This is why I think First Nations/Native American tribes have the right idea about names, you have your childhood name that your parents gave you and then as you near adulthood you are given/earn a new adult name that is more suited to your personality.
No, I don’t believe she’s shredding the book. I think those are ‘movement marks” as she pushes the book off tot he side…but I’m just guessing, as far as the artist’s intentions are concerned.
A friend and I were discussing selkies and various fairy wives/geas stories a while ago and my friend had the most elegant solution to Selkie Brides.
“Some dude steals your skin? Whatever. Steal HIS skin. Just wait until he’s sleeping and start carving him up. Do that ONE TIME and I bet no other dude will repeat his mistake of stealing a woman’s skin.”
So then we started talking about why there are no stories like that and wondered if 1) there was a geas at work or 2) the stories had been told and retold in various ways that ultimately vanished the selkie woman’s sense of agency (because remember, male selkies don’t have that kind of bullcraps pulled on them. they’re free to go. although they do, of course, have to worry about their sons killing them.)
“Stupids eel gods.” indeed. If Hanshinjiantho turns out to be real and not cool like Paul, she should find his nuts (being an eel, that might be tricky) and kick them.
That’s the spirit Selkie, make your name (whatever one you choose) mean what you want it to mean, not what others think!
Ah, but if children were allowed to do that there’d be no Moon Unit Zappa.
This is why I think First Nations/Native American tribes have the right idea about names, you have your childhood name that your parents gave you and then as you near adulthood you are given/earn a new adult name that is more suited to your personality.
Heh heh heh, maybe we could extend that idea to a third name given you when you’re middle-aged and the people who know you REALLY know you.
and dont forget dweezil. you gotta love frank though man was and an amazing artist and very intelligent
Cute:) Kawaii kohi:) I think I spelled it right. “cute coffee”?
Close enough. “kôhî”, “kōhī”, or “koohii” would be the standard ways to romanize the Japanese approximation for “coffee”.
You know it’s a good comic when use of the word “bullcraps” counts as fanservice.
Have a greeeeaaaaaaaaat weekend. >:D
you evil evil man
You are wise beyond your years, Selkie.
Nice old fashioned the-kind-you-can’t-buy-anymore lightbulb, there…
Traditions must be maintained, like record-player needle-scratch sound effects in movie trailers.
And it’s definitely not because energy saving bulbs are harder to draw!

or a simple LED light would look stupid.
And floppy disks for save button symbols
I also appreciated your comment on percolating coffee.
What will light up over the heads of the younger generation when they have an idea?
Their smart phones!
Last panel. Those pieces of white in front of her shirt. She shredding the book’s pages with her claws?
No, I don’t believe she’s shredding the book. I think those are ‘movement marks” as she pushes the book off tot he side…but I’m just guessing, as far as the artist’s intentions are concerned.
A friend and I were discussing selkies and various fairy wives/geas stories a while ago and my friend had the most elegant solution to Selkie Brides.
“Some dude steals your skin? Whatever. Steal HIS skin. Just wait until he’s sleeping and start carving him up. Do that ONE TIME and I bet no other dude will repeat his mistake of stealing a woman’s skin.”
So then we started talking about why there are no stories like that and wondered if 1) there was a geas at work or 2) the stories had been told and retold in various ways that ultimately vanished the selkie woman’s sense of agency (because remember, male selkies don’t have that kind of bullcraps pulled on them. they’re free to go. although they do, of course, have to worry about their sons killing them.)
That would be a nice twist. For a twisted book of fairy tales.
As in, “quite fabulous”?
Fan me: Go Selkie, choosing your own meaning is the best :).
Inner Librarian: Ooooh, you’re going to be in so much trouble for wrecking the book.
Lotsa esses in this ones, I notices.
“Stupids eel gods.” indeed. If Hanshinjiantho turns out to be real and not cool like Paul, she should find his nuts (being an eel, that might be tricky) and kick them.
It works in Japan!
At least in crazy fictional anime Japan. People picking the “reading” for their names.
You could just not care about what your name means. My name means me, that’s all that matters.
These days shouldn’t the light going on be a compact florescent or LED bulb?