On a not-comics note, I decided this weekend to do a thing I saw online: re-read a book that was required reading in high school, because you may have a different take on it when you’re reading it voluntarily. I chose The Joy Luck Club, three chapters in so far.
Stay awhile, and listen...
and again i´m in awe at the amount of patience pohl has….and starting to get a bit worried what selkie will do with her powers once she gets the hang of it. she is SO not mature enough to handle it responsibly
I suspect that Pohl is smart enough to only give her what she is mature enough to handle. And to work on her maturity while she does it.
I SWEAR I wasn’t this cocky of a kid, lol. That’s the only thing that bugs me about Selkie’s personality, buuuuut I still kinda love her XD And Pohl is freakin’ awesome
If child characters get portrayed as angels without character flaws, the writer isn’t doing their job
Something that cropped up recently on another site was the comparison between Captain Kirk of the original series and Captain Kirk of the reboot movies. And, yeah, reboot!Kirk is pretty obviously inferior in just about every way. BUT he is at the start of his character arc, whereas we were introduced to Kirk the original quite a ways into his. He’d had time to grow and mature, to form a bond with his crew and with Spock in particular, and to understand his role as captain.
reboot!Kirk is cocky and annoying because he hasn’t yet gone through that character arc. And it would be unrealistic for him to be mature or suave at this point in his life.
I think the same of the X-Men movies, at least with Rogue, who was pulled back to before she got her confidence, and Iceman, who’s got a long way to go before he’s one of the most powerful mutants in existence. Or even Cyclops, a character I’ve never liked, who in the movies hasn’t yet developed into a competent leader capable of adjusting to the needs of his team so they respond to (instead of react to) his commands.
It’s interesting to approach stories from the points before the characters develop, from where they’re still showcasing pretty obviously negative qualities.
Eh. I was. Still am in some ways. If I feel I know a subject, I will be far more bullheaded then I need to be, even against obvious superiors in the subject.
Now, I’ll state right now, if I’m -actively- at the absolute start of a subject, haven’t learned anything of it, etc? I ain’t pushing to pretend that I’ve mastered it just from taking one step further along the route. But once I learned long division there was more then one instance where I boasted that I could perform any mathematical equation in under a minute. It proved true amongst my classmates, but I have since learned of exactly how crazy math gets at higher echelons and I have since stopped said boasting.
Reminds me a little of this experience as a kid:
I assume that Selkie sees this as an exciting new game, where she is staring in her very own Jedi movie. It is the burden on Pohl that he must teach her that this is a discipline, with rules, and consequences? Or is this Todd’s job? Ideally it would be Selkie’s mother who would teach her this.
In high school we had our choice of Tale of Two Cities, or Oliver Twist, cause they were -Hot Topics- and fresh off the presses. Two Cities was the dickens to get through. Although I did have a girl-friend, … It was the worst of times but also the best of times.
The book I ought to reread is Vanity Fair. What I remember about it is wanting to kick most of the characters — the virtuous ones for being such idiots, and Becky Sharp for running up all those big debts that she never had any intention of paying.
When I recently had occasion to look the book up on Wikipedia, it occurred to me that at age 15 I… well, I may just have missed a nuance or two of Thackeray’s intentions. I should reread it now to see if at age 74 I have a different opinion.
Ah, so it’s heterodyning. Selkie universe is the same as Girl Genius universe confirmed?
It would explain so much…
It’d explain where the Sarnothi came from, for sure. Mad Spark, possibly a reaction to Britain being further flooded…
Or humans are a Sarnothi experiment gone horribly wrong.
“TREMBLE in amazement at the sight of my super intelligent APE-EELS!”
“These useless things can’t even breathe water. Just release them on the land and forget them.”
It’s A Glorious Day FOR SCIENCE!
Worf says: Every day is a Glorious Day… For SCIENCE!!
“Quiet, calm, and listen” … Pohl really hasn’t spent much time around Selkie, has he?
Being a god is not easy, nor all that much fun… at least it wasn’t for me.
No, you need an axe and a son first…
Then you need a really Big hammer for your son.
Man. I really hope that Selkie can get a handle on these soon. Cuz what if they get worse? :/
I imagine the music she is hearing sounds a lot like the Imperial March
For what it’s worth…I hated the literature I had to read in school. In some cases I wound up liking other works by the same writer while still not much liking the school book. (Orwell: “1984” read for school and hated, “Animal Farm” read in the school library and thoroughly enjoyed…much later, read his essays and “Homage to Catalonia” and enjoyed them even more.) Didn’t realize any of this until years after.
By all means, give it another try.
I don’t even remember what I had to read for high school. MIDDLE school, now, that stuff I remember. Lord of the Flies tends to make an impression on sixth-graders.
If someone asks you if you’re a god, you say YES! (Even if the one asking is you.)