Todd’s being a buzzkill. -EDIT- Woops. Working to the wire last night, I forgot to add in this fun Fan Art I was sent! A Selkie/Homestuck cross-cosplay by Mort the Ghost: Thanks so much, Mort!
2054 comics.
Considered using a photo of an actual Vegas skyline, but photo-insert backgrounds just look tacky to me.
Ever since the playdate arc where George came to visit Selkie and the Ikaris popped in and joined the game, I've felt like my usage of them extends beyond geeky paradoic reference humor. They popped in to play board games, Asuka teaches Selkie german... at this rate, I don't feel like they're "just" humorous nods; they're basically supporting cast in their own right by this stage. So I've essentially decided to make them more stand-alone and more... "mine"; mostly with some palette alterations and some light design modifications (Asuka's bangs are more like how I draw everyone else's bangs, now). I was also going to change their surname to something else, probably Horaki. But I don't think that much retconning is necessary.
Been meaning to make a vector template background for that kitchen for awhile. Finally did it for this strip. May add a few more details to it for later use though.
Just another reminder to those interested/nearby the Reno Nevada area that I will be in the artist alley of SNAFU-Con at the end of October. I’ve put a little sticky note in the sidebar for reference. Oh, and the landslide[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So while putting together this next arc I realized I'd overlooked a timeline blunder: Selkie unleashes the Cell Phone Gambit on a Monday, then on the following day (a Tuesday) has the final confrontation followed with a dream sequence. Originally I wanted the strategy meeting to take place on the Tuesday of that week because the PTA meeting is on Wednesday evening. HOWEVER, I wrote a dream sequence as the ending scene of that whole bit, which suggests the finale piece takes place Tuesday night... which I realized too late means that for the strategy meeting to happen on a Tuesday, the comic's narrative has to make some awkward and clumsy timeline skips if the next arc takes place AFTER the first 95% of the previous arc but BEFORE the last 5%. Requires less narrative juggling to have both the strategy coffee AND the PTA meeting happen on the Wednesday of the week this all takes place in. If that gives Todd Selkie and Mina a very very busy Wednesday, well c'est la vie. :3
End of dream sequence, and end of Selkie’s dealings with Truck for the time being. Next arc starts next week, but I’m waffling on a decision for it and would like some input. If you would like to have a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I have an unnatural love of octupus tentacle sushi.
Belatedly I realize I should have dressed Selkie up as Kagomi, since the Dream Truck is all red like Inu Yasha. It shall be the meta reference that never was, XD
Half-dressed girl versus pick-up truck. Round 1: FIGHT.
Been waiting so very long to finally draw that lovecraftian limb-hork. :3
The emotive pigtails are a "visual cue for the readers that characters in-universe don't outright notice" thing. If they were, she'd have a bad poker HEAD.
Both of them need a time out and a hug.