Welp, I miscalculated slightly. This is the last strip of this piece of the story. I considered padding the end a bit to fill out the week, but decided against it. I don’t want to begin the hiatus earlier than[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For those that read Skin Horse, the Amanda/Selkie split screen in the bottom row makes me think of UNITY.
A talking too. Just a reminder, I am taking a two week hiatus beginning NEXT MONDAY. I am still accepting guest strips to air during the hiatus until the end of the day tomorrow (Dec 15th)
I feel like it makes more sense to me that Todd would discipline Selkie for her outbursts privately to avoid placing her on the spot in front of someone he knows she has trouble dealing with.
Storytime. Just another heads up, I am taking a two-week hiatus beginning December 21st. I am still acepting guest strips to air during this time until December 15th!
Try again, Amanda. Belated note, but I am extending the deadline for guest strips to December 15 and projecting my hiatus to begin December 21 for two weeks. That will let me double-dip my off time with holiday time 😀
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
To my fellow Americans, happy Black Friday! I hope your brought chainmail and a good sword with you as you venture to market. >:D (Fixed an issue with Selkie’s dialogue coming out of Amanda’s mouth)
I wasn't originally going to have Todd flinch back quite so dramatically in the last panel, but after the reactions to yesterday's strip where he storms forth upon Andi I thought maybe a little bit of counter-storming would be fun. Also, I wanted to with "that" dialogue choice but felt the pictograph cuss words wouldn't work in this moment, so I went this route. I suppose you could just assume she's saying "Rock" and Todd's head is hiding the short leg of the R.
I made a meta-writing decision not to fully recap Amanda's past with the Sandersons because the readers have already heard it, so I figure the details can be gone into off-camera a bit. Flows quicker this way.