I remember liking gym class when I was Selkie’s age. At that age it was just fun unstructured stuff like freeze tag and duck duck goose, or whatever you call the big rainbow parachute. I didn’t start hating gym class[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Due to poor time management, I couldn't do shadowing on this one. Sorry. -EDIT- And one whole update day later, I've gone and retroactively shaded the comic. Also added some classroom details to panel 3 that I forgot earlier. Yay retcon!
In lieu of Director Commentary, I thought I’d share the pencil sketch version of the final panel of today’s strip. I wanted a bigger shot of the classroom kids, but cramming so many kids in the panel made the desks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
I may have to make a seating chart to keep track of all these background characters. O_o
The previous comic's reader comments brought up a lot of questions about what sort of teaching techniques Selkie's school uses that I must admit, I did not think about. :x After doing some reading, I decided that the classroom uses a whiteboard instead of a chalkboard (easier on potential asthma issues) and uses light colors on the walls and floors to encourage a "bright" atmosphere (the background shadows are also a little paler than the "outdoors" scenes because of this. I left the character's shadows regular so they stand out more), and has some potted plants at the front (not visible in this strip) for color and a sense of life. I read a few articles about computers and even iPads in modern classrooms, but decided that equipment that runs $300-$500 per unit would not be a good investment for excitable and inattentive elementary students, so the kids will use books and paperback journals. The desks have cubbyholes instead of flip tops to reduce accidental finger-slams. GAWD that is a lot of commentary. XD
Jade and Trevor, I borrowed Miss Muffet a second time for an exit scene, hope that’s alright. And I’m sorry for the horrible tuffet joke. XD Friendly Heads Up! There will be a Sketch Saturday bonus update this week. In[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was going to have the scene-change in the last panel as a smooth gradient, but I think the abrupt difference is more appropriately dream-like. Or it is for my dreams anyway.
-EDIT- Comic had a little downtime due to exceeding my bandwidth allotment. Fixed now, sorry for that! I apologize to those of you who check the comic right at the crack of midnight CST, had a late start on finishing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was tempted to throw in a Girl Genius reference, what with the talking mad scientist castle and all, but it felt a bit forced.
I like to think the orphanage staff disabled the game system’s wireless capabilities. On-line gamer chatter is not a thing youngin’s need to hear. Slightly related! I got curious and looked up XBox Live clips on Youtube. I think this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cabbage Patch Commandos is a kid-friendly homage to Team Fortress 2. Instead of bullets and blowing up, you have carrot juice and fainting, and the pyro's fire is more like cartoon fire, where you just go "BOMPH" and turn into a burnt matchstick with blinking eyes.
Todd doesn’t know about Selkie’s other language yet since he hasn’t had a chance to read the care file in detail. Also, for those that may have missed it, I had a bonus update on Saturday that had some information[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Sometimes you just have to hug the sadness away. – – – – – I realized the other day that I never updated the cast page to include Kiesha, Moonsong, Wu, or Sandy, so I figured I should update them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Hank and Cindy Worth are a married couple (workplace romance, d’aaawww) who are primary caretakers for the orphanage’s infants and newborns. The promise of helping with the infants PLUS getting to watch an adoption take place seems to have motivated[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.