Show and Tell Storytime. – – – – – Patreon pledgers! I’ve got a set-up ready to go this weekend for the monthly Live Drawing Session. I am going to hold it this weekend. Check the activity feed for more[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For the longest time I had trouble pegging down Amanda's interests. She hasn't had a lot of on-screen room that wasn't an antagonist role. I started thinking about her anger, her sadness, and the way she seems like she constantly feels like her insides are boiling. I started thinking "maybe Amanda has some stuff to say. Maybe she has stories to share." So I gave her a notebook.
Initial sketches had a mistake where Amanda was facing the front of the bus while giving the "eyes on you" gesture, which is all kinds of wrong compared to Panel 2.
A hard conversation continues. – – – – – I’m working the kinks out of recording screen-captures of the drawing of the strip and SHOULD have this strip’s drawing from inks to colors successfully recorded. Have to review it before[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Andi's hair may look silly, but I like drawing it. It's distinctive.
Andi’s side of things. – – – – Patreon campaigns off to a good start, folks! Thanks to everyone who’s pledged. I’ve got a sketch up on the activity feed and I’m getting set up for a video stream later[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The day I drew this strip was also the final day of Dawngate's servers being available for play. I felt like doing something small to say goodbye to the game, and decided that since my intent for the backgrounds of the flashback was to look jumbled and confused, I'd also incorporate "splashes of color" in honor of one of my favorite Dawngate characters, Zeri. Rest in Peace, Miss ahb Kareiya.
(Beta WIP) Patch notes for 2-3-2015: In an effort to incentive risk-reward and player interaction, we’ve made some balance changes to Flashbacks for this upcoming patch. Cartoony Illustration Speech bubbles have been dominating competitive play a bit too highly, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I need to practice drawing biscotti. This is a thing I've learned about myself.