Just another day in the kelp.
Fanart update to share today! Jeremy Kuehnau shared this take on Selkie with me:
Thanks, Jeremy!
Wild eels don't say silly things like "I am pants!" (the handlers taught him that, due to a perverse sense of humor). Wild sarnothi eels are more likely to mimic cries for help, or the wails of a lost child.
hm, from what i remember about PAANTS! size, i´d say the wild eels got to be smaller – no way selkie could´ve flipped that bugger on its belly!
also, looks as if georgie has a wee little crush! apparently talking about how you hunt down your own meals is the way to this guys heart
Based on the motion she does with her hands plus her phrasing, I’d guess it’s less of a flip she’d do, and more of an “I literally ripped out a chunk of your tail muscles, have fun swimming straight from now on”.
Yeah, that’s how I read it as well. She hides so it goes past her, then pops out behind it and cuts the fish equivalent of hamstrings or Achilles tendon. Then it flops around uselessly on its own ’cause it can’t swim anymore.
We have murder parrots in Wales!
…no we don’t. I was trying to sound cool.
We have murder birds in Texas!
…In that I sometimes want to murder the mockingbird that learned to mimic my alarm clock.
But to kill a mocking bird is to sin.
…I’m sorry. I had to.
But all the blue jays you can hit… I love that book!
Too bad there was never a sequel.
(Despite advertisements, Go Set a Watchman wasn’t a sequel but the first draft of the story. Basically, everything was thrown out and rewritten and the story clearly has no continuity with the actual story. I hope that whatever publisher conned that manuscript into being published had to go set a broken jaw.)
That is exactly why they are called “mocking birds.”
We also have that up here, they sound like alarm clocks, back-up beepers from trucks, or car alarms. You have my sympathy.
I want a murder parrot.
Yeahhh I don’t blame you Todd, I’d feel sore about that memory too
Georgie just discovered the sweet little girl he’s crushing on is a warrior-girl
Dude is in loooooove.
Hard to tell if it is crushing, or just hero worship, … either way the dude is a “gonner”. Strong smart women, they are our Kryptonite. He may as well get his nose pierced. He’s not even fighting it, poor sod. He’ll be the first one married.
Hey, Dave; tell us the story of the commoner and the princess/warrior and how he won her heart, and then she swooped in to (save his as***) save him from danger!
Does kelp grow in fresh water? Does it grow in Lake Superior?
Kelp is a saltwater seaweed, so no, it doesn’t grow in Superior (I thought they lived in Lake Michigan – oh well, doesn’t grow there either).
But seaweed, of some sort, does grow in fresh. It’s quite possible that she is using the term KELP to mean any type of aquatic weed.
Once we’ve accepted giant murder-parrot eels, having Selkie-world lakes also include a fresh-water strain of kelp isn’t much of a stretch.
I disagree, it’s not that much of a stretch from regular eels, they’re smart, are ambush predators and can grow over 3 meters long, really it’s the noise making that’s the oddest
Selkies people have obviously passed the hunter-gatherer level – given both their population density and since they raise cattle (eels), who’s to say they haven’t unlocked the agriculture and selective breeding (plant) research feats as well? If land people can breed wild maize into modern corn even before genetic science, sea people can breed fresh-water kelp.
My murder-cats are plenty for me. Sweet soft fluffy boys that keep leaving dead rabbits on the porch. Focus on the stinkin’ squirrels and not the rabbits! And don’t bring back any more mourning doves!
What were we talking about?
Oh yeah: the boys like to mimic their prey all the time. When they see birds through the window, their meows will sound like bird calls. Like they’re trying to lure the birds in through the solid glass. It’s hilarious.
Do yours also do that bizarre “chattering” sound? Freaked the heck out of me first time I heard my cat do that.
In my family we call it “yammering”, and yeah, it’s both hilarious and eerie.
Oh yes, they do that. It’s hilarious. I think of it as them saying “Hello fellow birds, I am a bird and not a cat so it is safe to come closer!”
We always assumed it was a machine-gun sound and the cats were playing their version of a video game with the window as their screen
Hay does any of you think that it’s odd that when Selkie talked about her people/shown people the eye thing and she got in trouble.
But Todd is doing that exact same thing but with the talking eels.
Selkie got in trouble because she was showing off Echo stuff, which is supposed to be kept secret. Todd and Te Fahn are just talking about simple, daily life stuff like hunting food.
I’m really happy to see Te Fahn come out of her shell a little bit.
First – Me: Oh dang, I got dark last time… Dave: I can top it.
Next – Always the quiet ones that are secret Kaiju killing bad asses.
Kinda cool that she’s basically describing hamstringing it. Same as a canine does on large four-footed prey animals.
I love how Todd’s expressions convey how much he hatea rhe things and how bad/scary the memory is. You get the sense vegetarian or not he would be glad to spear one!
*looks at first panel*
Somewhere a carbosilicate amorph is wondering if he is being called out. . .
Todd seems to be in a bit of a mood through most of this visit. Maybe because so many people he didn’t expect arrived.
This mood on this topic is specifically because he’s remembering getting his head bit. He’s actually being pretty even so far considering how traumatic that was
It’s just that in 4 out of the last 5 pages he was in, he was showing some degree of annoyance. Even seeming to roll his eyes at Mary.
So you also noticed the aggressive pacing.
Yes. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
Are they the “Hi I’m a Social Justice Warrior Vegan and I’m going to judge your in the harshest way possible if you eat anything but natural foods and by the way did I mention I was Vega?” vegans, or are they more the “yeah I’m vegan but I’m not gonna push it on you. Wanna watch a movie?” vegans
Annelie isn’t vegetarian or vegan at all; only Brandon is “full v, my dude.”
I’m pretty sure George just entered puberty.
You reckon his voice just changed?
8 years old is a bit young for that. It’s puppy love, not sexual.
I really don’t think they’re the militant type. I mean, they didn’t seem to have any issue with the kids eating previously faced things (those cheesey nuggets) and any mentioning of veganism was less “I’m better than you” and more “oh, this is my dietary choice, don’t want to impose” (which wasn’t an imposition, as we saw a few pages back)
They seem pretty chill, and their shock at hunting talking eels (for folks who haven’t encountered them, or even been aware of their existence) seems pretty normal to me (I mean, even the kids who knew Selkie for years, and who’ve accepted everything about Sarnothi in general were/are pretty shocked by this story)
That was supposed to be a reply to Burr up there…I blame posting from my phone.