It’s probably for the best Andi was up front about the blood aspect. Don’t forget, for Selkie readers in St. Louis, I am going to be at the Art St. Louis gallery tomorrow evening for the reception of a show[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If she has her way, Amanda's just going to scrunch-eye through this whole day.
No pink ponies, but don’t look too closely at the roses either.
I added the "Rude" speech bubble at the last minute to cover up some text on the sign behind Andi. it read too me like it was "meant" to be dialogue, and that wasn't intentional.
In truth, Amanda’s actually been up for about four hours by this point. Do I have any Selkie readers in St. Louis? Because I am showing an illustration in the Art St. Louis gallery, and the reception is this Saturday,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Amanda’s TV program is, as last time, from Shards, by Jade Griffin and Trevor Black.
I was allowed three no-questions-asked Mental Health Days a year during elementary school by my parents. Invoke them, they call me in, I stay home for the day. Bad idea to use those all at once though. Made the rest of the year hell. XD
I thought using another webcomic as the TV show Amanda was watching would be fun, so I asked my friend Jade Griffin if I could appropriate a couple of her strips from the comic she does alongside her husband Trevor[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Amanda is eating a pink strawberry-flavored cereal that may or may not have Frankenstein's Monster as a mascot.
Hiatus OVER! Selkie is back in regular production, folks, and we’re kicking off a new storyline. 😀 Thank you once again to everyone who submitted guest strips during the hiatus, I greatly appreciated the time off for buffer time and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Jenny last appeared in strip #420 ( ). She's Andi's friend, and the owner of the gallery space where Andi has been setting up her exhibit.