This is the 500th strip of Selkie. I can’t believe I’ve drawn 500 Selkies. Although if you count each panel as an individual Selkie… O_o Thank you for reading my comic, everyone. I love doing this and I love that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I wanted this to be a Friday strip, but some script revisions to condense things slightly threw my Machiavellian plotting off kilter.
If someone put the idea into Selkie’s head to pick Tommy the Truck’s punishment… oh the things she would think up.
Selkie isn't really using "kransa bi cholek" correctly. I intend to define it specifically at a later point, but here's a hint. "Kransa" means "teeth".
In lieu of silly comments from me, here is two “Mastermind Selkie” panels spliced together with dialogue that is totally not ripped off from elsewhere.
I was originally going to have this be a Friday strip but the way things worked out that would have required using an entire strip to pad/bloat the flow just to delay the reveal. Meh.
Someones getting the horns. If you liked the “Selkie Selfie” panel from last Friday, I’ve got an illustration and some t-shirts based off it here you may enjoy.
I still fully intend to use the pictograph swears as a general self-censorship format, but on a case-by-case basis they're of questionable appropriateness.
Selkie has the right ideas about alien invasions. ↓ TranscriptDiscarded dialogue: Prof: Dick? Really? Selkie: (sheepish) I forgots his names? Prof: You just called him "Tommy" three times a moment ago. Selkie: …I remembereds?
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.