Droppin’ a heckin’ cuss
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TODD: Hey, wait. Are you two...
[ANDI types on her phone with breackneck speed, perilously racing against time to send TODD an emergency text message. In the blink of an eye, the mighty electrons reach TODD's phone with a resounding mighty "bleep"]
[On TODD'S phone is a series of text messages regarding past conversations from earlier in the evening, followed by ANDI's emergency text]
ANDI (TEXT): Todd, please please, shut up. I was NOT lying about keeping Amanda in the dark. pleeeeeeeaaaasssee
TODD: Hey, Selkie, lets get a move on home. We'll chitchat another time.
JESSIE: (quietly) thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
[ANDI types on her phone with breackneck speed, perilously racing against time to send TODD an emergency text message. In the blink of an eye, the mighty electrons reach TODD's phone with a resounding mighty "bleep"]
[On TODD'S phone is a series of text messages regarding past conversations from earlier in the evening, followed by ANDI's emergency text]
ANDI (TEXT): Todd, please please, shut up. I was NOT lying about keeping Amanda in the dark. pleeeeeeeaaaasssee
TODD: Hey, Selkie, lets get a move on home. We'll chitchat another time.
JESSIE: (quietly) thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
I put the meme in because the demons told me too
Saved by the silent ring tone!
Poor Jesse having a conniption fit right then
a-hyuck, I did it. Guilty!
Todd’s really not good with secrets is he.
I mean, Amanda had to get it from *someone*.
This whole sequence has been hilarious! Well done, Dave!
Typing full sentences at the speed of an awkward pause!
See, in Todd’s shoes I would have finished the conversation and THEN checked the message. Guess I’m old.
If he has a specific text tone set for Andi, I could see him wanting to check that immediately. Otherwise, yeah, I’m with you on that one.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he does, given “my daughter’s sister’s mom” is probably priority.
…What *is* Andi’s relationship word to Todd, since Selkie and Amanda are sisters with two unmarried parents who don’t have a cohabiting or custody relationships with the other’s child?
Some people opt for “baby mama.”
Some would say, “ex.”
Todd might use, “Amanda’s mom.”
But personally, I think they’ve reached the point where she’s simply “Andi” in his phone.
Don’t forget that it isn’t a “the other’s child” scenario. Andi isn’t Todd’s “daughter’s sister’s mom”, she’s “my daughter’s mother”.
You could most reasonably compare Todd and Andi’s relationship status to that of an amicably-divorced couple. They are no longer in a relationship together, but they get along with each other, and share responsibility of raising their kid. Andi is primary guardian due to being the one on the orphanage’s paperwork, but Todd still has legal paternity rights and is active in providing for Amanda’s support and care and raising.
Lol i get the ill do it again reference