1326 results.
by Dave
on October 2, 2017
at 2:20 am
Pretty good reasons. This weekend I will be at Snafucon in Reno NV, alongside Jade Griffin of 56 Shards. Say hello if you can!
by Dave
on September 29, 2017
at 2:45 am
Scar’s gonna need a bushier beard and a menagerie of weird animals if he wants to say that last line right.
Freakings TOLDS YOU I was a science-witch!!!
by Dave
on September 27, 2017
at 2:27 am
Just needs a little siren on his head.
Doctor, he can really move. Doctor, he's got an attitude. Doctor, he's the fastest guy allliiiiiiiiive.
by Dave
on September 25, 2017
at 2:04 am
How quickly can you get an aspirin down there before it dissolves?
Drink some water, that always helps a headache. ...wait.
by Dave
on September 20, 2017
at 1:48 am
And there’s your third Echo.
I can't hear or read the word "wonderful" without humming the Everclear song of the same name.
by Dave
on September 18, 2017
at 2:04 am
Drew and erased and redrew the big final panel like three times trying to get a good positioning for it. :x
by Dave
on September 15, 2017
at 2:18 am
Today’s comic comes with NEW FANART! Selkie in a Star vs The Forces of Evil art style, courtesy of Stellarink:
Not much in the war of warring stars down there.
by Dave
on September 11, 2017
at 9:43 pm
Pants needs a good tight belt, after all.
No bonus commentary exists for this comic due to the Server Meltdown of 2017. Sorry.
by Dave
on September 8, 2017
at 9:41 pm
I ams a Jedi, likes my mother befores me.
No bonus commentary exists for this comic due to the Server Meltdown of 2017. Sorry.
by Dave
on September 6, 2017
at 9:39 pm
Never would have figured Todd for the type to wear his Pants on his head. >_> (I can’t claim that joke, borrowed it from the facebook comments. XD)
No bonus commentary exists for this comic due to the Server Meltdown of 2017. Sorry.