2053 comics.
I like sometimes to give the impression the cast does stuff off-panel.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Mental sound effects for panel three: scoot-scoot-scoot
Kids seriously love touching ceilings, though. My cousin's five and six year old can't get enough of it.
Happy 4th, my fellow Americans! Brief artistic discussion moment. When the half-colored version was posted earlier, reader maggPi made a critique comment that they liked the monochrome-white background characters in Panel 2 more than my usual “color everything” approach for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
a last name that rhymes with the first name like that is considered cute in Sarnoth culture, but very kidd-ish. It won't serve her well when she grows up.
I can't unhear the word "banana" whenever the M-Word gets thrown around.
Amanda's personal hell, school at home.
The elephant in the room.
It's Andi. I'm referring to Andi.
They also don’t kiss, but that would probably be a poor segue for Then to make. Answering a question had in the last few comments: sarnothi saliva is a paralytic venom. Selkie’s skin contact smooches only gave a painful irritation[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Spin The Bottle and Die