on June 16, 2014
at 12:01 am
It’s like fighting the Borg; keep using the same attack and they just adapt against it.
Panel layout fail, I didn't give panel 1 enough room to preserve the ABBA structure properly. "I was a lad from Cozumel, kind as the world could see. Then you meet me, beat me, mistreat me. Now I'm throwing your guts to the swells!"
This is depressing. This is the sort of thing that makes me say ‘Stop the world, I want to get off.’
It has me on the edge of my seat, eagerly anticipating Truck’s comeuppance.
And even if Selkie somehow messes this up, as I pointed out before, the entire school is now fed up with Truck. He can act however he wants in front of his father, if he isn’t punished now, he’s vastly outnumbered by his peers who would definitely want to see some proper justice done to a manipulative jerk who has been exposed to them as the manipulative jerk he really is.
Have to agree with Benjamin – hoping there to be some sort of universal justice happening soon, so I don’t need to take another break from Selkie to preserve my blood pressure at non-lethal levels.
That’s where I’m at also.
This is why you don’t provoke people. She learned a valuable lesson today. Hate someone all you want, but if you go around proclaiming it for all to see you end up looking like an ass and getting in trouble. Shoulda been the bigger person.
She’s eight. Nobody would pass up an opportunity to rub a bully’s face in his impending defeat at eight years old.
I’m 32, and even I would still rub it in when I get the chance on revenge
Well, if someone twice my age will do that, looks like I don’t have to worry anymore …
No, the lesson is don’t monologue. If only she had watched the Incredibles.
And guess what he did!
Started monologing?
Just a thought but why doesn’t this school have security cameras? Almost every school in the states has them these days especially outside by the playgrounds and parking lots.
That’s a good question actually. They must have some kinda camera set-up.
If there was, why would they have all been arguing about whether or not Truck shook her? They could just have showed Trunchbull senior them and proved it.
-the footage- (sorry, weird grammar slip up.)
No, they really don’t. Particularly in rural areas.
I’m not exactly sure where this takes place, but not every school district can afford those sorts of things.
It depends on the school district and what the school thinks it needs the most. At least in my high school (Jersey City, NJ) they didn’t have enough money for field trips but they sure as hell had enough money for magnetically locked doors, security cameras, and metal detectors. In their defense, though, our school did have a small rep for student violence/vandalism. Not as much as a few of our neighboring high school, but we had some.
Having worked in MANY schools I will point out that even the schools that DO have security cameras tend to have them inside the buildings or around the school entrances. Truck and Selkie were not only outside, but they were around the parking lot. That’s not exactly a common place for cameras even for schools that can afford them.
Oh Truck, her smile might not get you twice, but you just used up your last trick in front of her without finding out why she’s so confident.
Take my advice: don’t ever play Poker. With anyone. You may be great at bluffing, but your strategy is atrocious.
Nothing goes un-punished, Selkie.
and it looks like the Trunchbulls will take this home, yet again… Unless the teachers actually say what they know
She must watch too many cartoons where the person gloats about their plan before it comes to fruition.
She *is* planning on becoming a mad scientist.
As a HYDRA recruiter, I would say her mistake was not revealing her plan, but instead not tying up all the others to some kind of death trap (or at least ordering her minions to hold them at gunpoint) first.
That never seems to stop me from stopping you guys.
That’s why evil genius is better. Have plenty of plans, a contingency plan for those plans, and an escape plan and a fall guy should all else fail.
anyone else hearing her sing that to the tune of The Girl from Ipanema?
Doesn’t scan.
IDEA for songs in speech bubbles~
You could put a music note at the end of each line, to show where one stops and the other begins!
Oh Selkie. How are you going to get yourself out of this mess?
Selkie, you just dug your own grave.
Much as I’d like to facepalm at Selkie here, I can understand why she’s acting this way. As has already been pointed out, she’s eight. Given what I was going through in school at that age, I would’ve LOVED to be able to give some of those little so-and-sos I went to school with some of what Selkie’s expecting to give Truck. And that would have continued right up through high school. The only reason I don’t think I’d do that now at 30+ is that I got so royally sick of the drama and none of the work bullies I deal with have gotten bad enough to trump the sickness-of-drama.
A few things to remember to those expecting disaster for Selkie:
– She has her recording. We know what’s on said recording, and it’ll be hard to explain that away as her “provoking” Truck. Name-calling does NOT justify refusing to listen to a teacher and then threatening said teacher.
– The principal is sick of this drama. Selkie’s been back at school less than a day and there’s trouble with Truck ALREADY. Trunchbull bitchery isn’t going to get as far this time, and the principal has pretty much said so.
– Todd’s there. He knows there were witnesses to the first incident that the Trunchbulls never met and will provide a counterpoint to Mr. Trunchbull’s obtuseness.
Real life doesn’t work like “Hah, I got proof to get the bully punished, everything’s peachy fine now!”, so it makes sense that there are going to be a few bumps in the road for Selkie. In the end, though, this is leading up to a reckoning for Truck and hopefully his parents.
Trunchbull hears “gets you goods,” doesn’t hear “revenge,” doesn’t ask “revenge against what?”
You could see this coming from a mile away. While some people thought Todd’s comment that “I told her not to sing it” should open Professor T’s eyes to the fact that children don’t always do as they’re told, I thought he would instead view it as “my suspicion that Selkie is the problem not my innocent never-do-wrong son” would be his knee-jerk reaction. I can understand Selkie wanting to gloat a bit, but really she needs to learn some self control because her motor-mouth keeps making her look bad.
For some reason this page makes me think that… if Truck gets punished and ends up turning over a new leaf, he and Selkie might actually be friends. (If they were older I’d ship them :P) Something about the way they interact on this page makes me think ‘if circumstances had been different… they would’ve been great friends.’
Something about the way Truck and Selkie interact with each other in this page makes me think that if Truck gets punished,and reforms, (or if circumstances were different) he and Selkie would be great friends. If they were older I would ship them
I’m also getting a potential future-camaraderie vibe from this page.
Truck is not being horrible here, and he fairly played Selkie against herself and kept a straight face while doing it. I almost feel like the last panel is the Selkie equivalent of “well played.”
After work I may need to reread some of the Truck strips. I’m wondering if his actions will read the same way with the knowledge we have now about his father’s truck-sized blindspot.
The Borg? Well there is one attack that can be used multiple times.
Picard: “Mr. Data, launch Windows 8.”
Believe it or not, I’ve found a wedgie works against the borg as well. Those skin tight body suits, if you can reach the underwear they help make it really painful. Commander Worf, Wedgie the crap out of them!
Set waistbands to “Stun”