Selkie 1345
on March 6, 2020
at 9:41 am
Today’s events inspired by reader comments. No de-scalping in my comic.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Today’s events inspired by reader comments. No de-scalping in my comic.
Hair bands. Another basic rule of safety is “No watches, rings, or dangly-things.” And that includes hair.
I would absolutely not want my dangly things caught in machinery
I have never heard of the ‘no rings’ rule except when working on car engines. My wedding band doesn’t come off, for health reasons; when I take it off it endangers my health. So I leave it on, and my dinner tastes less metallic, has less fewer nails and screws, and no poly-fill or cotton batting in it.
Anything that get caught, soldered, or generally heat up is discouraged. And when you work with high voltage equipment like I did in the Army, you don’t want to want to accidentally short a capacitor that’s the size of 16oz soda can, pretty heavy, and can hold 120vdc at 2amps or higher. At best, you learn a whole bunch of explicatives while nursing a 2nd degree burn. At worse, they’re taking you to the hospital while trying restart your heart. And that’s just on the electronics side of things. Things with moving parts are their own form danger.
and it gets even scarier when you combine those two… live Power distribution switchboards and in-operation 1200KW generators… have you seen the suits that Bomb-Squad / EOD Personnel use? yeah, that’s the kind of stuff you need to wear if you abso-poso-lutely NEED to go into a switchboard when it’s still energized with no way to do it when it’s dead… one of the checklist items before you get into that zoot-suit is to take of ALL metal objects… no if’s, and’s, or but’s… that’s just the stuff i’ve worked on during my time in the USN, and some of the high-voltage stuff like the 4160Volts the USN on bigger ships isn’t even the highest i’ve heard of… that would be stuff like the huge towers going cross-country at higher than 800,000 V
I have a friend who forgot to take off her wedding ring while teaching gymnastics. Child moved the wrong way, she kept the kid from getting injured but ended up with her ring caught on one of the hooks the rings and bars hang from. She now has a tattoo on the remaining nub of her ring finger in place of wearing a wedding band.
Earplugs would be a good idea.
Indeed. Which starts me wondering how big the ear-holes are on a half-size Sarnathi, and if human-designed plugs are useful?
Also, since her ear-holes are flat, not protected by the shell-shape of a human ear, are they at greater risk for airborne detritus like sawdust?
Many of these questions might become important before large numbers of Sarnothi refugees start entering the dry-land workforce.
Oooh…I wonder what colour the hairbands will be?
Aw, grandma did the low ponytail the covers Selkie’s ear-holes for her.
That, and high pony tails for short hair can be painful. At least, that’s how I remember it as a kid. Or it just might of been because my mom does not know how to practice gentle, and treats all hair like it was flying free all day while going on roller coasters.
Yup, tie your hair up and wear ear plugs. When I was younger I only wore ear plugs for what I thought was really loud stuff. As it turns out anything at 80dbs or higher can damage your hearing and a law mower can be at least 80dbs.
Now I wear ear plugs and safety glasses for all sorts of stuff I never imagined I needed to.
I have a genuine question. Can Selkie WEAR over the ear goggles (and glasses, which we’ve seen her in before), or would her ears be too small to properly support them? Might she be better off wearing eye gear that has the head straps, similar to underwater goggles?
She is probably using the ones with the elastic strap rather than ones that have arms, that way she can adjust them to fit.
Correct. You can see it here:
Well, the goggles I noticed, but I mean in a more general sense like with any eye wear at all.
With string/sudo strap. Please recall the sunglasses Selkie had to wear for a while.
Gotta say Dave, yer putting out a good and important message. I’m just so worried about Mandy throwing a dangerous hissy-fit in the shop. In a power tool shop tantrums lead to hospitalizations in Very Short order.
Of course -I- am burning to know how the Jog/Job job-jog went for Andi, Inquiring minds want to know!
The best part is, I can totally see this being something a short-haired dude like Gramps wouldn’t think of, and his wife would need to be the one to remind him.
I Googled lathe once when I had safe search accidentally disabled. It was not pretty. It involved a loose shirt. That’s all you need to know.
There are things one just does NOT want to know in graphic detail. Especially those of us with graphic imaginations. Or strong visual memories…. or both.
It can’t be worse than what us lab tech students found when googling “lab safety accidents” for making our own safety reminder thingy. We ended up drawing a cartoon instead of daring to print what we found. XD
“He’d better nots have a picture of THATS” ha, that takes me back to my jewellery class days. The art college had gruesome photographs of all the horrible injuries inflicted by the machines, hanging on the walls next to the machine in question.
I still remember most of my prof’s safety lecture for the polishing machine. It started with her pointing to the photograph of someone’s bruised and bloodied scalp and saying “That was a bad day.”
Thank goodness Mari remembered another lab rule. Kind of surprised Theo didn’t have hairbands on him to put their hair up. Since he seems to be very keen on those kind of rules. XD Oh well. At least Mari saved the day.
he’s a guy with short hair. and for quite a few years now i’m sure, very little of even that left… he just plain didn’t THINK of it, otherwise i’m sure he woiuld have at least said something about hair ties, etc…