Amanda’s very lucky the caretakers are busy with paperwork right now, she is in clear violation of the “Indoor Voice” policy.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Amanda’s very lucky the caretakers are busy with paperwork right now, she is in clear violation of the “Indoor Voice” policy.
I LOVE IT. I demand another double post, however…. several of them, in fact. I want to know what Selkie’s special needs are, and I want to see more of her interactions with Todd, and I want to see the continuation of this conversation with Amanda… Awesome comic, as always, keep it up!!
Amanda: Why would he want you and not me?!
Selkie: He heards you likes parents thats fights. Says yous can waits for thems.
This one reminds me of me and my sister. Mwa-hahahaha!
I wonder if this poster ever realized how eerily accurate this statement became.
Right?! It can be so interesting to read the comments with the perspective of the far distant future (15 years???), know how some things will pan out.
I LOVE the shocked/sad/WTF face Amanda is making in the fifth panel. ^.^
Hee hee! Love it:)
Heh, win. Can’t wait to see how this plays out on monday.
Now let’s hope she doesn’t go and spoil things for Selkie…
I hope she tries… and fails epically.
And once again, the forces of Good triumph over brattiness! Victory!
I just noticed the yellow butterfly on Selkie’s dress for the first time.
go back to comic 33 you’ll see she has it there too. its just in the last few comics its been covered by the way she was sitting on the beanbag chair.
I think Amanda would fit it perfectly in my family, we all swear, argue, fight and we never get in trouble. lol.
Watch your language, missy! lol
I feel kind of bad for Amanda right now though…I just remembered that Mary told Todd that Amanda liked him. 🙁 For shame. Oh well, now it’s Todd & Selkie time!
Hahahaha! I LOVE this comic!
Amanda: “No. No way, impossible. I have RED HAIR, very valuable, you have brown. I ave a cute voice AND way of acting, you draw bleeping vomit fish. And you know what? You aren’t even HUMAN! If I failed, you failed!”
Selkie: “Hmmm? Sorry, I’s getting mys clothes and things.”
Reality: “Oooooo, BURN!”
Such win! FTW!!
Ooooh!!! Bad Amanda!!! Selkie, you are so perfect at the shoving it in her face bit! Win!!
I found this comic a few weeks ago and I’m loving it!
Happy Selkie is cute, and Amanda’s freaked out/pissed off expressions are hilarious 😀
This comic makes me want to draw Selkie and never stop drawing Selkie.
Tsk, tsk Amanda….no dessert for you!
And suddenly I’m living vicariously through a comic. 🙂
I just spent 5 seconds searching panel 1 for la’s. I found none so here they are! La-lala-laLa! La-lala-laLa! Lala-Lala-Lala-Lala-La-lala-laLa!
I love this webcomic so much, and your artistic style is evolving before our eyes, it’s very neat to watch! Keep em coming!
uh wow lol that is awesome BULLSHIT XD shes like 9 omg if one of the workers hear that LOL HA XD
The orphanage’s own pheonix wright
o nvm shes 8 o that makes much more of a dif XD lol shes 8!!!!
Uh oh… I think Amanda may be taking a trip to the farm to shovel poop!
Son, I am disappoint.
please stay classier in the future.
Classier? I never did get that Amanda was “classy”. I think Dave is just keeping his characters … well, in character.
I couldn’t begin to count how many times I flipped back and forth on whether to downplay the word choice for Amanda here, but it just felt right for her to say. You can rest assured, though, I’m not going to go too South Park with the strip. 🙂
I’ve been with this comic since page three. This is my first time commenting though and I promise to do it more often. This is probably one of my top ten comics. I love that you used a selkie, and I love the whole premise of this comic.
Mostly because I’m adopted too. Not from an orphanage, or when I was old enough to remember, but still. You got a devoted fan.
This is awesome!
I’m so glad Selkie is being adopted, but Amanda’s, “He took one look at us and left,” and the shocked/sad expression in panel 5 almost breaks my heart. Her expression is what you have before you burst out crying, or react with anger to keep from crying. I can’t imagine the toll of the adoption process (that Selkie has been going through, too) – getting your hopes up again and again, trying to be what you think they want, and getting continually rejected.
Good point KD! I’m afraid I must confess to being a little wrapped up in Selkie’s EPIC WIN … and Amanda’s comeuppance to even think about that part of it. Though, I suspect that, due to her cuteness, Amanda will get adopted eventually …
bad amanda! no cookie for you!
but also she should have expected this seeing as the “blond guy” talked to selkie the whole time last time he was there
Wandered here from Eerie Cuties, I love this!! Double loves this! Will cone as long as you keep on doing this. I hope to be a visitor for many, many years. Thanks for Selkie!
After Laurin mentioned your work “evolving”, I went back through a few of your earlier strips. You have definitely refined your characters as you’ve gone along. Still loving the color – thanks!
I did notice one thing in your very first strip … Todd was awfully nervous just reaching for that door knob, wasn’t he! Wonder how nervous he’s going to be bringing Selkie home? Will she like his place? Will she like her room? What does she like to eat? etc …
Thank you for updating. I like that you’re shading now.
Hey I remember this! This was back before the author turned into a total p—- and started using s—– f—— symbols instead of god damn b—-ing curse words.
I am what I eat.
Amanda swore so loud she lost desserts for a month. 🙂