And we’re back to the classroom!
I got a couple things to share. First, I received a lovely piece of fanart from Deviant Artist Colanah the other day that I wish to share:
Thanks Colanah!
I also have a small bonus sketch to share. Thought about saving this for a Sketch Saturday, but decided not to since this Saturday is already slotted for a Christmas sketch. (By the way, come back on Saturday for a Christmas-themed sketch day. :D)
Back story on this sketch is that I started playing League of Legends based on a reader’s recommendation last August, and have been in love with the game since then. We were talking about which champions he thinks Selkie characters would play, and he told me he sees Selkie as playing Heimerdinger (For those who don’t know, Heimerdinger is basically a goofy mad scientist with a huuuuuge puffy hairdo.) So, I sketched a Selkie/Heimerdinger cosplay.
See you Saturday, and if you celebrate it, have a great Christmas.
Discussion (37) ¬
I totally had Selkie pegged as an Anne player.
Actually, Selkie would make a decent Anne skin if Tibbers was done right, but what would her version of the famous Stunbear be?
A very tiny Todd? Or maybe a plush seal.
Tibbers in a fish suit, maybe?
Oh, I could definitely see Selkie as Annie! I would buy that skin in a heartbeat! heehee! <3
I could see wither a fish-suit Tibbers, or Tibbers in a fishy costume. It would be perfect!
[She is my main <3]
and I just thought of Tibbers wearing an Urf the Manatee costume, a la Warwick.
thanks a lot guys.
Uh oh, I see that look on Amanda’s face!
I see they don’t know what exactly she was doing there, and don’t realize she stripped herself topless :p
“Some jerks stoles mys SHIRTS!”
Teacher hears that, interprets that to mean that the shirt was stolen right off her body.
I love the faces. And I love that there is confusion about what happened (stripped topless vrs shirt stolen off the door). We haven’t seen Selkie’s reaction at all but already know she has to be either very shut down or hysterical for this to happen, and it seems very realistic.
Anywho different topic. I have been wondering if you draw by hand, with a wacom-style tablet or a different method. If there is something you need to help advance your drawing I for one would be happy to kick in some of my Christmas cash.
Thank you for producing such a lovely comic, Happy holidays
I draw in a sketchbook then scan it in and “ink” everything in Photoshop with a Bamboo tablet.
That’s a very generous offer, but all I need to improve is to get rid of some bad habits.
I would have never pegged you as a League player. I am a first time commenter, and have been reading since about when Todd first showed his back tattoo. Who is your favorite League champion and personally I think Selkie would play Fizz.
I really enjoy the story you are writing here. However I am curious where did you come up with the idea for it? Are there any influences?
My influences for the general idea of the strip are all over the place. Selkie herself is partially inspired by the little orphan girl with the ear on her forehead from Futurama and a few Lovecraft stories. My overall plot and storyline just comes from thinking about it, like ALL THE TIME. Sometimes at work I catch myself string in space at my monitor because I was mapping out how future narrative threads will pan out.
As for League of Legends, I am best with Tanks Mages and Bruisers (Karthus, Singed, Rumble, Riven, and Ahri being some of my favorites). I am a terrible Carry and Assassin. For some reason autoattackers don’t work well for me either; I keep wanting to click abilities.
dude we should friend each other. I’m a push carry, heaven knows I need a good tank that knows what they’re doing to pair up with 9_9
I’m really liking the new art style. A big step forward. It’s looser, freer, already much more attractive. I think you just took off a strait jacket! At the beginning (I can say this now) I stuck with you for the story and the characters, despite art which didn’t appeal to me all that much. Now I’m also going to be coming back because I want to see where you’ll go with this.
You’re not the only one that felt that way.
She would play Fizz or Cass in League of Legends for sure!
Pretend it was a relative…
Loving the comic… keep it up!
I was thinking Fizz as well. Heimerdinger makes sense from the dream, but Fizz is the Tidal Trickster!
I’m having a difficult time believing that the staff actually care that this happened. Maybe that’s just my own experience talking.
It’s not the caring thats odd, it’s the emotions.
It would make perfect sense if they cared who caused the trouble, rather then who was affected.
But same as you, maybe just my own experience talking.
I’m pretty sure even in the most lackadaisical schools, they would care that a female student’s clothing was stolen. That’s just opening them up to all sorts of lawsuits.
It really depends on the teacher in the situation. My experience was that some teachers would censor an assault victim because letting them report the attack would be too much trouble and other teachers would risk their jobs to stop hate crimes against the racial and religious minorities or anyone else.
Amanda looks somewhat smug in that first panel…
Can you tell us what that “Rules of the Class” list says?
1. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking.
2. If you do not know the answer, that is okay.
3. No spitting.
4. Be kind to other students.
5. No name calling, insults, or mean words under any circumstance.
6. No spitting.
7. Do not cheat. Cheating will be severely punished.
8. Always use indoor voices.
9. Help each other if needed.
10. Seriously. No spitting.
11. Actually, that bears repeating. NO. SPITTING.
Hmm. Nothing about stealing shirts.
… Actually, nothing about stealing.
… Hmm.
I hope Tony or Amanda didn’t steal the shirt. It’s too predictable. I can see Heather doing it to get back in her posse, but a totally different character could be an interesting twist as well. I like that the teachers are upset in this strip. It shows that some schools actually have teachers that care. My life experiences haven’t been as nice, so it’s good to see Selkie at least will have some better experiences than a bunch of us readers. I was thinking realism could be good, but I think in the Selkie world a lot of people seem more accepting than real people just in the fact Selkie isn’t on a lab table in a hidden government place. It could really go either way in that sort of environment. In any case, I’m liking the direction of the story.
In retrospect, it may not have been the best decision to have Selkie attend the same school as before with the other kids from the orphanage, now that she’s been adopted. She doesn’t really seem to have any friends there, and now that some of the other kids are holding grudges against her it may be a good idea for her to make a new start at a different school.
Of course, it is unfair that she should be the one to have to leave instead of controlling the bullies’ behavior, but sadly that’s usually the way things end up going….
Sure she has friends there. George, Sandy, Wu….
Tell me Selkie’s middle name is something that starts with an “O,” like Ophelia or something. She just has to be teased about her initials being SOS!
Late to the punch on commenting since I’ve had a hectic holiday week so far, saying as Christmas is in a few days…
I think that judging by Heather’s expression in the first panel, looking back at Mr. Thompson as he asks to talk to Mrs. Afkhami (spelling that by memory, sorry if it’s incorrect) and and Jess, as well as things I noticed in the panel where the shirt thief ran away, that she probably took it.
I could be wrong and it could have been a vengeful Tony or someone else (we’ll have to wait and see) but that’s just what I’m getting at from the little things I’ve noticed.
Woot! Heimerdinger Selkie. lol, Fizz is the obvious choice. Why not go for the unexpected?
Wow. Gym teacher needs to phrase things better. Sounds like a dude in a pedobear outfit came in and took Selkie’s shirt right off her back.
I love, absolutely LOVE those facial expressions! XD
Although I think now would be a good time for the relevant teachers to learn of Selkie’s special requirements.
Enjoy a little Christmas game:
Hi all, I am going to go way out on a wild hypothesis.
[tinfoil hat time everyone:) ]
The person who swiped the shirt may not be a student at all. If you look at the shadowy figure following Selkie in strip #159 the person appears to be an adult male wearing a suit. An MIB or X-files gov. type maybe?
If you compare the height of the shadow to the height of the door frames and then look at the square line of shoulder you will see what I mean.
If that is the case the shirt may have been swiped to check for DNA.
They have probably been tracking her for years, but now it is much more difficult to get samples since she lives in a private residence.
What you you think?
I love that “No spitting” is on the rule list four times. Clearly you have experience with fourth graders.
I think it’d make for an interesting twist. However I wouldn’t say that the agency or persons stalking Selkie, if any, are malevolent. If they wanted to go all Area 51 on her they could have done so a long time ago. Dave has said that part of the influence on Selkie was Lovecraft. Perhaps there is a small cult that worships people like Selkie and the shirt is going to be an icon in some creepy shrine. I can see a lot of ways that Dave could make that both scary and hilarious.
Honestly though I think we’re both wrong and I’m sure Dave is going to catch us all off guard haha.