Have a great piece of news to share with everyone today. Some of you may remember me mentioning in last Monday’s commentary thread that I was being interviewed by my local news paper about Selkie. The article went live yesterday! It’s available online here.
I want to thank the author Kathy Rem for giving me this opportunity, and everyone who called her last week to offer a reader’s perspective on the comic for going out of your way for me. I’ve known about this for a few weeks now, and I am still amazed it happened!
After the last few pages of drama, it was fun to break the mood with some bickering. XD
I really like how you can sympathise with every character. Well, apart from Amanda :P.
Great writing, Dave.
Also, yay for them bringing Selkie meat balls!
You can sympathize with Amanda too.
Georgie’s description -“Amanda knew and laughed” – can be taken to mean that Amanda conspired with Heather about the theft. It could even be taken to mean that it was Amanda’s idea, that she came up with the idea and pressured Heather into doing it… and what kind of influence do the Fairweathers have?
Amanda isn’t analyzing the phrase for the possible connotations and outcomes, of course. The point that outrages her is the statement that she knew, even though she didn’t. She found out (by overhearing Chris tell Mina and Jessie – remember, Amanda’s seat is at the front of the class, closest to the door).
Wow. “I should Youtube this.”
I have officially abandoned any opinion of her short of “Bluh bluh huge bitch.”
It is my firm belief that upon reading that, all of us wore a face. THIS face.
Pretty much
Problem is, there are people who think like this: “Hey, let’s entertain somebody by stripping down to our undies and taking a bath on the sink at work, nobody from work will see it”.
Or: “Let’s film us beating the crap out of this other girl in my house and put it up on YouTube to embarrass the victim, nothing’ll happen to US”.
This fool can’t possibly be thinking of filming this and putting it in a public forum where, oh I dunno, these kids’ PARENTS might see it and maybe sue her/the school/the teachers/the principal/the district/etc etc etc. She CANNOT be that stupid.
“Hey, let’s entertain somebody by stripping down to our undies and taking a bath on the sink at work, nobody from work will see it”.
Hey, I remember that clip, it made it onto ‘World’s Dumbest…’ once. Skinny teenage boy with a mohawk, right? (for those unfamiliar with the show, it’s a ‘reality clip show’ featuring various themes like ‘Drivers’ or ‘Brawlers’ while C-list celebrities mock the clips, the people, the cameraman, whatever. said clip was part of ‘Co-Workers’, IIRC) So yeah, that guy got laughed at on national TV. There’s an example of not thinking it through.
Actually I was thinking about the teen bimbos who did this at a KFC – stripped out of their uniforms and videoed themselves taking a bath in the big dishwashing sink…and then were surprised that they got fired.
She’s saying she should youtube it, but she’s not doing it. So three possibilities I can think of:
1. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, she’s also thinking “but I’d totally get fired.”
2. She thinking “If I’d known this would happen, I could have gotten it on video and put it on youtube.”
3. If she is really that stupid, and there’s a surveillance camera in there, she may be planning on copying from the surveillance tape and actually will put it on youtube. (And get totally fired!)
Ok, now I believe she SHOULD Youtube it, so that she DOES get fired. Because that is how much I dislike ineffective apathetic guidance “counselors” like her.
She isn’t a guidance counselor. She’s merely the school secretary. And I highly doubt she actually means that she WOULD do such a thing. Trust me, school personnel say or think stuff like this ALL THE TIME when kids are being super goofy.
she is seriously my favorite character for saying that. hilarious. (yeah, in real life terms she would suck, but for the comic she is GOLDEN)
It’d take a lot of character development to excuse that level of apathy.
Sounds like a Spinoff idea: The Adventures of Lisa the Snarky Secretary. Thrill as she sits in the office and reads pirate novels instead of filling out paperwork!
Season Two: Thrill as Lisa gets fired and has to take a job flipping burgers at the place where Todd and Selkie get Chili Dogs.
I actually took it as snark… She doesn’t mean it, she’s just making a joke.
I have to wonder how many of the people hating on Lisa for her comment have ACTUALLY worked with kids. I’ve worked in a daycare AND in an elementary school. And speaking from experience, you HAVE to learn to laugh about this kind of thing. Never in front of kids or parents, mind you (or if so under your breath, like I think Lisa is doing). But after hours or in a low tone of voice to a coworker, it’s a totally healthy coping mechanism that you HAVE to develop. Because if you don’t learn to chuckle to yourself about the crazy @#$% kids do to each other, you go home each day bearing all of their problems and all their anxiety on YOUR shoulders. And that stress will turn you into a “bad” teacher faster than any number of snarky comments.
Read her lines in Daria’s voice.
You know what’s shameful, there are teenagers who behave just like Amanda. (Shaking my head) That’s why I can’t wait to graduate this year & never see or deal these messy people ever again.
Teenagers? There are 30-somethings that act like Amanda, just with updated grammar…
And sometimes the grammar isn’t even updated at all…
And most of them join middle management.
Or politics
Where they then get involved all over again in catty high-school-style “he slept with, she slept with” ordeals.
Georgie IS awesome.
You are the awesome one. This webcomic is one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever. Any medium. Keep up the great work.
I just found this comic the first time through one of my many favorite webcomics,and am proud to say in 3 hours time, i read EVERYTHING and loved it. as an adopted child myself, this story hits home,and im so glad to have found this, thank you!
love it,the only thing i can say dave,is the colors of amandas shirt and skirt are reversed in the last panel compared to the other panels,but the faces made me laugh
selkie said it.
Amen to that.
Congrats on the article. It´s about time you become famous.
Yes Georgie, you ARE awesome
Also, secretary lady, your first thought definitely should not be to Youtube this, gosh! D:
Oh, this remind me of my own childhood. Result: everybody detention, everybody happy! Yeah, even the innocent ones…!
I thought the same thing, wow!
And sometimes adults too, sadly!
Congrats on the interview, it’s a very good article :). Also, yay for the break in drama, lol.
I’m just waiting for Amanda to fall on her face.
I feel sorry for Heather though. Not as much as for Selkie, but still…
I know what you mean. Sure, she stole the shirt, but… I don´t even think she was actually being mean. She just had that really REALLY dumb idea for getting back in Amanda´s good books. “Feel sorry” is perhaps putting it a bit strongly, but she´s also Amanda´s victim, in addition to be being the guilty party here.
Can’t tell if Amanda is more of a threat to the situation or the secretary.
Way to go, Dave, a fascinating article!
And us Welsh fans were mentioned- Mae’n hyfryd!
Thanks! Also, what’s Mae’n hyfryd mean?
It means someone mugged the inventor of the Welsh language and stole most of his vowels :-þ
Less facetiously (according to Google Translate) it means “It is wonderful”
o.o Dude, awesome avatar! It’s all… optical-illusiony…
Thank you
The Internet says it means something along the lines of “It’s wonderful.”
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t speak Welsh.
Soleana, spot on.
Paddy, correct on both counts, we think it was the same guy who robbed Finnish.
Not pointing any fingers, but Taa (Botswana) has 31 vowels. They could at least share.
Maybe you could open up a trade dialog?
It’s not consonant with current policy.
And Canada says they have no vowels to spare, eh?
The article was absolutely awesome. I am proud of you and that the world now knows that you and your work exist.
Thanks Nana!
Congrats on the article!!
Dave, I want you to know I will keep reading for as long as you keep writing. I read the article about the strip and I sincerely hope we will continue to see these amazing storylines for a long, long time – to high school and beyond!
First off, congrazzies on the article, Dave! :3 Maybe it’ll also increase the readership, if only by a little.
I think it’s safe to say that Selkie is very well-loved. <3
Which is one of the reasons why at some point in the future I'm going to be planning out a Selkie cosplay.
Which will more than likely involve a body suit as well as blue make-up. But it'll happen SOME DAY. And I shall spread the word of this wonderful webcomic! And I'll be practicing how to "talks likes this" to be dedicated to the role.
Also, I agree with Georgie. He IS awesome. :3 And he sorta reminds me of my brothers… only he doesn't have a beard. XD
And I once again bring up this point with the secretary: some people are not great with children. Even me! I have a few younger cousins and two nephews. Keeping my cousins in line when it's just me watching them is like telling a tree to be a fire hydrant. And my nephews? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE them to death as they are the most adorable toddlers I have ever had the pleasure of being related to (my cousin CJ isn't one of the most pleasant kids, I'll just say that much o___o ) but when it comes to kids you need A LOT of experience, A LOT of patience, A LOT of understanding, and as my mother says, it gets easier if you have a child of your own.
So is the secretary REALLY and different from anyone else who doesn't have a child or much experience with them? It's just one of those situations. And even though I myself have experience, even I still don't know how to discipline or tell children how to stop. Like how she had to be blunt with Selkie and Keisha earlier and just tell them to quiet down.
Why yes, I am analytical.
Oh Ehm Gee. If you ever do a Selkie cosplay, I want pictures!
Can do!
But it’ll probably be months before I can begin putting it together… “if money grew on trees”. :/
Regarding not being good with kids–I totally understand your point. I myself am utterly and completely bad at communicating with children. I don’t think anyone’s judging Lisa for not being perfect at dealing with the kids. The problem is that she’s completely uncaring and insensitive. She’s not even making a pretense at doing her job. Her whole attitude just screams ‘don’t care, can’t be bothered’. I would be that if she had to assist an adult in a similarly bad situation, she’d be just as dismissive and flippant.
The article was very good – I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t get quite a few new readers from it – and I definitely agree with the “building a community” part of what you’ve achieved with Selkie so far.
…and it’s good to know you’ve plans for Selkie all the way to high school.
Wow an article 8D omfg congrats.
You know what the hilarious thing is? In Spanish class right now the grammar lesson is modeled on what one must do to become famous. One of the methods/signs of fame mentioned was to be featured in a newspaper/magazine. No more use of subjunctive tense for you! :p
…aaand cue Todd to walk through the door into verbal (fortunately not physical) chaos.
I don’t know if you follow Scarygoround/Bad Machinery–the current story line feadures a Selkie. http://www.scarygoround.com/?date=20120214
Dave> I am sorry I missed contributing to the interview:(:( But good for you! Interesting new strip. I’d say more but others have already spoken before me! I’ll just sit back and wait and see!
I found your site today from 2the of my favorite webcomics. I then proceeded to ignore all of my homework piled up and read the entire story. I love it!!!!! You just got added to my favorite webcomics list! I wish I had found this story earlier. I can’t wait to keep reading as Selkie’s story continues! And congrats on the news article! You deserve it!
aw there all so mean to selkie…….kinda reminds me of school…:/ kids never change little selkie
In my house when I was growing up, sucks was not a swear word. Fuck sure was though.
Congratulations on the beautiful write-up! You definitely earned it.
That last panel…
Just detected an error: Amanda’s shirt and skirt swapped colors in the second and fourth panel. In the last one they are back to normal again.
Uh, wow. This strips been up for about three years and I never caught that. O_o
Why use youtube when you can put this in a comic?