Flats for now, shading in a bit. Got myself sidetracked looking into merch store options. Set up a couple placeholder/demo items on Cafepress, Society6 and Zazzle; still making a decision on who to use. -SHADING DONE-
I was originally going to put a little "editors note" narrator-box mentioning that Lynni is in a different class from the rest of the kids, only to remember that Wu and Sandy are ALSO not in Selkie George and Giselle's class. So, blam, Lynni's with them. So is Ricky because why not.
I like the look of panels 1 and 6 with the character layers turned off. Also, bit of an announcement. I think I am long past due for a reader meet-and-greet opportunity, and I’d like to arrange it with a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
May have slightly overdone it on the emotive reaction panels. Maybe.
I read some webcomics drama on Twitter while finishing up the strip that I’d rather not link to because I don’t want to give it traffic, but it has motivated me to say that I love and appreciate the support[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Amanda's got a temper and, occasionally, a potty mouth.
Heather’s still (justifiably) mad. – – – – – I want to take a moment here to direct you all to a few things. Firstly, my friend Kathleen Jacques who does the so-much-freaking-fun comic Band vs Band has set up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I've filmed college games from the sidelines where soccer players took one hundred mile per hour flying balls right into their gut, shook it off and started running back down the field to help score a goal. Soccer players are a lot tougher than me.
Gonna be picking up some of the secondary threads again here. – – – – – So something you all may not know about me is that I occasionally commit the greatest internet hubris; googling myself. More specifically, I sometimes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I tweaked my background texture brush to be more random in it's orientation so the spread of texturing feels less patterned and clumpy. The pink emotive panel is also using a new watercolor-ish brush I made that selects colors semi-randomly along preset fore and background colors (pink and white, in this instance).