Foraging 101
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Made some steaks!
What did the rest
of you come up with?
Mashed potatos!
Some honey rolls.
And Todd found
some roasted plantains
Oooh, where were
those hiding?
Finding edible food
at these sorts
of gatherings is
a survival strategy
one learns by doing,
not telling.
Made some steaks!
What did the rest
of you come up with?
Mashed potatos!
Some honey rolls.
And Todd found
some roasted plantains
Oooh, where were
those hiding?
Finding edible food
at these sorts
of gatherings is
a survival strategy
one learns by doing,
not telling.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
As a vegetarian myself, I’m borrowing this justification for all future social gatherings.
Only observe the vegetarian at a barbecue for an education in foraging that Bear Grylls would envy.
Can confirm. There are restaurants here in Texas where a vegetarian would, well, starve.
“Plants are what food eats.”
Sorta reminds me of this
*David Attenborough voice* Here we see the avid vegetarian in his natural state. He must forage for food and his skills are second to none.
I’m also a vegetarian. Today at work, I won a drawing done for the staff… the prize was a gift card to a BBQ place.
They certainly found a lot non-meat foods.
Most BBQ places have lots of vegetarian foods, they just call them “Sides”.