If you’re only counting eleven kids, the twelfth is Amanda; she’s off-screen sitting next to Keisha.
I thought this one would end up being half-now/half-later again. Glad it wasn't, I don't wanna get behind again. XD
If you’re only counting eleven kids, the twelfth is Amanda; she’s off-screen sitting next to Keisha.
Pink dog equals female 🙂 ? Naughty naughty, Giselle.
Are you really sure that is a period after the pink dog?
Actually, I think it’s a comma.
Heh, I really do like the picture swearing you’ve got in the comic. So much better than the random symbols & such other comics have used before (seriously, a baseball & dynamite do not translate to swearing in my mind)
It’s the return of the terrible censorship, so I’ll just add the adult themes here.
. That is all.
Really? Really? Unnecessary and crude. What point exactly are you attempting to prove by using a term so offensive it wouldn’t be used in most R level movies in the comments of a pg to pg13 level comic because you dislike the creator’s stylistic choices? That you’ve read Stephen King, notorious for it’s use? That you’ll “show” the creator? My, how edgy of you. Perhaps that sparkling creativity might be better spent putting in the time and effort to create your own Web comic where the vulgarities can fly like a Tarantino film
Some people just like to swear for no reason. Like me for instance, I pepper swear words into my like like a texan with ghost chilis at the chili cookoff. I would say he did a bit more than R rated language however. For reasons that escape me.
It’s not even the right translation…
First – really, there is no need for that language, even if you are a jerk.
Seconds – it’s not censorship, since he did it himself. No editor or publisher or government entity made him put in that little pink doggie.
Third, as Muchacho NL said, you translated it wrong.
I’m fairly loose about swearing in the commentary, but I dislike the C-Word rather intensely and consider it over the line. Please enjoy your minor edit.
y don’t you like the c word?
Various social stigmas.
The C word is a bomb worse than even an F bomb. It’s not advisable in most circumstances.
To be honest: as a Dutchman, I don’t really see the crudeness of it… but we’re a twisted folk that use diseases as swearwords 😡
For American audiences, yes. For the British audiences it is a fairly minor pejorative. Cuss words are interesting because what is highly offensive on some continents may not get much notice at all on others! And let me tell you about hand gestures… (or not, ‘cuse it’s late and this is an old post).
Thank you, Dave, for the censoring, because the C-word is the most vile swearword that I’m aware of – and I do know quite a few (mostly from encountering them online used by trolls).
c Word? judging by the censor i assumed it was the B-word and it fit the context of the conversation
The C-Word was dropped in the comments as a retaliatory strike against the Pictionary Swears in the comic.
This is a free country, with free speech. That includes the freedom to censor yourself if you think it’s appropriate.
Why do you hate Freedom? Why do you hate America?
Homeland Security wants to know.
This is not a government website. This is a website owned by Dave. Free speech does not apply on privately-owned forums and comment spaces. Learn your laws. Even I know that and I don’t live in USA.
Giselle, you can’t call dibs on a whole bench, any more than you can call dibs on a whole pizza.
What’re you talking about? I call dibs on whole pizzas all the time..
Does it work?
It works for me when I’m alone.
Giselle is using *colourful* language again.
Some people never learn. And this particular swearing code made me giggle for some reason.
Oh Giselle, you were the one who was calling Heather your “pet rich kid” not too long ago in comic-time. Using *gasp* that word may seem more vulgar because it is forbidden, but you’re really just expressing the same idea in a more literal sense. It’s far more offensive that you would plan to lie and manipulate her emotions the way you did, than one instance of a naughty word.
And being mad at Heather for saying that you “had the chutzpah to pick a fight with eleven kids”? A real villainess would have picked that opportunity to display her “chutzpah” instead of being bitter at being reminded that the original scheme did not go as planned. You had a great opportunity to spin a defeat into a win and you blew it.
I’m afraid I have to… sigh… deduct supervillain points for that. Man, it is not looking good for House Slytherin this year. House Piranhus (that would be Selkie’s house) is kicking your butts…
Well, when it involved that many kids, we used to call it a “rumble.”
we always called it a goat farm…
I never got what was so offensive about the c-word, and I’m female o.0. It’s literal translation is “ugly *female genital*”. And if you get past all the sex-crap, ALL genitals are kind of ugly, aesthetically speaking. So really, why’s it so offensive to some people? Meh.
I just assumed she called Heather a bitch, which was my favorite word at that age. Made me feel all cool and grownup, so I could see her using it. Also, I can’t wait to see who ends up with which punishments XD
Many black people refer to themselves and others as “the evil N-word”. They, apparently, don’t find that offensive.
If I, however (not a black guy) was to call one of those same people an “evil N-word”, that’s offensive as hell.
Why? I have no idea. But – it does not matter if I get “why” it’s offensive. Just as long as I know that it offends some people. So I don’t use it.
As for bitch, Giselle must have been quite upset to say it. https://selkiecomic.com/comic/selkie319/ Third and fourth panels – “B-word”.
Please don’t go lumping a group of people by the few you had the pleasure of running across. I know you said “many” but there’s just as many who even if they’re being called that word by a fellow black person, would get angry.
“Only a ginger can call another ginger ‘ginger’!”
(It’s a comedian’s song, look up)
Oh no! It’s colorful language again! And she’s swearing in pictures now!
I, for one, am always amused by the methods Dave comes up with to convey what inappropriate word he’s censoring.
I don’t think you need to be forced to change it for it to count as “censorship.” I was always under the impression that censoring was simply editing your production to make it less offensive to certain audiences: Like a man drawing a webcomic he sincerely wants whole families to read together without the children learning awful things like foul words from his story.
Well. Yeah. But what kid who doesn’t already know the word isn’t going to ask about it?
(Heh. And then I imagine that kid turning on a classmate the next day and yelling, “You, you… pink doggie!”)
Dave> By your comment, does that mean you inserted the clam into the nay-sayer’s comment? *muffled laughter* Awesome. I could not figure out what the curse word people were on about was until people spelled it out. The offender’s, not the one in the comic. I got yours loud and clear:) And I love how you do your swear pictures.
Oh, it’s a CLAM? I honestly thought it was a tiny mushroom cloud. 🙂
Clams rule.
Just commenting to say, please disregard that single thumbs-down up there. It is the result of fat fingers. I couldn’t figure out how to reverse it. 🙁
It can’t really be reversed with this plug-in, but a downvote or two isn’t that big of a deal. No worries. 🙂
The pink dog…not necessarily an unprintable word…just unpronouncable.