May as well get the competition urge out. Fanart Update! I got this drawing of Keisha living her jazz ballerina dreams from Victoria: Thank you Victoria!
My family has never completed a game of Monopoly. We all reach the two hour mark and call whoever has the most properties the winner.
In the initial draft of this arc Amanda was putting up the sweet and innocent act to the adults faces while being a royal shit to Selkie in secret. I chose not to pursue that because I don't want to create a narrative where Amanda is portrayed as some master manipulator or prescient mastermind. She's not above using the batted-eyelashes don't get me wrong, but I feel a route like that leans a bit too one-dimensional.
It’s all fun and games until the war paint comes out. Fanart Update! I got thi awesome alternate fantasy sequence drawing from Theresa: Thank you, Theresa!
So, I have to be honest with everyone: Today’s strip was a last-minute add-in. I improved it after reading commentary on yesterday’s strip, more specifically comments on the Semi-Secret Director Commentary. I mentioned that it had occurred to me to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Had I gone ahead with media references anyway, Amanda probably would have been Disney's Cinderella.
So tempted to draw the first panel of the next strip in a Star Wars lightsaber duel mock-up, but I don't think it would fit Amanda's personality. Selkie'd love it though.
Color coded mayhem!! I don’t normally do this because I’m silly and forgetful, but by request I thought I’d share here the beta version of this strip that was up as a placeholder while I got the coloring finished.
Was going to say "Sharpie" instead of marker, but (A) I dunno if that brand name is used outside America and (2) I've got a pattern of parody-brand-names I'd like to stick too but didn't want readability of the joke to get obscured. So, "marker".