Happy Halloween, everyone! As a form of treat, I’ve got a special thing to share with everyone today. 😀

A while back, I shared pictures GreenGlow emailed to me of a Selkie plush doll they hand made for me. The other day… it came in the mail! Since I had a chance to hold it personally in my hand, I decided to take pictures.

This… is me! With the doll! 😀
(The t-shirt I was wearing at the time was a happy coincidence, that wasn’t planned. XD)

Needing a place to put it, I decided to give Selkie a place with a few other plushes of mine. Some of these are childhood keepsakes, others were gifts or souvenirs or interesting thrift store finds.

Thanks again GreenGlow!

I don't know at this point if we will see a lot of the gym teacher Mr. Thompson beyond this scene, so just for fun here are some factoids about him: -First name: Chris. -Has a Masters Degree in health science. -Baseball enthusiast. -Collects turtles.