What? Its not a god idea to just TELL people you’re a Sith. — Just another reminder, next week will be guest art/strips as I take a bit of a Break-cation.
Guppies. — Just a heads-up, I’ve decided to take a small beak from the comics making next week, Apr8 – Apr14. Just a short “break-cation”. I have some fanart drawings I will be airing during that time. Thank you to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ashton’s temporary replacement, she’s filling in the rest of the year while a formal replacement is interviewed/etc. — Im still taking fanart/guest strip submissions to air during a Break-cation! Date of that is still up in the air, but will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ll be updating this with colors later in the day. And… well, I think maybe I may follow some advice to take a week off. Vacation, sabbatical, hiatus bad word no. Whatever you want to call it. No date on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Giselle’s mother. — The Fan Art Flood continues! LadyxChrii drew this for me: Thank you, LadyxChrii!
Outed. —- Got TWO amazing fanart pieces to share to day! Firstly is an acrylic painting made for me by W31rd0n3: And Ellie drew a picture of Sai Fen and Tai Li playing, with bonus artwork of her Original Character[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…