Pew pew
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AMANDA: I still say we should have tried to torture Tehk a little
SELKIE: Next times.
TE FAHN: Cans we please PLEASE not talk likes that?
GEORGE: Aaaw, they don't mean it.
TE FAHN: I know. Just... please don'ts Echo Zap my cousin, okay?
SELKIE: No promises.
GEORGE: Tehk's your COUSIN?! Why didn't you say so?!
TE FAHN: I-I'm sorry! I didn't knows the right word at first!
GEORGE: I'm sorry, if I knew he was your cousin, I wouldn't have been calling him a jerk.
TE FAHN: Wells he IS a jerk, so...
AMANDA: Hey, you heard that part about "Echo Zap", right?
AMANDA: I still say we should have tried to torture Tehk a little
SELKIE: Next times.
TE FAHN: Cans we please PLEASE not talk likes that?
GEORGE: Aaaw, they don't mean it.
TE FAHN: I know. Just... please don'ts Echo Zap my cousin, okay?
SELKIE: No promises.
GEORGE: Tehk's your COUSIN?! Why didn't you say so?!
TE FAHN: I-I'm sorry! I didn't knows the right word at first!
GEORGE: I'm sorry, if I knew he was your cousin, I wouldn't have been calling him a jerk.
TE FAHN: Wells he IS a jerk, so...
AMANDA: Hey, you heard that part about "Echo Zap", right?
Today's commentary gonna be cringey, just warning you. So, this scene is a bit of a meta joke to myself. Specifically the part about Te Fahn not knowing the right word for "cousin". In my first drafts of the whole introduction of Te Fahn and Tehk, I had a bit written up where George starts developing his crush on Te Fahn and Te Fahn introduced Tehk as her "betrothed". The intent being to do a Comical Misunderstanding setup where she meant to say "cousin" but got the english words mixed up, and George thought Tehk and Te Fahn liked each other so he went off a-sulking... and that's as far as the idea got, because while working that out I decided to axe the entire Comical Misunderstanding concept, because I had forgotten to account for the fact the characters are only in the eight-to-nine year old range. Way too young for jokes about betrothals and such. I also don't really want to imply that sarnothi society has betrothals as a regular thing, because they don't. The whole concept was just creating trouble that nobody needed.
Stop giving the Jin’Sorai ideas, Te Fahn.
Selkie: “Sos… I have confirmation that zapping people with my Echo magic powers is a real thing! Looking forward to the future now! MWAHAHAHA!”
Amanda: “Hey, since we’re sisters, if there’s somebody annoying me, can I get you to zap them FOR me?”
Selkie: “(horrified gasp!) Why Amanda! I can’t believe you’d suggest such a thing! Obviously the answer is ‘yes’.”
Amanda: “MWAHAHAHA!”
Te Fahn: “What have I done…”
“Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled what with your being betrothed and all.”
“Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.”
“One day, you two are going to be married.”
“I can’t marry her. She’s my friend.”
“Yeah. It’d be too weird.”
So many responses, so much Libra. You win the internet for the day, and we shall see how many people get this reference.
Well, it is a full dialogue scene from one of the most famous and beloved animated films of all time. I dare say it’ll be recognised by most of the readers here.
Eventually Selkie is going to have to learn to Echo-zap people properly, so she won’t do it accidentally or, worse, accidentally do it too hard.
The temptation is gonna KILL her
Echo-zap at low power levels causes the target to evacuate their bowels, just saying…
With great power comes great responsibility. Because of that, probably better let her get a little bit older first.
“Wells he is a jerk, so…” That cracked me up! 😀
I think every family has that cousin
Wait, Amanda doesn’t know about echos, right? Aside from maybe glancing Selkie’s eyes that one time. I mean, Todd literally avoided telling her the actual nature of Selkie’s lessons while Amanda visits.
Amanda’s reaction here sounds like she actually knows what Te Fahn means.
Even if the only thing she knows is that Selkie has a talent unique to Sarnothi that makes her eyes glow and that she needs to learn to use, here’s another Sarnothi implying that Selkie can “zap” people, and Selkie acknowledging this as a possibility. And that last panel might be Amanda fishing for more information.
Why is Sarnathi hair human-adjacent colors when their skin and eyes aren’t?
Why not?
I feel like mixing up friend and boyfriend would be pretty easy for sarnothi due to the similarity of the words, especially with some people using guy friend for a friend that is a guy. I also think that they would probably mix up colloquialisms and slang easily too.
I remembered Tehk’s Aunt and Uncle showing up a while back. Had no idea they were also Te Fahn’s parents.
They aren’t. The Fahn is a maternal cousin, but Tehks guardians are his paternal uncle and aunt.
Ah okay, thanks!
Is Te Fahn sticking her tongue out while calling Tehk a jerk? That’s cute, and a well-drawn addition. Thank you!
Considering you did a similar joke with her getting “freind” and “harem” confused, it’s probably a good thing that you cut that plot point.
Soooo cute