1326 results.
by Dave
on June 19, 2017
at 3:04 am
At least it wasn't the Terrorhammer Monologue...
by Dave
on June 16, 2017
at 2:47 am
Welcome to Havei Jin’Suir!
My layer names for those illuminating lights are "phallic lampposts". If I can't unsee it, you can't either.
by Dave
on June 14, 2017
at 2:37 am
Last strip of the rooster-blocking. Promise.
by Dave
on June 12, 2017
at 2:45 am
Next stop: bottom of a lake. (Not a great lake. Regular one.)
Just wanted to do at least 1 strip of road-trip banter.
by Dave
on June 9, 2017
at 2:55 am
I mean, she’s technically correct.
With all the supervillain fascination, I can see Selkie developing an interest in firearms when she's a bit older.
by Dave
on June 7, 2017
at 2:18 am
Selkie knows how important first impressions are. After all supervillains are like puppies, you need to establish dominance early or they’ll wreck your property.
Thankfully however, very few supervillains poop on your carpet.
by Dave
on June 5, 2017
at 2:40 am
Dance while you can you got two hours in a car ahead of you.
Had to do some blobby backgrounds after two months of brown walls.
by Dave
on June 2, 2017
at 3:09 am
“In the event of my sudden passing, you will find my killer on Terrorhammer Isle. Look for the giant unicorn skull.”
11 Murderglitter Lane Doom Precinct, Terrorhammer Isle 733786
by Dave
on May 31, 2017
at 2:38 am
"I gots you a rock. It's totallys froms the underwaters colony ands nots from outs in the parking lots."
by Dave
on May 29, 2017
at 3:57 am
I mean depending on who or in what circles you ask, Amanda may not be wrong.
One could also replace civilian wit that OTHER c-word... customers ... brrr...