The final guest strip of my holiday hiatus comes from ChaosKai3000, who drew us a callback to one of the earliest scenes in the comic. Thank you so much!
And as a finale, a bonus piece of fanart depicting teenage Todd and Andi:
Thank you so much ChaosKai, and everyone else who submitted guest strips for the holiday hiatus. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to create these for me.
Regular Selkie strips return next Monday, January 4th. See you then!
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
When I first saw that sign, I would have thought the pigs would have taken over by now.
Nope. The Barn hasn’t been written on yet.
This comic is brilliant. I love it. And the Andi and Todd art is super awesome too. I wish we could see more of what their relationship was like in the past, but I kinda doubt we will unless it’s a quick recap of the time when Andi was pregnant.
I’d really love to see some of the antics teenage Todd and Andi got into though. I bet they did some terrible stuff to their teachers lol
It’s all fun and games until Selkie’s physiology puts her on her death bed a bajillion hours from a hospital. But at least Selkie will get to ride in a helicopter when she is medevaced…
You know, if you make the speech balloons white, and draw little arrows to the character that’s speaking, and then have the dialogue black, on that balloon’s white background, the reader can actually read what is being said.
Have to agree, this is one of the harder strips to read I’ve seen in some time.
Yeah, I was debating how whether I should leave it or change it. I guess the font could be bigger too, but I just wanted Selkie and Amanda to speak with ‘architect’s daughter’
But all and all thank you for your input, now I’m a better artist because of it.
Happy new year!
I don’t mind the lack of arrows, but the color choices of speech bubble and text made this harder to read than it needs to be. Please use a very dark background with bright text or vice-versa, NOT dark grey bubble with lighter grey text :/
OH! And makes the texts biggerer.
This is for anyone who’s having difficulty reading:
Ugh, this is taking forever!
We can’t help it if your uncle lives far away from the city, dear.
Two hours too fars if yous asks me.
Oh, this trip will be worth the wait I promise
Finallys! Waits, a farms? That’s kindsa familiars..
NO! We did NOT just spend TWO HOURS to coming to a stupid FAR–
Tolds yous.
S-shut up.
[moments later]
This is uncle Leo. We’ve told him many things about you all.
Hey girls! Hi Todd~
THAT’S RIGHTS–He made you shovels poops!
It was up to my knees….
Yeah right! You’re SO gullible.
Care to test that theory, little missy?
Hahas! Revenge is sweeters thans hams!
Selkie I’m surprised at you!
You know better than to egg on your sister like that. It’s very rude.
You’re old enough to realize that crappy behavior gets an even crappier punishment.
Just think of it as your ‘civil duty’
Civils dutys… Oh NOS. Nos nos nos nos nos NOS N-
Ah, a little hard work never hurt anybody.
History might disagree with you son
That’s a mighty fine attitude you got there boyo! You want I should take you up on that–
Why Todd that’s the kind of language that got you sent up here in the first place
I guess we’ll need the same remedy as the last time don’t’ we?
Oh that is LOW
That should be ‘coming to’ not “to coming to”
Please let this be cannon. It’s too well written and funny to write off as just guest art.
Could not read.
It seems daddy and his darling daughters are all quite equal here.
Letters too small, speech balloons not high enough contrast. I can’t read this.
Had to open the image in a separate window before I could read it.
Ah! Thank you! I was wondering how to get a larger copy. 🙂
Civic duty, the term is civic duty. Also it doesn’t really apply.
Love the comic, not a fan of the font. It was worth the work to read it, though. Absolutely brilliant!
How very… Anime, was that last panel.
Not a favorite Selkie strip of mine. mostly out of character; not cruel to be kind but cruel because we can! I am glad that it’s not canon.
I thought this was pretty funny! Love Todd’s expression in the very first panel, sitting forlornly on the very back seat… 🙂
It’s been mentioned in another comment, but if you are having trouble reading it just right click and open the image in a new tab, you can zoom in and read it a lot easier. Each character has their own speech bubble color. Though it was hard to read at first, it was pretty good once I was able to see the text large enough.
Your hiatus does not seem to have appreciably reduced your fan base, as shown by the TWC vote button…
This is canon. It happened during the night to Todd about four hours after too much spicy tofurkey, pickled onions and fruitcake.
That horses grin! 😀
I know, right? And the star. Plotting horse is plotting…
Sweet art, SUPER-SICK designs for the panels that use depth very well, but s/he needs to work on their word balloons.
The speech bubbles in this comic are nearly illegible.