[EDIT] Too all my non-North American readers, I believe I’ve fixed the problem with the Pins only being available for shipping in America and Canada. I messed up the shipping settings. Sorry about that, international ordering should now be possible.
Few things to share today.
Firstly, Selkie reader William Murphy interviewed me for a class project awhile ago, and surprised me with an entire NEWSLETTER written by his entire CLASS. In addition to the article about me and Selkie, William and his classmates worked on articles ranging from child raising to politics to Norse Mythology. Check it out!
Second item of the day is… merch!
If I may direct you to the menu bar at the top of the page, you will see a link titled the Selkie Store. I’ve ordered a batch of Selkie-shaped lapel pins that I am looking to sell.
If you are interested in a pin, I am currently accepting payments through Paypal. If you can not or do not wish to use Paypal, email me and we can make other arrangements.
And as always, thanks for reading. Makes Monday something to look forward to.
I always knew you’d get better with time.
I think this is the best strip you’ve written so far for a lot of reasons and know you’ll continue to develop.
I laughed so hard at this strip.
Hahahahaa Wow…
Two different webcomics made me laugh aloud tonight. Most of the time I just smirk.
Yes! Maths good, people… not always good.
Do not talk to me of “math.” I have trouble answering the spam protection problem.

This post needs a like button.
And a “don’t like”!
Though I think the wink defuses things.
Also. Dave. Your swearing on Jessie’s page.
lawl. XD
I love how you “censor” this comic!
hrm… maybe make it a number of hours equal to the word prankster in hex, or her name. I don’t know it well enough to do that, but if anyone is up for it (and continuing the math theme) please post it!
Panel 7- paper is intact
Panel 8 – Jessie’s eye shows extreme consternation
Panel 9 – paper has achieve accordian pleating
You put such nice touches in!
Pin is ordered. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if any international shipping glitches occur and make the transaction more complex than expected. I am used to lots of international shipping glitches and prepared to work around them.
Ooh, ooh! Selkie pin!!!
I forgot to add, I like the way your bring the peripheral characters in and they have lives and back stories of their own. It makes the story much stronger.
Okay, this is hilarious.
Was wondering about those math problems.
Also, the pins are adorable. I ordered two, one for my pin book and another for my backpack.
Huzzah! All our musings over wtf was going on seemed dead on.
I totally did not notice until *just now* that Selkie’s on TVTropes.
I also love Todd’s note.
I am not allowed on TV tropes.
If he could, my fiance would block Wikipedia on my PC too (as well as most news channels, etc.) except I need Wikipedia for things.
He knows my “oh shiny” syndrome well. Because I go to a web site and next thing I know I have 50 new tabs open and 3 hours have passed and I didn’t notice and it’s way past time to start dinner. (I have tried curtailing this on my own. I have trouble doing so. Which is why he has put blocks on my PC. I agreed to that, by the way, albeit reluctantly). The only upshot of this is I know a lot of random crap and win at trivia games and asking my boss as he walks by my office. “Random Trivia of the day! What is the…” or “Random fact of the day! Did you know…”
In other words. I didn’t know either, and I’d like to check it out, because…. Awesome!!!
I tend to have that same issue… I once realized, at 4 am in the morning, that I had sat up the last 5-6 hours reading about the ins and outs of beekeeping… information which I have absolutely no use for. But I know a lot of Fun Facts about honeybees now!
I have similar control issues with League of Legends. I sneak on to the game’s forums at times I really should be focusing on other matters, I have matches and champions and build and strategies on my head all day, I generally fire up the game client right when I get home to play a couple matches before I do anything else, and I can easily lose a Saturday or a Sunday to League matches if I don’t watch it.
Hell I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I am working on the comic right now, nowhere near finished yet, and my brain is going “One match. oooooooone match. Juuuuuust ooooooooooone…”
as in, I feel so guilty over not noticing before. that may have been ambiguous wording.
I can only imagine how many of the other kids’ parents went nuts trying to figure out that math worksheet… I was good in my math classes, but only because I was in the lowest level.
And I agree with Jessie. Thirty days doesn’t cut it. Ninety will do.
*.* Oooooooh, the Selkie pins look adorable!~ I know what I want for Christmas… X3
She deserves it, I mean, what do you want to go and ruin a bunch of kids’ weekend for, anyway?
Of course, she wasn’t thinking of that. If pranksters bothered to think beyond a momentary laugh, they wouldn’t be pranksters.
HAHA! Hoo boy, if I’d been in Selkie’s class I would have been panicking until they said the problem was in the worksheet (or I would have tried to correct the wording and grammar to get the questions I thought they meant to ask and come in with a sheet of complete, way-too-complicated-for-the-grade-level math and circles under my eyes, in which case I would have been seriously ticked off).
Also, Selkie Pins! YAAAAAYYYYYY!!! I’ve added a new item to my Christmas list!
Oh, I laughed so hard at this. There’s such a neat plethora of little details in this strip, too. Todd’s wording of the note alone was classic. The expressions on the characters’ faces. The accordion-crumple note. The “evil hands” of Alexis. God, do I love this comic! You think of publishing it in graphic novel form? I’d certainly purchase it.
It’s on my radar.
You are going to make so much money off the lapel pins.
One of the many things I enjoy about this comic is the variety of body types you use. I read other web comics that have mind-blowing artwork, but all the characters wear the same size clothing. Also, the human body is a pretty important theme in this comic, because of the title character’s “condition.”
Dave, might I ask why you chose to give Selkie’s teacher a hijab?
I chose to include a hijab in Mina’s character design as an assertion of her identity.
I approve.
Especially because there isn’t undo attention drawn to it.
Love it!
o_0 Foul pool! She’s endangering her SO’s job with that stuff, isn’t she?
In all likelihood, yes.
Every bit of this was made of win. Todd’s note. Alexis’ expression and her “trick question”. All of it.
It seems weird the teacher is so calm about this. Also I’d be much more angry at my boyfriend if he pulled something like this. That’s potential job loss, messing with things like that. I guess most comics aren’t really ever realistic so it’s not a bad thing that the situation isn’t super realistic. At least it’s funny that way.
Remember, as well, that they are in a classroom full of small children. If they were by themselves the reactions would be a bit more elevated.
I suppose you do have a point. She doesn’t seem angry at the situation at all though, the teacher I mean. She’s just like, “Oh.” seems weird to me!
Might just be a damage control reaction? I still find it pretty realistic–I imagine with a class full of kids she’s had to deal with worse often enough. At some point you just become better at having an initial “fix it first, feel about it later” reaction.
Also as a side note, I would totally break up with someone who put my job in jeopardy like that with no remorse for what would happen to me because of their little ‘prank’ they thought was funny. I would be so angry about that! Seriously! Anyone who pulls something like that has a serious problem with lines that should and should not be crossed. I guess it’s silly for me to be so annoyed with a fictional character, but that girl just plain irks me now. >:( I really hope Jessie goes home and gives her a piece of her mind and let’s her know things like that are totally not ok things to do!
Yes! It is seriously not cool to screw up somebody else’s work/life/plans/etc. for a joke. My little brother unplugged and hid my (completely uncharged) cellphone not long before it was time to head out to go to a party, and we’d planned for me to use my cell phone to call Mom to come pick me up when it was time to go home. We had to change our plans for how I would get picked up because even though we found the phone, it hadn’t charged at all. I was so pissed off, and not just because it was a major inconvenience, but because if we hadn’t checked whether the phone was still in my purse or not, I would have been in trouble (and freaking out) when it was time to go home and the fact that he was willing to risk that for a joke, that he thought it would be funny hurt. It felt like he didn’t care. If a significant other (or anyone old enough to be expected to think through the consequences of their actions) had done that, I would have chewed that jerk out and cut all ties.
That’s a pretty messed up joke. You could have been hurt or something serious may have happened. At the very least your mom would probably have been very angry and thought you were being irresponsible. I once was taking an out of state trip and not only did my younger sibling (She was about 13 at the time.) steal my phone out of my backpack, she stole ALL of the money I had as well. I was left in a pretty dire situation when I realized (Out of state by this point.) I had absolutely nothing I so desperately needed. She at first said she didn’t take the money and had only taken the phone as a joke, but later confessed to stealing the money. The phone part was a joke, the money part was just plain theft on her part. It was truly awful because my mom left tons of messages on my phone that progressively got more and more angry and then finally very, very worried. It wasn’t until she planned on contacting the police that my sister confessed.
Things classified as ‘harmless little pranks’ can often be very hurtful. While this prank isn’t as bad as stealing someone’s phone or money, it could have easily resulted in being fired, suspended or at the very least Jessie would have been given a stern talking to and made to feel very bad for something she didn’t do. Even if she explained, I doubt an employer would be so kind as to let it just go without any sort of lecture or punishment. Siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, pets and what not aren’t often the best excuses for why your work has been altered, ruined or changed. Unless someone died or something and it effected how you work.
I do love this comic :3
I’m no expert on cultures, but isn’t the head scarf suposed to cover all the hair?
Depends on your culture. Most often it’s just meant to hide the “long hair”, not whatever’s visible on your forehead. At least the Muslim woman we had in our class (mixture of young adults and teens, secondary education) had a scarf just like Ms. Afkhami’s. (Although in my understanding from speaking with her, you only hid your hair after you got married.)
I think you may be right. I’ll check into it, thanks.
I think it depends on the culture. For example, you´ll see a lot of Iranian women with some hair left uncovered, like Ms. Afkhami. Others are a lot stricter about covering hair, if they don´t go the full burqa route to begin with.
seconding this one. I’m on a university campus and I see the full range except for the stereotypical *black* burqa; this includes the forehead portion of hair visible.
But I do see, most often, a more decorative scarf on the outside, but inside it a tight-ish balaclava-type thing that hides the forehead hair as well.
Jessie is “so fucking spaghetti” at Alexa???
I think the second word is “pissed”
In Jessie’s response I thought the use of colour and symbols was brilliant! and much better than the common dingbat (Wingding in Windows).
This is my favorite strip in the series so far, Dave. I’ve never commented before, figuring that others are doing a fine job without me, but I’ve been reading since the comic was black and white, and this is really cute.
Go you. I’m glad Todd is sticking up for Selkie — too often we just assume authority figures are torturing us on purpose, heh.
Tormenting children and making them all feel stupid?
Yeah… not a good “prank” at all. >_<