Want to take a moment out of the comic to thank you all for your readership, and continued patience with me and my shenanigans lately. There’s been some missed updates causing me to miss my preferred Three a Week schedule, mostly due to fatigue catching up with me, and I don’t really want to forget to stop and pass on my appreciation with everyone for putting up with it. I’m trying not to let it happen too much, but I know it’s annoying when it does. Working on it.
Would rather you take care of yourself Dave. My only concern related to that is when authors disappear for months with no contact and I worry that something happened to them. People’s health and safety always comes first.
Indeed. And I’m sure we’re all happy to get a few misses rather than have you burn out and quit completely or something.
I agree! We don’t want to lose you, either to bad health or artistic burnout! I’d much rather have a reduced schedule than lose the comic entirely, even if I cared nothing about you as a person!
Agreed. Heck take a week off to recover from time to time. You are more important than your comic.
Agreeing with everyone else.
If you need time, take time, Dave.
You are more important than trying to keep to a schedule and burning out. Your story is amazing and I think we’re willing to wait (I know I am) if it means you don’t burn out and it just stops because you can’t handle it any more.
tl;dr – rest when you need to, we’ll still be here.
Yeah, let us know if you’d like us to put together some guest comics so you can take a couple weeks off without feeling like you’ve somehow let down your audience.
That, or just say “Bye, guys, see you in a couple weeks” and take the time you need to get the rest of your ducks in a row. I’d rather you take care of yourself than burn out trying to keep up with a schedule.
(When there’s a day — or stretch of days — where I can’t manage to do anything useful, I remind myself that dragonflies stop flying when the wind gets too strong. So I call them “dragonfly days” and accept that there are reasons to stop and recharge, or to deal with unexpected or unreasonable circumstances.)
Hear hear! Put your own mask on first, Dave. We want you hale and hearty, not worked half to death.
Selkie, please, use your eyes (to other things than green glowy stuff too)!
Or are you telling me Amanda looks like she just learned any secrets, or at least any she’s happy to know?
to author: I must say, I love every panel in this (including the tiny one in the corner, it deserves some love too). Amanda looks just like a kid waiting for the consequences of her exposed rule-breaking, and Selkie just emanates uncontainable excitement.
You upload constantly, you talk to us when there are problems, and you do not just disappear for months on end. That makes you a top tier webcomic artist. THANK. YOU!
The art looks REALLY good today
The story has always been worth the wait! Thanks for all you do!
You are telling us an awesome story FOR FREE. Take the time you need to rest and handle life. We’ll be here.
I am grateful for what you can give us, whether that’s three a week or twice a month. Thank you for your work, whether you find it hard at the time or not.
It’s not like you’re the only webcomic that habitually misses updates. Trust me, most of us have seen way worse.
Your art is really starting to get a polished look to it Dave.
This is one of the best comics anywhere and I want to say thank you for sharing it with us.
Making comics is incredibly difficult and stressful, many authors burn out trying to push themselves too hard.
I don’t want that to happen.
please take care of yourself.
If that means fewer pages a week, less color pages, or a long break, if it keeps you healthy then it’s worth it.
Take care of yourself and family then worry about posting. I love the comic and fewer updates is alright. Your health and family are the most important thing.
How dare you not crank out comics 24/7! Kidding. Take care of yourself, man! 🙂
When a certain webcomic guy is threatening to paywall one of his more interesting works the fact that you keep with free updates alongside your freelancing is more appreciated.
Your health and personal life come first, Dave. All else is gravy.
Have not commented in a long while but I am still here reading every update! Your work is very much apriciated and loved!