Thank you everyone for the well-wishes. I appreciate all the kind thought and emails and comments. Still not fully over it, but better than I was Sunday for sure. Been sleeping it off the past couple days, going to take a “update with colors later” day on today’s strip.
-EDIT- It’s later in the day.
Good lord it's been a long time since I drew Kenneth. Had to go back waaaay to near the beginning of the comic to remind myself how he looked.
feel better soon, davo!
Well feel better soon.
XD Also a five page waver? Wow. I’m kinda scared to find out how many kids got hurt in that place.
“Bounce House assumes no responsibility for trauma incurred if staff are required to use Claw on a Stick (TM) to dislodge patrons trapped at the top of the Velcro Wall. And yes, Claw on a Stick (TM) is a real thing.”
I *think* i know what that is, but google images have been inconclusive.
Somehow, writing “Claw on a Stick” got me a combinations of wolverine claws, some cat feet, and a picture of Blanka standing on top of a Tonka truck.
“Bounce House, Inc. is not liable for any injuries to limb or life resulting from any of the following: (a) jumping from a high place to a low place (b) jumping too high (c) rolling a natural 1 on your con saving throw (d) nausea resulting from bouncing after having eaten (e) getting crushed by other Clients (f) attempting to use the Equipment in a manner not intended by manufacturer
Clients shall indemnify and hold harmless Bounce House, Inc. and its directors, officers, employees, agents,
stockholders, affiliates, franchises, and other Clients from and
against all allegations, claims, actions, suits, demands, damages,
liabilities, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and
expenses (including without limitation attorneys’ fees and costs)
which arise out of, relate to or result from any act or omission of
ahhhh this is adorable and I’m so happy <3
“Bounce House discourages those over the age of 70 from participating in bouncing. If patrons over the age of 70 insist in bouncing, they forfeit the right to sue over heart attacks, fractured hips, bruises, skin tears, back injuries, or shattering of childhood nostalgia.”
Nah, that happens about age 50. When you try to hang from your knees, fall, and break your wrist trying to stop your fall, then fall over on your side and break your other arm.
Dave, some artists keep spiral bound notebooks with a sketch of the charact and notes about what colour eyes the character had, and skin tones, favorite sweater, … You know, a quick ref. sheet, like in dungeons and dragons. Eyes = e688a2 for instance, or soul displays as 066600, won’t eat fish eye balls.
That kinda thing. Makes hunting through the archives ear-elephant.
I keep color palettes in Photoshop for that, but I hadn’t drawn Kenneth in so long I had to go back and reference his facial features (double-chin, strong jaw, etc)
er . . . dimpled chin. A double-chin is something less flattering.
As someone who has more chins than a Chinese phone book, I agree. (Despite the appearance, I’m not actually looking at you over a stack of pancakes.)
Cleft chin, actually, I believe is the term!
i like to call it the butt-chin, far more technical
Burt Lancaster made it a popular thing, way back in the, … (OMG!) …. Never mind.
If you watch Family Guy I believe the term is “testicle-chin.” Or, in Men In Black, “Ballchinian”
I’m trying to remember when Amanda and Heather patched things up – I’m sure it happened, just can’t recall when.
Starting here:
Was rereading the archives (didn’t even see the response!) and it actually started here –
Just caught all the way up after starting to read this comic, and all I can say is well done! Plus, I think parrot eels of death are pretty scary. Thanks for another reason to fear deep water…
A clawed mergirl on a rubber bounce-house? Hehehehehe…
Apparently it’s more padding and proper trampolines
Generally rubber-impregnated canvas. Probably pretty safe from Selkie’s claws.
I’m just gonna ask this now, when is Todd going to crack down on the swearing? I mean, it’s not terrible by any means, and when I was her age I swore like a sailor. Just not in front of her.
If I was 9 and was using the word hell like Amanda is in front of my Mom, it’s likely she’d have at least said anything.
What, like oh my god and hell? That’s not swearing unless one is particularly religious – which I don’t thik Todd is.
A teacher would say otherwise.
I certainly would have caught hell for saying ‘crap’, used as an expletive, not as a descriptor.
I got in trouble once for saying something sucked. The chaperone was going with “It has sexual connotations” instead of the “It pulls away all greatness”
Hope you’re feeling better!
OMG OMG OMG you’re going to do the Velcro Wall!!! Squeeee!!!

Ahem! [grabs dignity, pulls it back up] Welcome back, Dave. I hope you’re fully recovered!
Oh man, I just now realized their names are Ken and Barbie.