Posts Tagged Selkie
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The font and speech bubble fluctuations continue apace. They grow more unstable with each passing minute. There are no other survivors, and the last of my firewood burns to embers before me. Never before have I feared the stars, yet now I see them not as divine protectors watching from the firmament, but as looming predators waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.
Thumbs up to those of you who deduced that Heather wasn’t fully forthcoming about the hitting incident.
This right here is why you don't leave witnesses.
I feel like I could stand to do more with breaking the three-layer panel layouts I default to.
The refreshment attendants, Brad (glasses with poofy hair) and Sammy (mohawk and stretched ear lobes) are from one of my really early attempts at a webcomic project about four roomates in a college dorm. It was pretty bad, so it's not online anymore. Just mentioning it for trivia.
I normally try to announce when I am going to miss an update, so my apologies for the unannounced filler everyone. But yesterday was my 34th Birthday, and celebrations went longer than I expected. I had intended to be home[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happys Birthdays to mes Happys Birthdays to mes Movies ares awesomes Nows feeds me fishies
So many teeth
They're not Weasleys, Kenneth. -_-
"Oms noms noms! Mmm, Face!"
I have a fantastic fan art to share today! Blue Coyote sent me a drawing of Andi and Amanda doing a hairstyle-swap. Thank you Blue Coyote!
Makes me wonder how Selkie and Sandy would feel about the chewing-oriented artwork series "Gnaw".
I figured at least one of Selkie's friends should join the show.