Selkie 1686 Jun08 by Dave on June 8, 2022 at 1:59 pm Chapter: comics MMFF Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it. └ Tags: Selkie, Todd
Resisting the urge to cuss. I feel that, Selkie.
Hmmm… I wonder if we get to get even more… Colorful…. Sarnothi language in the near future…
I hope we see some interesting invented curses! I love conlangs, even partial ones, and I also love that, for the most part, this comic is all-ages because the swearing gets creatively censored.
If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all?
We’ve all had days like that, live long enough and they turn into years…
Wbwb! Welsh swear words also don’t all use a lot of vowels… as any twpsyn could tell you!