The knives don’t have the green here because it made more sense to me that they’d be powered off.
↓ Transcript
Sai Fen: Ooookay. Very close to done.
Sai Fen: Can either of you tell me, what is the last thing this statue needs?
Female Student: Uuummm... more smoothing?
Male Sculpture Student: Maybe we need to scratch our signatures on it?
Ke Ban (VO): A name! It needs a name!
Sai Fen: That's Righ... AAAAH!
Sai Fen (VO): You look so good!
Ke Ban: Aaaah, shimmers! Thank you, Miss!
Ke Nan: I can't wait to get this started!
Sai Fen: Can either of you tell me, what is the last thing this statue needs?
Female Student: Uuummm... more smoothing?
Male Sculpture Student: Maybe we need to scratch our signatures on it?
Ke Ban (VO): A name! It needs a name!
Sai Fen: That's Righ... AAAAH!
Sai Fen (VO): You look so good!
Ke Ban: Aaaah, shimmers! Thank you, Miss!
Ke Nan: I can't wait to get this started!
Female Student and Male Student have names which have destined them for academia
As someone who’s worked with sculpting, i have a question…
Are the craft knives able to change shape as needed? Sculpting both clay and stone require many tools, but none of them really look like this. It really depends on the material you’re working with, and how you’re shaping it. Clay tools are often wire loops on handles, and small blades shaped more like a flat scoop. Wooden tools are also used but those are rounded or resemble fingers.
This knife is more the shape for making flat, straight slices through flesh or other soft matter.
Depending on how ‘magic’ the Resonance energy is, it might be that the concept of ‘knife’ is more important than the shape of the blade when it comes to their use- perhaps the resonance is able to be shaped for sculpting regardless of the shape of the knife?
I thought about this when Sai Fen was showing Selkie the sculpting on the first visit to their house. Now that it has come up again, I figured since it looks like magic, because it is a technology we don’t understand, and the comic is not animated, I’m guessing that the blade changes its shape based on pressure queues from the fingers and hand, during sculpting.
They indeed look good.
Is that a side boob or a full frontal gill?
I need to know for… research… Yes…
Gill flap. Minors don’t get sideboob.
Thank you for being awesome every time Dave
Dave; What’s with the funny uniforms? Do Sarnothi kids need to be identified as “Academics” Vs. “Normal” kids? Or are they practicing a martial art?
I think it’s their “good clothes” for holidays and whatever the “surprise” coming up is.
As it’s a small refugee community they may also not have access to a ton of dyes and such yet, as I’m assuming there would need to be special ones that would stay sharp always being submerged that wouldn’t put something nasty-tasting in what they’re breathing…
Is shimmers basically the Sarnothi version of “Oh, My God” that valley girls do? It seems that way to me.
A name? Please… Pants
“A Tribute to Pants”.
Paaaaaaaanntssssss. Hello. Hello. I am pants.