2054 comics.
Panel one had Amanda's pigtails curved in a sickle-shape in my original sketch, but I wasn't sure what emotive state it properly conveyed. Plus it made her look a bit like Mini Moon.
Real balancing act on this page to not tilt it too far towards either super-sad or super-angry
Amanda's former GameKid handheld pretty much only had a pet store game and some puzzle games, and the orphanage's video games were all PG games. Car smashing is new delicious territory.
All the cool eight year olds have motorcycles, MOOOOOOM! – – – – — Fanart Update! Saokara sent me this awesome drawing of the De’Madiea family taking a family photo: Thank you, Saokara!
Giving Amanda a motorcycle would be a terrible idea, for the obvious reasons but also because she'd probably just do donuts in the cafeteria to show it off.
Fan Art Update time! AmyP sent me some drawings her daughter, Teddy Bear the Tigger, drew on a sidewalk: Thank you, Teddy Bear the Tigger! I’m especially fond of the Happy Face drawing. 😀
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
I liked working out Panel 1.
Andrea has discovered Amanda Lore: Perceptive Andrea has gained a level in Amanda Lore. Brutal Difficulty is now unlocked.
Parting shots fired. – – – – – Got a Fanart Update today! This one came from Micah Fahar: hank you, Micah!
The pigtailed skull was a spur-of-the-moment addition.