While I wouldn’t expect someone Heather’s age to do this, I’ve seen soccer players take hits to the sternum with full-force close-range kicks, catch their breath, then jump right back in the game like they didn’t just get slammed with something the size of a cantaloupe. Soccer players are tougher than I am, I freely admit.
I believe this is the most panels yet crammed into a Selkie comic. Just had... a lot of stuff I wanted to include.
I will give credit to both Heather and Selkie and to their parents for this moment of peace offering.
And yeah, sternum hit is nothing compared to cleats to the face.
Or a flying ball to the face. And the club i played at insisted that all the balls were kept fully pumped (and by that I mean rock hard fully pumped). My cheek swelled for like a week.
Did I even care? Nope. Had too much fun with the game
Geeze, we have to do math to post? Who knows what 5+6 is!?
Loved the outcome of this one! It’s really about what I expected it to be, but I’m not disappointed! I see a slowly budding friendship in their future, and an immediate reconciliation.
Yeah sorry about the captcha, but it helps cut down on script-bot posts that try to sell scam insurance.
You need different ones though. More complex math. Stuff like “If a train leaves Boston travelling west at 80 MPH, and a train leaves Chicago traveling east at 60 MPH, what are the chances anyone will care?”
“What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
Is this an african or an european swallow?
(Someone had to say it)
“Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right?”
“…and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.”
Good grief. I would rather have simple math than those ridiculous “spell this” messed up word.
I declare this friendship salvageable. Nearly there.
Aww Heather, you’re such a good girl. A real sweetheart that one.
these are the moments i follow this for dave ^^ <3
and were ok! dang if I had this advantage with all the old bullies in my schools…*mumbles- before I kick the crap out of them* I think I would of gotten along with more people better……-smiles evilly- but I like how it all TURN out for me
Lots of panels, yes, but the timing on this is perfect. Yay!
It’s good when children are aware of their actions and know and can admit they’re wrong. I can see Heather as the two in the relationship who might stick to morals a bit more after this, perhaps even reminding Selkie to behave occasionally when she gets upset.
I really love this comic c:
Aw, look! She’s not a total brat after all~
I don’t think these two were ever exactly friends, but other than getting outright bullied (like by Amanda), living under the same roof in sibling-like state of friendly rivalry and forced co-existence for so long is bound to make you care for others a bit. I’m hoping they can patch up that relationship with this chance, whether or not they become true friends afterwards. (Which they might, except I fear Amanda will welcome Heather back into her clique just to deprive Selkie of a friend.)
i think amanda will welcome her back, but after seeing this page, i know heather will make the right choice and sty with selkie if forced to choose. i think keisha is close to a change of heart too, but heather is clearly there. to me at least
In second to last panel, are the eyes of the dinosaur in Selkie’s dress going wide with surprise, too? Just noticed that.
Just a little bonus.
“While I wouldn’t expect someone Heather’s age to do this”
What, take that ball with no sign of any impact, or apologise?
I meant shrugging off a close-range slam to the chest with an 80 mile per hour soccer ball.
Kids are like that, sometimes. If something like that happened in the World Cup? There’d be fullbacks flopping over from the force of it. And probably some yellow cards, too.
Right after my kids decided soccer was a great idea, and right before they decided it sucked (about a two week period) we were in a 6 year old both-sexes game. This is usually roving bands of six year olds wandering around the field looking at flowers and occasionally someone kicks the ball.
This big bruiser of a kid just WALLOPS the ball, and it hits the goalie, a little tiny girl, going about 300 miles per hour. In the face. She falls backwards just like Heather, and just lays there.
Whistles blow, parents come on the field to survey the damage and take the kid to the hospital or morgue (as necessary) and the kid HOPS UP, JUMPS TO HER FEET, grabs the ball, and THROWS it halfway down the field.
NO effect, whatsoever. We were all amazed. Some kids are bulletproof.
please tell me someone put this on youtube XP
I would watch it.
Could this be a variation of the old adage that “sometimes, forgiveness begins with a kick in the nuts”?
Heather is known for being more physical with her peers and going 100 miles an hour, so I am not surprised how she reacted to a close-range hit to the chest. But yeah, they’re both good kids – this was what I was hoping would happen.
Soccer balls aren’t that hard. A good hit hurts a bit, but your chest has a lot of muscles there. A hit to the face or the nuts would hurt a lot more.
And with that one moment, more repair has been done to the relationship of the two families than the dinner ever could.
Play is dinner for eight year olds ^_^
Reading this made me think of this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vY-4zWKsJM
Heh, Heather does it? I did it! Not only that, but I’d do it after being hit on the head, even. It’s no big deal…some kids just have that kind of resistance.
I love it. Craps craps craps
And suddenly I feel sympathy for Heather. I hope they become friends.
XD I had a feeling Heather was going to think that kick was awesome…
Wow, very mature. Very cute. Heather must really feel bad for what she’s done.
I love how well you write kids. I tutored elementary school for 3 years, and this is exactly how this interaction would go down.
I’m glad to hear that because, to be honest, I was worried about an encroaching Lisa Simpson effect (30 year old mind in an 8 year old body).
So, thanks!
I once had a friend named Heather,
She died she died,
Selkie said she was sleeping,
She lied she lied,
Oh why oh why is Heather dead,
Couldn’t that soccer ball have hit me instead
I didn’t expect Heather to have such a mature reaction. I like it
I doubt any of my former classmates at school would had been able of taking it so easy -.-U
Seems like an explanation from Heather is imminent. Hopefully Selkie can understand the situation and forgive Heather. It’s normal for kids to pick on one kid in a group setting so they themselves can avoid being bullied. It’s not right or anything, but it is by no means abnormal.
Selkie will probably be angry at first, but forgive her in the end since she’ll understand Heather’s situation.
Right now this is all fine and dandy, but eventually I can see this turning pretty ugly for Amanda.
I’m spotting a potential serious assault-type bullying which ends bad with Amanda being hospitalized with Selkie’s bite.
Look, eventually she’s going to find out that her REAL DAD is the one who ADOPTED SELKIE. Maybe that’ll wait until last minute, but I think it might come as a “warning before the heartwarming conference” which will lead to an… incident.
Of course the happily ever after fairy patrol will sweep in and Todd and Amanda will meet with the knowledge that he’s her father and they’ll… end up living together.
As sisters.
And thence shall the house-destroying pranks begin.
Well, of course from that perspective there would also be Heather and Keisha getting to know Selkie and deciding she’s not so bad, thus “betraying” Amanda who hates too bitterly to let it go.
It’s going to happen that Todd finds out Amanda is his biological daughter. Of course Selkie will also find out about this. She may even run away thinking Todd will want his real daughter over his fake daughter and choose Amanda over her. I’m really curious about how that whole bit will pan out. Especially how Todd, Selkie, Andi and Amanda all react.
yeah that would hurt for sure but their right gettin cleated would be worse
not to mention cleated then compound fracture out the cleated wound
I imagine Barbie and Ken got REALLY imaginative in explaining to Heather what’s wrong with taking people’s clothes…