Is now a bad time to mention that one time Joker tried to become a hero? And even at one point teamed up with Batman and *saved* him from another Batman?
Its brilliant. Selkie made Amanda a gift. And so now their parents told Amanda she has to say thank you and to wear it, because it was so nice of Selkie – Amanda has to be nice back.
Its exactly the sort of secret ways kids get under each others’ skin while exploiting adult authority.
And to top it off, now Amanda has to agree with Selkie’s story. Because Selkie is helping.
And Te Fahn has a better chance of buying it than most, since she’s new.
Of course, if she tells Georgie, or realistically anyone else, totally different story, so Selkie should really refine this one. Maybe their therapists are recommending it or something.
It might not be that unusual to practice how to put something together, especially if Selkie said that she had an interest in making neat hair accessories. It also wouldn’t be unusual to practice with something that wouldn’t actually do anything first, so as you don’t end up with explosions or something. Just something very realistic. I don’t really know what age they start practicing making stuff though.
Giving something that’s ‘completely useless’ to a sibling does sound like something a sibling would do. Te Fahn may not fully buy it, but if she asks around, the other kids may buy it as ‘She wasn’t given a choice’ or something like that.
Yass! I wish I could give your comment a thumbs up.
But I have to admit that is some pretty fast thinking there (as long as you don’t know that they hate each other… but again this could also be some sibling level sarcasm trolling)
Could maybe even play it as, if my parents find out that I actually didn’t like it I will get in trouble since I was: a.) actually making fun of Selkie sarcastically and didn’t actually like it or b.) hurt Selkie’s feelings because she was really excited to make me a gift (could also do a combination of the 2).
Amanda: Look, I’m taking it in the spirit it was received. We really ARE family, and you put up with a lot of sh- stuff for family, right? She’s still LOADS better than my last batch of siblings, even if she is a drama queen.
I will suspend judgment on whether this is a good play or not, as Selkie has way less experience with echo tech than all the other Sarnothi in that school and it’s possible one or all of them will recognize that it’s more than just a light up barrette.
I do wonder why they didn’t pin it under her hair, or at least find a cover for it. Unless it has to be in a very specific spot, I would think that it would be easy to hide underneath/inside an updo like a ponytail or bun. It could be that the placement has to be very specific, as I think Amanda doesn’t have to take it off far for its effects to not do anything.
I would have made it into a necklace. A pendant hanging on a chain that she wore under her shirt. Seems like there would be much less chance of losing that then there would be something that’s just clipped onto your hair.
Unless it has to be attached to your head to work.
Depending on the age, you could even attach it to a bra strap if need be. They are probably too young for that at this point though. Not sure if attaching it to metal would cause circuit issues.
Nice save. I think?
Ok, the bet gets better and better:
Who says the classmates are going to get suspicious if Selkie suddenly starts acting as she “loved” Amanda?
Sisters or not, they were arch-nemesis once…
Is almost like seeing Batman and Joker as pals.
Is now a bad time to mention that one time Joker tried to become a hero? And even at one point teamed up with Batman and *saved* him from another Batman?
I think that’s why selkie emphasised the garbage part.
a garbage gift is more believable than a regular one
Its brilliant. Selkie made Amanda a gift. And so now their parents told Amanda she has to say thank you and to wear it, because it was so nice of Selkie – Amanda has to be nice back.
Its exactly the sort of secret ways kids get under each others’ skin while exploiting adult authority.
And to top it off, now Amanda has to agree with Selkie’s story. Because Selkie is helping.
That’s actually some pretty quick thinking, whether it gets bought or not.
And Te Fahn has a better chance of buying it than most, since she’s new.
Of course, if she tells Georgie, or realistically anyone else, totally different story, so Selkie should really refine this one. Maybe their therapists are recommending it or something.
Easily could say that her parents recommended it. I could easily see either them or the grandparents be pushing for them to become more friends.
Yyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhh not sure Te Fahn is gonna buy it… She’s not dumb…
It might not be that unusual to practice how to put something together, especially if Selkie said that she had an interest in making neat hair accessories. It also wouldn’t be unusual to practice with something that wouldn’t actually do anything first, so as you don’t end up with explosions or something. Just something very realistic. I don’t really know what age they start practicing making stuff though.
Giving something that’s ‘completely useless’ to a sibling does sound like something a sibling would do. Te Fahn may not fully buy it, but if she asks around, the other kids may buy it as ‘She wasn’t given a choice’ or something like that.
Selkie makes a fast talk attempt.
Te Fahn will attempt a resist bullshit roll…
Yass! I wish I could give your comment a thumbs up.
But I have to admit that is some pretty fast thinking there (as long as you don’t know that they hate each other… but again this could also be some sibling level sarcasm trolling)
Thank you for the compliment! Although I don’t think they hate each other anymore…I’d say it’s down to “tolerate”.
*Insert Leslie Neilsen’s “Nothing to see here” gif*
Fairly sure this isn’t going to work, but Selkie’s definitely giving it a valiant (and highly suspicious) effort.
Now Amanda is going to have to pretend to love the garbage, as a reason not to want to take it off.
Could maybe even play it as, if my parents find out that I actually didn’t like it I will get in trouble since I was: a.) actually making fun of Selkie sarcastically and didn’t actually like it or b.) hurt Selkie’s feelings because she was really excited to make me a gift (could also do a combination of the 2).
Or even:
Amanda: Look, I’m taking it in the spirit it was received. We really ARE family, and you put up with a lot of sh- stuff for family, right? She’s still LOADS better than my last batch of siblings, even if she is a drama queen.
Selkie: IS(pronounced Ayes or Eyes) HEARD THATS!
I will suspend judgment on whether this is a good play or not, as Selkie has way less experience with echo tech than all the other Sarnothi in that school and it’s possible one or all of them will recognize that it’s more than just a light up barrette.
I do wonder why they didn’t pin it under her hair, or at least find a cover for it. Unless it has to be in a very specific spot, I would think that it would be easy to hide underneath/inside an updo like a ponytail or bun. It could be that the placement has to be very specific, as I think Amanda doesn’t have to take it off far for its effects to not do anything.
I would have made it into a necklace. A pendant hanging on a chain that she wore under her shirt. Seems like there would be much less chance of losing that then there would be something that’s just clipped onto your hair.
Unless it has to be attached to your head to work.
Depending on the age, you could even attach it to a bra strap if need be. They are probably too young for that at this point though. Not sure if attaching it to metal would cause circuit issues.
I like how she leads off with “It does nothing” which is almost true. There are *things* that would happen which, thanks to the barrette, don’t.
I summarize this page with, “Overcompensation practice.”
“Selkie made it during Echo practice” is a good idea. The rest of Selkie’s word scramble, though… That’s not going to end well.