Thank you all again for your patience with my sick day on Monday. Dayquil and Mucinex is helping. —- Fanart update! Kristine Melendez shared this on the Selkie facebook page: Thank you so much! It’s cute! 😀
2018 comics.
Let the savaging of dead trees commence.
I’m sorry for not having a comic today everyone. I’m not feeling well and I can’t focus on it. Gonna take a day off and resume things on Wednesday.
Garfield was right, Mondays are terrible.
It's a playful punch. ...I think.
Colors updated, and erroneous word- tails mercilessly severed. Ten years isn’t THAT long to hold a grudge, really.
I re-wrote panel 5 a bit. It was originally written to be Todd clasping Amanda on the shoulders comfortingly, but after some discussion on the last strip that Todd doesn't appear to feel very affectionate towards Amanda, I re-wrote it to be a hug instead.
Holiday Honesty (Speaking of holidays, I saw Trans-Siberian Orchestra perform this afternoon, it was AMAZEBALLS.)
Clearly she's smarter than everyone else, who is clearly stupid.
I claim this hat in the name of Amandavania.
Panel 4 originally had scrawled words peppering the colored expanse to expand on Amanda's inner thoughts, but I thought it felt a bit too heavy-handed.
Amanda can pretty solidly operate at the level of "30 minute sit-com detective".
I hope everyone who celebrates Food Coma day had a good time. I call it Food Coma day because the entire evening after dinner is a blur of naps and playing Legos with my cousin’s kids.
We built pirate spaceships.
Here I am making the feel-sads before a holiday. Everyone join me in eating the feels away.