Neither. This was hinted at way back during the underwater part. Scar admitted he was a terrible person before he ran into Selkie’s mother, which is how he ended up with a few replacement limbs and a new voice.
Nowadays he helps build the refugees’ village, helps people, and the only person who sees fit to remind him of who he was is a grade-A domineering asshole who uses that memory as leverage to keep him from reaching out to his daughter and force him to do what he wants instead.
Seems to me that no matter how bad he was, he’s sincerely trying to atone.
And Selkie’s mom is “a terrorist”. So we aren’t getting the full picture – though the slave thing was hinted at before so there’s prob some truth to it.
Now, let’s not panic (he said, from beneath the table). This could be no more than “Creepy German Guy Syndrome”. An entirely innocent but unfamiliar character becoming the focus of childrens’ imaginations.
…but I’m staying under here until the issue is resolved (dials for pizza)
@Dondonesque: ahh, Monster Squad.
Saw an English (G.B.) edition of Struwwelpeter. Srzly messed up stuff. But hey, from the same folks that brought you the Grim Fairy Tales. (Tip o’ th’ hat to the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm)
I love how angry Selkie looks in that last panel.
Perfectly shows that no matter how much Selkie jokes about being evil, she is a good person and will not stand for Echo powers being used to abuse her people. Bonus points because it naturally fits into her past experiences of being bullied, and therefore gives her a personal reason to hate bad Echoes.
Selkie, I think it’s time for a career change to Anti-Hero.
I don’t recall – is there any chance that Selkie knows that Scar is sometimes called Old Farmer? If so, her anger in the last panel could be because her friend is being “maligned”.
So basically, Selkie’s bio-father, the old farmer who was mutilated in a slave revolt, by Selkie’s bio-mom, who admits that he was “not being a good man” when he first met Selkie’s mother, used to enslave people.
I can’t help but think that this was obvious from context and that I’m a little baffled that people are saying “gotta be propaganda” or otherwise a misunderstanding/not the full story.
Scar was a colossal jackanape until Selkie’s mom kicked his butt, then after he changed his ways they made the fish with two backs and that’s how we got Terrorhammer, now he’s repenting by helping refugees while Plo Quar went into American territory to protect their child.
I’m reasonably certain that’s the narrative for what’s happened and I’m reasonably certain that was more or less already explained to us in bits and pieces before.
Yeah, not sure where the confusion and propaganda is here. Scar was clearly not a good person but has been trying to atone for his prior actions. I’m personally fine with that because he seems genuinely sorry and has seen the error of his ways, but I am admitted shocked by how cool everyone else is about this revelation of him having slaves. I assumed people would be flipping their collective you know what’s with how much vitriol they spit at Amanda and Andi even though those two are clearly trying to change their bad habits and become better people.
I guess it’s because Scar was introduced as a nice guy and we didn’t see his history. It only hurts if you see it, I suppose? Or maybe it’s because Selkie is his kid and she’s the protagonist so her family automatically has to be considered good? Idk, both her biological parents seem like they have some heavy sins to bare, but no one really seems to care.
There’s a depressing habit of humans to find relatable crimes more offensive then ones they have no personal experience with regardless of how objectively worse those crimes are. There is also what I’ve come to term *cultural blind eye* If a system of oppression or inequality is part of a culture people get themselves into all kinds of knots to justify, downplay or ignore it. Scar is an echo and the culture seems to grant them quite a lot of responsibility and expectations. However they are without a doubt privileged by birth rites and power. What Scar did is objectively more terrible than what Andi did… the difference is cultural setting. Scar was almost certainly raised with a sense of entitlement and a law of might makes right. Andi did her wrongs in full knowledge of how wrong she was and frankly her attitude and world view on the wrong is a lot more disturbing then Scar’s mutilated body and remorseful cander. Scar looks and acts like he’s been punished and working to help others even though he won’t ever be forgiven for his crimes there is a permanent stain on his social standing and his body. Andi comes across more interested in people empathising with her struggle then redeeming her injustice or even just accepting that no your not going to be forgiven for what you did and you have to live with that. No one is entitled to forgiveness and that’s why even now I still find her kinda deplorable, she just always has this air of entitlement in regards to being forgiven. You can work till the day you die to atone for your crimes but your victims decide if you get forgiven and acting like your actions entitle you to forgiveness rather than being done because it’s the right thing to do… well it shows how little you deserve forgiveness.
It’s precisely because slavery is such a degree of evil that you don’t get to just say sorry for and expect to be allowed to turn a new leaf – that’s way beyond being a colossal jackass. Yet since Scar does seem to be intended to be seen as having atoned and now a good guy, I assume there’s more to it.
Slavery is also kinda a loaded word with a lot of applications from the literal to the hyperbolic. Slavery could be a way of describing blackmail and manipulation tactics to keep people indented to work for him. Which is messed up but not quite on the level of complete removal of person-hood slavery can be. There is also the concepts of indentured servitude and work contracts. These all can fall under the banner of slavery but have a lot more rules to it. The way this is framed is he doesn’t just nab people he lures them in and entraps them so it feels like this is less the brute force slavery and more the gamblers/addicts entrapment. Getting people indebted and there for having just cause to zap them if they refuse to pay up. He may have even bought into his own facade, the idea they owe him and he had a right to take what was owed might have been something he genuinely believed
Counting Doc, Selkie, her mom, and Scar there are four among the Refugees/Rebels.
An unknown but presumably large number are in the city.
And if they’re distributed roughly equidistantly among the clans, the city may have just exiled three-fourths of the ones remaining, though I’d be willing to bet that they echoes were either imprisoned or executed rather than banished becuase you don’t’ give the enemy free wizards.
Oh, no. She’s not talking about Scar, is she?
… she said, before she checked the transcript message.
Dun Dunn Dunnnnnn!
What a tweest!
I mean it’s not that surprising, Scar seemed like a character with a deep sorrow, it’s possible he used to be a bad guy.
He even said he was before he met her mother.
Time to play “Dark Plot Twist About Character We Thought Was Friendly or Child Is Wildly Misinformed By State Propaganda”
Neither. This was hinted at way back during the underwater part. Scar admitted he was a terrible person before he ran into Selkie’s mother, which is how he ended up with a few replacement limbs and a new voice.
Nowadays he helps build the refugees’ village, helps people, and the only person who sees fit to remind him of who he was is a grade-A domineering asshole who uses that memory as leverage to keep him from reaching out to his daughter and force him to do what he wants instead.
Seems to me that no matter how bad he was, he’s sincerely trying to atone.
Pretty sure that’s the propaganda. I hope. Remember, Scar ran away and joined the rebel… oh. Oh no.
And Selkie’s mom is “a terrorist”. So we aren’t getting the full picture – though the slave thing was hinted at before so there’s prob some truth to it.
Scar was called “Old Farmer” by Gien, and Selkie was apparently conceived when she was at a place called “The Farm” with Scar.
Maaaan, this got dark REALLY DAMN FAST.
“She” = Plo Quar.
Now, let’s not panic (he said, from beneath the table). This could be no more than “Creepy German Guy Syndrome”. An entirely innocent but unfamiliar character becoming the focus of childrens’ imaginations.
…but I’m staying under here until the issue is resolved (dials for pizza)
Meinen Sie der Struwwelpeter? Or like in the Hitchcock movie; “Lifeboat.”
Bless you Geneseepaws, I’m not nearly that sophisticated. I was thinking of “The Monster Squad.”
Brrr… Struwwelpeter!
@Dondonesque: ahh, Monster Squad.
Saw an English (G.B.) edition of Struwwelpeter. Srzly messed up stuff. But hey, from the same folks that brought you the Grim Fairy Tales. (Tip o’ th’ hat to the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm)
Ah, finally we return to that loose end “which side of the slave revolt was Mr K’Limdai on, exactly?” No, we haven’t forgotten.
I love how angry Selkie looks in that last panel.
Perfectly shows that no matter how much Selkie jokes about being evil, she is a good person and will not stand for Echo powers being used to abuse her people. Bonus points because it naturally fits into her past experiences of being bullied, and therefore gives her a personal reason to hate bad Echoes.
Selkie, I think it’s time for a career change to Anti-Hero.
I don’t recall – is there any chance that Selkie knows that Scar is sometimes called Old Farmer? If so, her anger in the last panel could be because her friend is being “maligned”.
So basically, Selkie’s bio-father, the old farmer who was mutilated in a slave revolt, by Selkie’s bio-mom, who admits that he was “not being a good man” when he first met Selkie’s mother, used to enslave people.
I can’t help but think that this was obvious from context and that I’m a little baffled that people are saying “gotta be propaganda” or otherwise a misunderstanding/not the full story.
Scar was a colossal jackanape until Selkie’s mom kicked his butt, then after he changed his ways they made the fish with two backs and that’s how we got Terrorhammer, now he’s repenting by helping refugees while Plo Quar went into American territory to protect their child.
I’m reasonably certain that’s the narrative for what’s happened and I’m reasonably certain that was more or less already explained to us in bits and pieces before.
Yeah, not sure where the confusion and propaganda is here. Scar was clearly not a good person but has been trying to atone for his prior actions. I’m personally fine with that because he seems genuinely sorry and has seen the error of his ways, but I am admitted shocked by how cool everyone else is about this revelation of him having slaves. I assumed people would be flipping their collective you know what’s with how much vitriol they spit at Amanda and Andi even though those two are clearly trying to change their bad habits and become better people.
I guess it’s because Scar was introduced as a nice guy and we didn’t see his history. It only hurts if you see it, I suppose? Or maybe it’s because Selkie is his kid and she’s the protagonist so her family automatically has to be considered good? Idk, both her biological parents seem like they have some heavy sins to bare, but no one really seems to care.
Eh whatever I really like Andi and Amanda. XD
There’s a depressing habit of humans to find relatable crimes more offensive then ones they have no personal experience with regardless of how objectively worse those crimes are. There is also what I’ve come to term *cultural blind eye* If a system of oppression or inequality is part of a culture people get themselves into all kinds of knots to justify, downplay or ignore it. Scar is an echo and the culture seems to grant them quite a lot of responsibility and expectations. However they are without a doubt privileged by birth rites and power. What Scar did is objectively more terrible than what Andi did… the difference is cultural setting. Scar was almost certainly raised with a sense of entitlement and a law of might makes right. Andi did her wrongs in full knowledge of how wrong she was and frankly her attitude and world view on the wrong is a lot more disturbing then Scar’s mutilated body and remorseful cander. Scar looks and acts like he’s been punished and working to help others even though he won’t ever be forgiven for his crimes there is a permanent stain on his social standing and his body. Andi comes across more interested in people empathising with her struggle then redeeming her injustice or even just accepting that no your not going to be forgiven for what you did and you have to live with that. No one is entitled to forgiveness and that’s why even now I still find her kinda deplorable, she just always has this air of entitlement in regards to being forgiven. You can work till the day you die to atone for your crimes but your victims decide if you get forgiven and acting like your actions entitle you to forgiveness rather than being done because it’s the right thing to do… well it shows how little you deserve forgiveness.
It’s precisely because slavery is such a degree of evil that you don’t get to just say sorry for and expect to be allowed to turn a new leaf – that’s way beyond being a colossal jackass. Yet since Scar does seem to be intended to be seen as having atoned and now a good guy, I assume there’s more to it.
Slavery is also kinda a loaded word with a lot of applications from the literal to the hyperbolic. Slavery could be a way of describing blackmail and manipulation tactics to keep people indented to work for him. Which is messed up but not quite on the level of complete removal of person-hood slavery can be. There is also the concepts of indentured servitude and work contracts. These all can fall under the banner of slavery but have a lot more rules to it. The way this is framed is he doesn’t just nab people he lures them in and entraps them so it feels like this is less the brute force slavery and more the gamblers/addicts entrapment. Getting people indebted and there for having just cause to zap them if they refuse to pay up. He may have even bought into his own facade, the idea they owe him and he had a right to take what was owed might have been something he genuinely believed
“…and he lives in a place he called The Dells…”
So… how many echos are there?
Counting Doc, Selkie, her mom, and Scar there are four among the Refugees/Rebels.
An unknown but presumably large number are in the city.
And if they’re distributed roughly equidistantly among the clans, the city may have just exiled three-fourths of the ones remaining, though I’d be willing to bet that they echoes were either imprisoned or executed rather than banished becuase you don’t’ give the enemy free wizards.
Free Wizards would be an awesome band name, though.
So “Plo Quar” translates to “Zapping”?
Cause she’s got “Bette Laser eyes.”