she is not stupid.
Oh honey… I hope Todd sorts this out quickly. She’s got enough problems in her life as it is.
Happy birthday!!!! It’s fantastic that you’ve been able to keep this up for so long and so well!
Way to open your big mouth Todd, your daughter’s gonna be so /mad/…
Eeee, what cute fanart!!! X3 Toddler Selkie…so adorable.
In honor of my long-awaited movie release, Shards has a Saturday pic up and that reminds me… I’ve wanted to draw Selkie in MiB gear, too! Hee hee! More on that after I get over this dang cough and kids demanding my every second.
The cake looks fun and sound delicious, in a carnivorous way. :B
And suddenly all the times my mother used to tease me when I was a kid make perfect sense : Desensitisation to mockery… and accidentally walking in on potentially insulting statements.