And Amanda didn’t even pull out the big guns!
Amanda- And you wanna hear the best part?
Selkie- Nos.
Amanda- She’s my Real Mom®! She came back for me!!
Looks like you only read half of the sentence? Nothing against artists, I’m questioning whether Andi is one.
I don’t remember seeing any real art from her, for all we know she might be the kind of artist who throws trash on the floor and claims it’s art because it represents … .
I don’t know. Remembering back when, we got a half hour for lunch. In that half hour we had to go from the classroom to the lunchroom, go through the line, get to the table, eat, and put the tray and trash up. Not a whole lot of time to jabber-jabber.
Sandy has the right attitude. Scarf, scarf, scarf that food down. You ain’t got much time.
Well, I read it as the two of them had continued arguing off screen all the way until lunch ended. hahaha. Mostly because it makes me laugh that much harder that way.
Maybe Selkie remembers weird animals that the Sarnothii have. Maybe she thinks that dinosaurs are cool, because of a half-memory of before she left the water, before the war?
Poor Selkie. I was never very good at snappy comeback either. And then all of a sudden, AT LEAST a half hour later, the PERFECT line would just show up in my head. And then of course, it was too late.
Dinosaurs win points in any duel. . . but only if you actually have them.
Hey, she DOES have a Triceratops.
And Amanda didn’t even pull out the big guns!
Amanda- And you wanna hear the best part?
Selkie- Nos.
Amanda- She’s my Real Mom®! She came back for me!!
Selkie’s big gun – your dad did not want you, he picked me! (although she does not know it yet)
I’d take an architect over an “artist” that sticks shoes into the wall any day.
Me, too, but we’re not 10.
And what is so wrong with artists? You wouldn’t be reading this now if not for an artist!
Looks like you only read half of the sentence? Nothing against artists, I’m questioning whether Andi is one.
I don’t remember seeing any real art from her, for all we know she might be the kind of artist who throws trash on the floor and claims it’s art because it represents … .
And the definition of art is not “plebs can understand it”
Clap-clap-clap! (these comments seriously need a like button)
“Well, my dad have top secret security clearance!”
I don’t know. Remembering back when, we got a half hour for lunch. In that half hour we had to go from the classroom to the lunchroom, go through the line, get to the table, eat, and put the tray and trash up. Not a whole lot of time to jabber-jabber.
Sandy has the right attitude. Scarf, scarf, scarf that food down. You ain’t got much time.
Well, I read it as the two of them had continued arguing off screen all the way until lunch ended. hahaha. Mostly because it makes me laugh that much harder that way.
Maybe Selkie remembers weird animals that the Sarnothii have. Maybe she thinks that dinosaurs are cool, because of a half-memory of before she left the water, before the war?
She does know how to pet a fish…
I can’t wait for the after school meeting when they learn they are sisters.
No, that’s about the amount of time we had to eat as kids.
They would’ve had enough time to eat if they didn’t argue the whole time.
Poor Selkie. I was never very good at snappy comeback either. And then all of a sudden, AT LEAST a half hour later, the PERFECT line would just show up in my head. And then of course, it was too late.
Is it me, or… is this argument actually a lot LESS venomous than many of the preceding ones that we have seen?
I guess adopted life really agrees with Amanda Marie.
You know… you’re right. This is squabbling and taunting, but it’s not as nasty as before.
Wouldn’t be natural for her to turn sugar-sweet all of a sudden, habits don’t change overnight, but some of the bitterness has been neutralized.